Author Topic: Post Your DM Confgs  (Read 2787 times)

Offline X'tyfe

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Post Your DM Confgs
« on: June 04, 2005, 10:15:19 AM »
Hey All

Im Learning To Play Quake2 (sorta)
I Know A Good Cfg Setup Really Helps
And Was Wondering If Anyone Would Mind Sharing Theres
Or Anything Else That Helps Them Play
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Offline naymlis

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Re: Post Your DM Confgs
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 05:10:21 PM »
this is the cfg I use currently, i change stuff every now and then though (made for both r1q2 and q2advance):

// generated by quake, do not modify
alias smiles "say :D; bind v smiles2"
alias smiles2 "say d:; bind v smiles3"
alias smiles3 "say :p; bind v smiles4"
alias smiles4 "say :); bind v smiles"
bind TAB "inven"
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "say_team ] $$loc_here ["
bind ' "invdrop"
bind * "+movedown"
bind + "sizeup"
bind , "+moveleft"
bind - "sizedown"
bind . "say :("
bind / "join 2m; join 2m; join 2m; join 2m"
bind 0 "use BFG10K"
bind 1 "NRG"
bind 2 "NLR"
bind 3 "SSG"
bind 4 "NUR"
bind 5 "NMR"
bind 6 "NL"
bind 7 "NA"
bind 8 "NSG"
bind 9 "NUG"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "nha"
bind c "RG"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "GL"
bind f "HB"
bind g "GREN"
bind h "wave 0"
bind i "use invulnerability"
bind j "wave 1"
bind k "wave 2"
bind l "wave 3"
bind m "say_teamace $red [NEGATIVE/CANT HELP]"
bind n "say_teamace $arw [ROGER/ON MY WAY]"
bind o "ff"
bind p "use power shield"
bind q "CG"
bind r "RL"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "wave 4"
bind v "smiles"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "score"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "play weapon.wav"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "invdrop"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind ALT "+movedown"
bind CTRL "play armor.wav"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind CAPSLOCK "say d:"
bind F1 "cmd help"
bind F2 "menu_savegame"
bind F3 "menu_loadgame"
bind F4 "menu_keys"
bind F5 "say_team Quad Taken; play quad.wav"
bind F6 "say_team Quad 30"
bind F7 "say_team Quad Available"
bind F8 "say_team Enemy Quad; play quad.wav"
bind F9 "echo Quick Loading...; wait; load quick"
bind F10 "say_team Red Armor Available"
bind F11 "say_team Yellow Armor Available"
bind F12 "say_team Megahealth Available"
bind INS "+klook"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind PGUP "messagemode"
bind END "centerview"
bind KP_END "crosshair 1"
bind KP_PGDN "sky black"
bind KP_INS "accuracy"
bind KP_SLASH "+movedown"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "+EN"
bind MWHEELDOWN "fov 114; sensitivity 10; cl_gun 0"
bind MWHEELUP "fov 94; sensitivity 9; cl_gun 1"
bind PAUSE "pause"
alias WUG "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] UNDERGROUND ["
alias WSG "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] SSG ["
alias WA "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] ARENA ["
alias WL "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] LIFT ["
alias WMR "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] ROOM ["
alias WUR "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] UPPER RL ["
alias WLR "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] LOWER RL ["
alias WRG "say_team $red WEAK ENEMY ] RAIL ["
alias NUG "say_team $red ENEMY ] UNDERGROUND ["
alias NSG "say_team $red ENEMY ] SSG ["
alias NA "say_team $red ENEMY ] ARENA ["
alias NL "say_team $red ENEMY ] LIFT ["
alias NMR "say_team $red ENEMY ] ROOM ["
alias NUR "say_team $red ENEMY ] UPPER RL ["
alias NLR "say_team $red ENEMY ] LOWER RL ["
alias NRG "say_team $red ENEMY ] RAIL ["
alias SSG "use shotgun; use super shotgun"
alias GREN "use blaster"
alias RG "use railgun"
alias HB "use hyperblaster; use bfg10k"
alias RL "use rocket launcher"
alias GL "use grenades; use grenade launcher"
alias CG "use machinegun; use chaingun"
alias DSSG2 "drop shells; wave 1"
alias DSSG "drop super shotgun; drop shotgun; say_team $blu SG/SSG ] $$loc_here [; bind 3 DSSG2"
alias DG "drop grenades; say_team $blu NADES ] $$loc_here [;"
alias DRG2 "drop slugs; wave 1"
alias DRG "drop railgun; say_team $blu RG ] $$loc_here [; bind c DRG2"
alias DHB2 "drop cells; wave 1"
alias DHB "drop hyperblaster; drop bfg10k; say_team $blu HB/BFG10k ] $$loc_here [; bind f DHB2"
alias DRL2 "drop rockets; wave 1"
alias DRL "drop rocket launcher; say_team $blu RL ] $$loc_here [; bind r DRL2"
alias DGL2 "drop grenades; wave 1"
alias DGL "drop grenade launcher; say_team $blu GL ] $$loc_here [; bind e DGL2"
alias DCG2 "drop bullets; wave 1"
alias DCG "drop chaingun; drop machinegun; say_team $blu CG/MG ] $$loc_here [; bind q DCG2"
alias nha "Say_team NEED HEALTH/ARMOR ] $$loc_here ["
alias nw "say_team NEED WEAPON ] $$loc_here ["
alias -DN "bind q CG; bind e GL; bind r RL; bind f HB; bind c RG; bind g GREN; bind 3 SSG"
alias +DN "bind q DCG; bind e DGL; bind r DRL; bind f DHB; bind c DRG; bind g DG; bind 3 DSSG"
alias -EN "bind b nha; bind 1 NRG; bind 2 NLR; bind 4 NUR; bind 5 NMR; bind 6 NL; bind 7 NA; bind 8 NSG; bind 9 NUG; -DN"
alias +EN "bind b nw; bind 1 WRG; bind 2 WLR; bind 4 WUR; bind 5 WMR; bind 6 WL; bind 7 WA; bind 8 WSG; bind 9 WUG; +DN"
set cl_timer_backpack "0"
set cl_timers "1"
set hud_scale ".79"
set hud_pic_logo "100 100 .5 logo 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_wep "670 530 1 !curwep 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_wep "720 570 1 !ammo_wep 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_slugs "570 595 .5 !ammo_slugs 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_cells "495 595 .5 !ammo_cells 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_rockets "430 595 .5 !ammo_rockets 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_grenades "383 595 .5 !ammo_grenades 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_bullets "320 595 .5 !ammo_bullets 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_ammo_shells "230 595 .5 !ammo_shells 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_bfg_bg "520 570 .75 bg_bfg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_rg_bg "570 570 .75 bg_rg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_hb_bg "475 570 .75 bg_hb 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_rl_bg "430 570 .75 bg_rl 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_gl_bg "385 570 .75 bg_gl 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_cg_bg "340 570 .75 bg_cg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_mg_bg "300 570 .75 bg_mg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_ssg_bg "255 570 .75 bg_ssg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_sg_bg "210 570 .75 bg_sg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_bfg "520 570 .75 bfg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_rg "570 571 .75 rg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_hb "475 569 .75 hb 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_rl "430 570 .75 rl 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_gl "385 570 .75 gl 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_cg "340 570 .75 cg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_mg "300 570 .75 mg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_ssg "255 570 .75 ssg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_sg "210 570 .75 sg 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_num_armor "140 575 1 !armor 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_num_health "55 575 1 !health 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_armor "140 565 1 armor 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_health "50 565 1 health 1 1 1 .75"
set hud_pic_bg "400 575 1 bg 1 1 1 .5"
set cl_itemboball "1"
set cl_itembob "1"
set cl_kickangles "1"
set team_skin "force_blue"
set team_model "male"
set enemy_skin "force_yellow"
set enemy_model "male"
set cl_forceskins "0"
set glm_jumppred "0"
set con_scroll "2"
set con_drop "0.5"
set con_clock "1"
set con_alpha "1"
set cl_maxfps "120"
set cl_timestamp "0"
set cl_showtime "0"
set cl_showfps "0"
set ch_blue "0.900000"
set ch_green "0.600000"
set ch_red "0"
set ch_scale "1"
set ch_pulse "0"
set ch_alpha "1"
set cl_gun "0"
set scr_graphalpha "1"
set intensity "1.4"
set r_railcore_color "0"
set r_railcore_time "3"
set r_railshell_color "1"
set r_railshell_time ".8"
set r_railshell "0"
set r_clienthud "0"
set r_stainmaps "0"
set r_caronas "0"
set r_caustics "0"
set r_caustics_name "pics/caustic.png"
set r_detailtexture_scale "0"
set r_detailtexture_name "pics/detail.png"
set r_detailtexture "0"
set r_saturation "0.5"
set r_waterfog "0"
set r_coloredlightmaps "0"
set r_hwgamma "1"
set r_displayrefresh "0"
set scr_hudalpha "0.600000"
set vid_gammapics "0"
set r_zfar "2048"
set r_overbrightbits "4"
set r_hudscale "1"
set r_fontscale "1"
set r_fog_blue "1"
set r_fog_green "1"
set r_fog_red "1"
set r_fog_density "0.0005"
set r_fog_end "3000"
set r_fog_start "300"
set r_fog "0"
set gl_sgis_generate_mipmap "0"
set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0"
set gl_ext_mtexcombine "0"
set gl_ext_max_anisotropy "0"
set gl_ext_bgra "0"
set gl_playermip "0"
set gl_flashblend "0"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set gl_ztrick "0"
set gl_skymip "0"
set gl_picmip "0"
set gl_round_down "0"
set gl_dynamic "1"
set gl_lightmap "0"
set gl_bitdepth "0"
set r_fullbright "0"
set con_notifyoutline "0"
set con_notifyshadow "0"
set con_notifylines "4"
set con_notifyfade "1"
set con_notifytime "3"
set vid_ref "r1gl"
set gl_mode "3"
set hostname "noname"
set allow_download "1"
set allow_download_players "0"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set vid_xpos "3"
set vid_ypos "22"
set vid_gamma "0.900000"
set s_volume "0.600000"
set s_khz "44"
set s_loadas8bit "0"
set s_mixahead "0.14"
set s_primary "1"
set adr0 ""
set adr1 ""
set adr2 ""
set adr3 ""
set adr4 ""
set adr5 ""
set adr6 ""
set adr7 ""
set adr8 ""
set freelook "1"
set rate "8000"
set fov "114"
set gender "female"
set gender_auto "1"
set cl_vwep "1"
set in_joystick "0"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_particle_max_size "2"
set gl_particle_size "2"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_modulate "500"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set sv_reconnect_limit "3"
set cd_nocd "1"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set in_mouse "1"
set skin "female/athena"
set name "naym!is"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "1"
set m_pitch "0.022"
set hand "2"
set cl_run "1"
set crosshair "43"
set sensitivity "10"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100"
set sv_defaultpaks "0"
cl_cmdcomplete 0
cl_async 0
cl_smoothsteps 0
m_directinput 1
cl_drawchathud 1
cl_chathud_invert 1

or you can download the .cfg file (just rename it from teambinds.txt to teambinds.cfg)
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Offline tr3y

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Re: Post Your DM Confgs
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 02:26:54 AM »
What is the toggle key to drop weapons / ammo instead of change to that weap with your config?

Also what are these
bind KP_PGDN "sky black"
bind KP_INS "accuracy"

These built in commands or other alias you have in an autoexec.cfg or somethin?
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Offline tr3y

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Re: Post Your DM Confgs
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2005, 02:48:51 AM »
nm I figured it out need to bind a +EN and +DN for toggles. 

Thanks for the config, i got mine setup,  now just have to learn it heh.
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Offline naymlis

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Re: Post Your DM Confgs
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2005, 10:56:20 AM »
hehe, yeah my config can be really confusing.. i had one before this that was more neat but since i used the cfg_save command in q2advance whenever i wanted to change something it just cluttered it all up. and the kp_ins is the 0 on the numpad and kp_pgdn is the 3.. i like to use sky black (i have a black pixel .pcx file in my pak) that makes the sky all black. i have a phobia of the sky textures or something.. and i used to have other binds like m_accel 0 (which i could probably just put in my cfg instead of binding it) and i used to have crosshair 43 cause everytime you go into options in q2a it changes back to crosshair 20 or something when i wanted to use 43. so everytime i enter a map i just hit 1, 2, and 3 on the numpad to set my stuff. right now i only use the sky black bind since im using r1q2 and crosshair 1 now. and when i want to see my accuracy in-game (which is never cause i dont care about accuracy since i spam so much) i just press 0.
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El Box de Shoutamente

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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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