i believe opentdm can do location with just %L which might fix the problem? you wont have loc_there with that which i use some times for saying items are available or for pointing out enemies my teammate can cut offit also might be the syntax you are using in your autoexec with the bind....for starters, dont stick them in config.cfg put them in an autoexec.cfg and use a syntax similar to this with r1q2 ${$loc_here}
how many configs do you use and how many are in your baseq2 folder
"Location" is what comes up when you use the command on a map that doesnt have a loc file.
Doesn't typing "bind" in the console show what your keys are bound to? Maybe after the key starts using MM1 you can type bind and see what it says. Don't you rebind keys, for example holding 1, or hitting 1 then 4 does something? My guess is it's something with the rebinding and the configuration files having multiple entries. If it happens often enough, you could try renaming your old configs .bak, and then adding the binds and aliases one at a time until something's up?