lmctf.com is no bot. how many accusations does alpha make about people being bots?if i lived in europe or wherever and had some crazy high ping everyone might "Seem" like a bot hehe but thats a poor excuse i know lmctf.com and have played with him he has not reason to cheat esp against some hpbeasyeasybtw you guys should play LMCTF, ACME CTF and ACME Railwarz more often... maybe you might develop some bot like skills
If you and these others are making the argument that everyone should stop using it, then you and these others are severely retarded.
translation: "oh I wish someone else would do all the work and spend their time and money to make a cheat prevention system so people like me can badmouth what they did and tell others not to use it because it's useless and make up complete bullshit to support my assertion"