I did not even see any good players from Tastyspleen here in QuakeCon, like Naymlis, Barton, Optica, etc...!
I don't see why these people should have to take a week off from their jobs and their lives and pay money to fly/road-trip to some QuakeCon thing just so YOU can feel like a video game is still relevant. Fuck QuakeCon.
You can play the game from home and save gas. The game is relevant as long as YOU play it. And it ain't getting any younger. The older it gets, the fewer regular players it has. So be glad it's lasted THIS long. How many other games from the late 90's are still getting any play? Quake1 hardly has ANYONE. Finding a Q1 game is tough. But Tastyspleen DM is pretty much always busy with at least 2 people. Could be worse.
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
EX you LPB, on tasty you ping like your on LAN
you guys check out my Quake 2 20th anniversary archive website: http://dondeq2.wordpress.com no apathy here!!!