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Messages - Sharxigan

Pages: [1] 2
1 / Re: Last Man Standing
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:25:41 PM »
Yes! We need ideas like this to keep Quake 2 alive.

Unfortunately certain people in higher powers don't seem to understand this, and seem to think the way forward is creating about 20 different types of grenades, most of which are ineffective at best and really just get in the way of playing the actual game.

But who am I to say.

Who is actually working on this 'Last Man Standing' mod idea? are you not making it yourself?

...the Last Man Standing mod.
Just thinking such a mod would also need to:

1. Feature smallish maps so enduring players aren't spending all their time trying to find each other (I think many old rocket arena maps would work).

2. Feature maps without too many places to camp, as one persistent camper could ruin it for everyone.

I kinda agree with your first point but some medium/large RA2 maps would be just too fun to ignore for a mod like this.

I definitely agree with your second point, anti-camping map selection would be a very good thing.

Effed up post, please delete this.

Cannot delete the first post in a thread..  do you mean delete the whole thread?

I obviously mean the first post only, thank you.

3 / Re: Last Man Standing
« on: October 09, 2021, 01:39:53 PM »
A 'Last Man Standing' mod? will that be like a 'Battle Royale' kinda game?

I had an idea where you could take the RA2 mod and just simply make it so that there are many teams and each team has only one player (or two for a duo-based pickup/match sub game) and that would give you a basic 'Battle Royale' mod.

For ease you could even use (with or without modification) the many different RA2 skins for that mod too.

This thread is for Christians (and anyone else) to preach the word of God.

Praise Jesus Christ, he IS your lord and saviour.

A short sermon about dealing with secular authorities and why we should tell them to get lost when they DESERVE to.

Effed up post, please delete this.

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 09, 2021, 12:37:58 PM »
Have any of you tried jake2/quake 2? i cant seem to get it running, i installed java se 17 and installed all of Jake2-0.9.5-install.jar's files to a folder and put baseq2 in there but it wont launch it just says ''inititalizing client subsystem never launches tho stops doesnt do anything, picture attached of what id does.

Dunno if this will help.

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 08, 2021, 11:49:39 AM »
anyone have any links to beefquake? or quake2C or iqq2? or cake/quake 2? i cant find links for those source ports.

i've been on a mission trying every quake 2 source port i can find, if you can hook me up with some links to try them thanks lol.

If you post all of your acquired source port links here then i'll assist with the search.

There's no rush, we can leisurely amble.  :D

Better link for the beef:

There's quite a few Q2 ones at rikwad.  8)

There's a new one for the list too. > Quake 2 Graphics Mod (Q2GM) -

List of source ports. >

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 05, 2021, 05:21:10 PM »
xboxownzuall source port list

rikwad source port list

unofficial 3.24 patch
modified 3.20 exe 1080p available on steam
zquake 3.26 (no fuzz)
berserker q2
q2 xp
vulkan quake 2
kmquake 2
ultimate quake engine 2
quake 2 evolved
quake 2 .net
quake 2 rtx


Quake II Evolution
Fruitz of Dojo's Quake II

Quake 2 Graphics Mod (Q2GM)


Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 05, 2021, 04:47:39 PM »
Anyone know where to download DirectQ II/DirectQ2? impossible to find a link to dl it, they're all dead i've been wanting to try it out.

If someone has it, could you atleast upload to a site for us to grab or put it on tastyspleens index under clients or w/e? lolol

Ask, and ye shall receive.

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Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 04, 2021, 10:17:01 AM »
my preferred method is actually patch 3.24 by the creator of kmquake2 or this 3.20 exe hack this guy did, the only thing better about yamagi,r1q2,or q2pro, or kmquake2 they support ''http fast downloading off servers''

i talked to the creator of kmquake2 and 3.24 unofficlal patch if he could maybe add http downloading to it, then it would be the best all around hopefully he could whip that up sometime maybe or vulkan quake 2 add it also.

yamagi is good pretty good, but has random ass crashes downloading stuff off servers sometimes specifically WOD servers closes to desktop no error message.

Have you contacted the vulkan quake 2 guy? i didn't check the updates.

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 04, 2021, 07:19:10 AM »
my preferred method is actually patch 3.24 by the creator of kmquake2 or this 3.20 exe hack this guy did, the only thing better about yamagi,r1q2,or q2pro, or kmquake2 they support ''http fast downloading off servers''

i talked to the creator of kmquake2 and 3.24 unofficlal patch if he could maybe add http downloading to it, then it would be the best all around hopefully he could whip that up sometime maybe or vulkan quake 2 add it also.

yamagi is good pretty good, but has random ass crashes downloading stuff off servers sometimes specifically WOD servers closes to desktop no error message.

I have this zquake2 3.26. It is basically 3.20 with http. I did not make and you will not find it elsewhere as far as I know.

Put libcurl in q2 folder

Can you remember where you got those zquake2 3.26 files from? link(s)?

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 04, 2021, 06:57:10 AM »
my preferred method is actually patch 3.24 by the creator of kmquake2... the only thing better about yamagi,r1q2,or q2pro, or kmquake2 they support ''http fast downloading off servers''

i talked to the creator of kmquake2 and 3.24 unofficlal patch if he could maybe add http downloading to it, then it would be the best all around hopefully he could whip that up sometime maybe...

Yes we need that, it should definitely be done.

Hell i'd like to write my own unofficial patch for Q2, i'd start a forum (or get a board & moderatorship on an existing forum) for crowdsourcing the fuck out of all of the problems people have with Q2 so i could make successive versions until all of the major problems disappeared, naturally i'd lay it all out on github for anyone to get at to do their own work with it and i'd crowdsource from their work too.  8)

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
« on: October 02, 2021, 05:59:59 PM »
Someone should start a 'how-to build a config' thread, each OP post could be a modular focus on specific config stuff and anyone could post extra info for OP post updates, sub sections for different Q2 source ports would be necessary.

Does typing 'sky black' in the console not work in q2pro?

dm / Re: DM server suggestions: max players, new maps
« on: September 30, 2021, 10:33:56 AM »

If it's not already the case then it'd be better if players redirected from TS DM were only sent to whatever servers already have players on them.

That would be wonderful, however it's not how things work. You can only set a single address to redirect to.  For example, when the PF TDM servers are full players get redirected to the GTV server so they can still watch the games on that full server.

For TS DM i've seen that most people usually go to TS Railz the most, if you set TS DM redirect to TS Railz then i guess that'd be the most popular redirect for TS DM.

I guess it's a case of mapping out which other server most people go to the most from any one server eg TS DM > TS Railz.

I personally HATE when DM has more than 10 people, it's just complete chaos. You get spawn killed non stop, BFG balls flying everywhere, your score goes from being based on skills to being totally random. However, when it's like that, I just go to another server. I understand some people enjoy the chaos.

The current 16+1 model seems very stable and it doesn't look like the amount of players is the problem, i think it's really more about how many low-ping bastards and campers are on TS DM when it's full.  :P

The Russian playground DM server is almost always in a state of chaos (and also has low-ping bastards and campers) regardless of the amount of people in that server at any one time, it's a brutal 24/7 bloodbath, i love it.  8)

Don't nerf the player amount on TS DM, it's tiresome searching for people to shoot on DM servers when there's anything less than 12 players active and peak times mean chaos no matter how many players are on a server, 16+1 for TS DM has earned its place and 'fixing' stuff that isn't broken is the bane of our times.

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