Author Topic: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order  (Read 27979 times)

Offline The Dreaming Dragon

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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2012, 09:56:43 AM »
The problem of greedy corporations and cooporative governments is nothing new.The East India Trading company had its own Army to watch for its interests.

We are in Afganistan for "rare earths" and its used in electronics somehow.But its a business interest and our government is for hire,and our armed forces are franchised out like McDonalds to the world to topple inconvenient governments not with the program.It's sort of Rome going out to conquer territories around it simply for economic gain but with propaganda of a specific directorial slant,artistic license in their portrayal these blatant invasions by us in the Middle East was of Fighting for Democracy. I doubt the natives ever see a penny of the profit of their own lands,unless it's the bribes their warlords take to go along with it all.We are finding reasons to occupy these rich lands with Military force and corporations devour the resources.And they won't go away,no matter how many kids you convince to blow themselves up for your bottom line. Middle management,like any resource,is expendable.

Rome did this,but it installed Republic 2.0 and standardized some basic services,so overall it was a good thing. Not so with these new conquerors. They make the excuse and then proceeed to "rebuilding Infrastructure" robbing the country blind with their Blessed cororation golfing buddies. If these guys did the right thing and offered an American worker a job that one can support a family with then they would poor that money back into aquiring goods and services=More Profits. But these guys only seek to reward themselves.My compnay was bought out by  longtime competitor,and has since been systematically dismantled,all to pay the top executives Incentive Bonuses.Stores closed,reassigned to places so far away they are Counting on you accepting a layoff.Stores Sold,big money...all in very few pockets. Destroying lives to reward themselves. Well,last week two corporate Rat People showed up because the store had 25 hours overtime,and they demaned the store cut hours,well the Maitenance department got hit hardest,only 30 hours for the whole department.Days would go by with noone to clean the toilets.When the GSM asked"Who will clean it if there's a mess?" and they replied "YOU WILL".Maybe they ARE fucking Lizards masquerading as humans. That is what you are up against. Compared to their lives you are a mere abstraction.Quantifiable,consumable,costly.Not worth your keep,not worth their notice,they have People for that.I picked a good week to be on vacation! Another benefit of working nights...executives rarely come at 8am when I leave work.I miss seeing such folk,and never regret it,but from several sources I have heard this pair were uniforly lothesome.Telling a woman who has achieved the helmsmanship of a whole store told to clean toilets...actually,there WAS a mess,and one smart lady just hung a sign on the door saying Out of Order,and that was that !

I can only imagine the lifestyle of the Obscenely rich...I imagine lits like James bond,yahts and blondes and tuxes at dinner and wild and dangerous places picteresque views and sunny smiles.Cocktails and arched eyebrows.News so much noise of passing interest drowned out by the clicking of glases and hearty laughter. I remember George Bush senior being facinated by a supermarket scanner,technology around since the 80s. No concept,no clue.Nor any reason to.

How do you stop them?

To Be Continued...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 06:54:30 PM by The Dreaming Dragon »
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RIP Pepp   ✟


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Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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