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Messages - Clippy

Pages: [1] 2
Quake / Re: Quake2 Remaster Servers
« on: August 15, 2023, 05:03:57 PM »
Id be interested in that also, currently playing thru the campaign, never finished it even tho ive owned the game since its original release  :lolsign:

Quake / Re: Quake 2 remastered discussion - news and rumors
« on: June 25, 2023, 06:03:08 PM »
if the Quake 1 remaster is anything to go by, then id guess it wont be compatible with any of the Q2 ports etc, so highly doubt you could use it to join any TS servers, altho that would be great if it was possible.

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: October 09, 2022, 04:02:16 PM »
obviously still blind, it says "in last week" not my fault  if u fail to read or understand correctly

still didnt answer the 1st line tho did u lol

strange u only paste in the odd 1 u manage to win , what about all the ones where ur not even top 6 ?  surely the 2nd best should technically win every match unless his "friend" is playing

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: October 09, 2022, 08:53:58 AM »
you cant read either, where did i say LAST week?  i said in last week....

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: October 09, 2022, 06:34:44 AM »
strange u only paste in the odd 1 u manage to win , what about all the ones where ur not even top 6 ?  surely the 2nd best should technically win every match unless his "friend" is playing

hell even i beat u a few times in last week and i dont claim to be good.

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: September 05, 2022, 07:16:14 PM »
Hi Pasta,

I have removed your mute.
This kind of sexual harassment has absolutely NO EFFECT on me and neither on 888. THE QUAKE GOD. We actually PLAY this game and achieved a DOUBLE WIN, as usual. This time in map q2dm3:

              888   384      4.68      30
     Pasta Ssempa   310      4.64      24

              b3n   305      3.74      19
             9983   269      4.68      21
              xu^   265      4.52      20

As "usual" ?  :lolsign:

dm / Re: DM server suggestions: max players, new maps
« on: August 28, 2022, 03:06:07 PM »
The other Q3 map on there (I forget the name, the one with the really tall bounce pad jump up to the RL where people always want to camp)

That sounds like campgrounds.bsp.  I don't see what you mean by limits being pushed though. I'm on a non-windows client on a mac laptop and it runs fine for me even with 16 players on it.  Player clutter wise, it's one of the few maps I can tolerate with 10+ players because it's so large.

I wasn't suggesting removing it.

But I'm definitely not imagining what I'm seeing sometimes. I would've been tempted to say it could've been due to my old and failing video card, which did go pretty much full "fail" on me right before the Quadz birthday FFA thing. I was visit the forums here on firefox when suddenly the screen broke in half (right side of screen displaying on left side of monitor, and vice versa) with weird shifted colors. Before that, the monitor kept flickering like it was changing display modes anytime a video or gif was on the screen. And for the past few years, the fan has been making ungodly amounts of noise, likely bearings worn out. I remember asking Quadz if a virus could be doing something to make the fan in my PSU make noise, because the fan on my video card was so damned small that I didn't realize it was a fan at all. Whenever I looked up images of my video card on google, all of them looked like they had passive cooling heatsink fins with NO FAN. So when I was running up and down the road 20 times right after covid hit to get new PSU's only to find the NOISE WAS STILL THERE... turns out, it was probably that damned video card the WHOLE TIME. :dohdohdoh: I ended up spending about 300 bucks on a WAAAAAY overpowered modular PSU for that machine because it was the "best" PSU that Microcenter had at the time.

Anyway, I swapped that 1gb card out for a newer GT 730 2gb card, and was instantly able to achieve a higher fps than before (120hz vs 75hz)... but during the Quadz FFA thing when campgrounds came up, again I was getting a performance hit, stuttering video (sluggish frame rate) in some parts of the map, rockets disappearing and only seeing the particle trails, no explosion models, etc. Client could have something to do with it maybe. I think I'm on an older version of R1Q2, 2008 maybe, and I'm thinking I intentionally used the older one because the newer version did something that broke single player or coop, can't really remember.

I probably just need to get with the times and use whatever everyone else is using now.

tbh the GT 730 is a pretty crap card as well  ;D  , i had a GTX970 a while back and it held 144fps at 1440p with no problems at all, have since upgraded to something better again, but id say the stuttering your suffering with is no doubt due to the video card,  maybe cpu/ram depending on what they are, but most likely the GPU.

just a note to say the 700 series are no longer supported by nvidia , so no new drivers etc, so  it will have performance problems

dm / Re: DM server suggestions: max players, new maps
« on: August 27, 2022, 09:21:12 AM »
its a good map along with Campgrounds, both good Quake 3 maps converted to Q2, they are both better than some of the spamfest maps that get voted a lot.

dm / Re: Admin/mod abuse suspection
« on: August 15, 2022, 04:44:40 PM »
there was at least 4 ppl on there getting over 300 ping, inc me , so unless someone was hacking us all at the same time, more likely just the server itself.

/dev/random / Re: The last movie you saw....
« on: August 14, 2022, 04:19:24 PM »

being a Predator fan, i liked it :)

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 09, 2022, 04:50:08 PM »
well thanks to bibi and some tinkering with rail settings in RTX Q2 , finally got it working, couple of small issues to sort, but for the most part its all good, and that ignore feature is from the gods :) no more spam

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 07, 2022, 02:55:51 PM »
i did do some googling on the error and all ive found is its crashing possibly becasue of a sound driver error, which i cant understand as the game is fine on non Tastyspleen servers lol
while it runs for maybe 10 or 20 secs its perfectly fine lol, sound is good no issues running, then it crashes.

I'll look into it a bit more and see if i get anywhere, but for now i think ill have to carry on using 3.24 until when/if i can fix the RTX version.

Btw bibi, i sent u a quick pm

Cheers for the help and ideas :)

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 06, 2022, 11:10:19 AM »
tried and no it doesnt work :( it just says it instead lol ( i typed it the console ) but it says it in the chat.

i do have rtx on steam but never tried it with opengl , might give it a go.

EDIT:  got it up and running and is fine on , but on any Tastyspleen servers it crashes within a minute or so with an unhandled exception error, no idea why, looks like back to the default game   :bigcry:

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 05, 2022, 02:20:08 PM »
im just bored silly of hearing him constantly saying kneel if he wins, like hes something special lol
(just for reference - he would a been a lower end  league player back the day with what ive seen)

and then his buddie Pasta that keeps hero worshipping him constantly in the chat.
Is that often and annoying ive started to quit when he comes on lately.

Hey Clippy,

Just make a cfg file.  Call it what you want.  Example:  mute.cfg

In the file start adding the folks you want muted.  Example:

ignorenick "888"
ignorenick ""
ignorenick "Pasta Ssempa"


Save that file into your baseq2 folder and then bind a key to exec that cfg after you connect to the server.

For example:  bind m "exec mute.cfg"

Now press m when you are connected to the server and they will all be ignored.

Just like that, your quake session will improve.  The thing is you have to exec it everytime you connect but it works.

Bibi , will that work on any client ?  i use unofficial patch 3.24 ( just for the widescreen support)  i seem to have problems getting the anticheat to work without the gfx glitching lol

I know the ac has ignore feature, but i dont think 3.24 has :(

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 04, 2022, 04:35:21 PM »
im just bored silly of hearing him constantly saying kneel if he wins, like hes something special lol
(just for reference - he would a been a lower end  league player back the day with what ive seen)

and then his buddie Pasta that keeps hero worshipping him constantly in the chat.
Is that often and annoying ive started to quit when he comes on lately.

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