Author Topic: Car Stories  (Read 13515 times)

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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2008, 02:44:23 PM »
One of my friends had a '60 something model dodge pickup, 3 speed on the column. We were riding the backroads one day looking for a spot to stop and drink beer and eventualy pulled out into the middle of a plowed up maze field way off the road. It was myself, the truck owner, another guy, and a girl, ages 17-18. The girl asked if she could drive the truck (she'd never driven a vehicle before). We laughed but thought, what could go wrong, we're in the middle of a 1,000 acre field. So off we went. She was driving, the truck owner was on the passenger side, the other guy and myself were sitting on top of the cab facing backwards. This went on for awhile and we ended up at the edge of the plowed up part of the field and started running through some 4-5 foot high johnson grass. The grass and brush was tall and thick enough that you couldn't see ahead or the ground. I said to the other guy, I hope she doesn't hit a rut or bump and throw us off, and was thinking about moving down into the bed of the truck.
The words no sooner left my mouth and we were flying through the air, off a cliff! The truck was verticle (straight up and down) when it hit. The impact slammed me straight down to the ground. The other guy somehow got launched about 10 feet forward and to the side. It dazed me for a second and I looked up just in time to see the truck standing on its headlights and starting to fall towards me. I had no time to move and just kinda balled up. The bed of the truck came down on top of me and covered me up but never touched me. The truck is now upsidedown on top of me and I crawl out from the gap where the cab and bed join. I hear the girl inside the truck moaning. Both her and the guy have hit the windshield and busted it with their heads. He crawls out the passenger side and together we get the girl out. Both of their heads are bloody, she can't walk, I'm banged up a little but in fair shape, the guy riding in the back with me has a bunged leg and can barely walk, the passenger guy seems to be ok except for his bloody head.

It turns out we ran straight into a dried up creek/drainage ditch about 50ft wide and 15-20ft deep with verticle sides out in the middle of this field. No way to see it till you're right up on it with all the growth around it.

So now we're in the middle of nowhere with the truck upside down in a creek bed, a girl who needs medical attention, she can't walk and, we've lost track of where the road is. To make matters worse, the sun is low. Myself and the passenger guy (truck owner) take turns carrying the girl. It's dark by the time we make it out of the creekbed (which was a job in itself) and have no idea which way to go. We see a light roughly half a mile in the distance and head for it. On our way to what luckily turns out to be a farmhouse, we encouter another creek probably 10-15 ft wide with water in it and no way around. Since the girl obviously needs attention we can't provide, we cross the waist deep water. An older fella answers the door, takes one look at us and tells us to load up in his truck and takes us to the hospital in town.

We get to the hospital, thank the old guy, ask what we owe him. He says no charge, of course. The girl and truck owner check in. Me and the guy with bunged leg wait outside. An hr or so later the guy comes out with his head all bandaged up. They keep the girl overnight. Aside from head injuries and bruises, she suffers a busted bladder, probably from the steering wheel. She has to wear a plastic bag with a tube from her bladder to it for some time afterwards.

Next day we go back and find the creek where the truck is and marvel at how all this came about. There it is upside down with a cooler and cans of beer scattered everywhere. We drink the few hot beers that we can find that aren't ruptured and assess the damage. The motor and transmission mounts are busted from the impact, front end and hood is a mess. He decides it isn't worth the trouble and leaves it there.

I have several more car/truck/motorcycle stories but this is the most memorable and dramatic one.
The stupid things you do as a kid.
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2008, 04:03:45 PM »
Jesus Christ on a stick!!! :ubershock: Sitting on the roof probably saved your life. :D
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2008, 05:01:04 PM »
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2008, 07:09:51 PM »
Jesus Christ on a stick!!! :ubershock: Sitting on the roof probably saved your life. :D

Yeah, I've often thought my injuries were minumal due to my positioning on the cab, and luck.

I've been lucky several times when it comes to escaping serious injury.
 like when I skidded my bike all the way through a busy 4 lane intersection untouched...
 or the time a car broad sided me, knocking me off and ran over my bike(minor scrapes)...
 or when I got airborn in a curve, on a 30ft high bridge and went into a tank-slapper when I landed(I didn't go down)...
 or when I came upon an unmarked hairpin curve at 100mph and the bike went through a barbed wire fence(I stopped in the grassy ditch but did get gravel imbedded in my left elbow)...
 or the time I lowsided in a sandy corner(minor scrapes)
 or the time I had a rear car tire blowout on a hilly corner and skidded off the road more than 100 yards down a steep, densely wooded embankment, never hitting a single tree(the trees were not much farther apart than the length of the car)
 or the time I broke the vette loose passing another car and did a 360 at 80mph(good thing there were 4 lanes)
 or when I ran into the back of a stopped car, landing on the hood, bike stopping on the roof, then falling off the side( minor bruises).

I was at fault in all of these incidents except the one where I was broadsided.
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #49 on: December 27, 2008, 02:55:31 PM »
Have you ever purchased a lottery ticket Art?
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2008, 11:02:47 PM »
Yeah, maybe half a dozen. They must take a different kinda luck.
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #51 on: December 31, 2008, 11:39:07 PM »
Nah, just scratch that sucker off while riding on the seat backwards at 70mph, you're sure to get rich.

Fastest I ever went on 2 wheels was a little over 200mph travelling northbound on I-75 through Dalton GA on my friends Katana 1100 fitted with nitrous. Holy crap on a cracker, that was fuckin nuts. We used to race the things all over the place like psychos. I never fell off at those high speeds. The one time I did fall off, I was taking a turn into my neighborhood and hit a patch of rocks at the curb as I got into the throttle. The damn thing shot out from under me instantly. Me and the bike slid all the way across to the other curb. I wasn't wearing a helmet, but for some reason my head never hit the pavement. I actually rolled... wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Both of my knees and elbows looked like raw hamburger meat when I got up. Oh my god, that was fucking painful. It all scabbed over really thick, and my knees hurt like hell every step I took for about a month or two. I could barely move my arms too. If I moved my arm or leg too far, the scabs would rip open and it felt like someone was poking the piss outta me with needles. I still have big thick scars on my elbow from it, and that was more than 10 years ago.
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2008, 11:55:21 PM »
Nah, just scratch that sucker off while riding on the seat backwards at 70mph, you're sure to get rich.


Someone would get rich if I did that, but it wouldn't be me.

I can't imagine going 200 mph on any road around here in a car, much less a bike.  :ubershock:
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Re: Car Stories
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2009, 12:40:43 PM »
This reminds me a whole lot of our crazy asses when I was a kid.
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