Nocheat is an old and dead anticheat and yes, it has been emulated by cheat clients. That is NOT the one the TS servers are nagging you about. That one is availible here.
That -1 was intentional suicide before i gave up. to bad u wouldnt rematch.
anti cheat itself is a dead word in q2, there is zero effective clients, they are just used for little things like font scaling and shit like that, 1/2 of the anti cheat clients that have come out in q2 have been made form the same stupid brazilian retard who made hacks himself and admitted to it.
I'm just saying it's a good client , it always has been . If you wont play a player becuase he uses nocheat do to only suspect that it may be a hacked version that is just crazy . there is plenty of other clients that have been emulated at least with nocheat it was one that was public . I am not disputing there may be other well made clients either but thats all matter of opinion and personal preference .