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Messages - us/3r

Pages: [1] 2 3
1 / Re: Petition (READ)
« on: November 29, 2006, 04:05:16 AM »
First off I do NOT spam.  I don't spam binds or mapvotes.  Where you get off accusing me of this is totally beyond me.

hehe....yeah okay man....this is kinda funny coming from you.

you will find that I hardly EVER vote for a map and if I do I will vote once...
really?  You seriously trying to say this is true?

In that instance I seem to remember that there were a number of players on the server who were deliberately trying to goad me into flipping out, including yourself. 
What'd they do?  Log on?

Pot to kettle....Pot to kettle....

Discussion / Re: Duplicate Times --- Being Deleted
« on: October 19, 2006, 01:50:14 PM »

All you're doing is arguing that it's okay to cheat, as long as you do it better than everyone else.  Personally, I dun care if everyone else cheats, but I'm not gonna, and I don't think that my scores should be compared to theirs, because we're really playing 2 different games.  jerkwad (okay, that was the last one)

I think I'll just quote myself from a previous post in this thread since I'm plain fed up with typing the same thing over and over because people like user cannot comprehend anything they read: (look it over a few more times slowly so you can understand and take in what your reading)

b0at isn't cheating to get the high scores. If he can get 15 high scores nobody can beat then I believe he should be able to hold all 15 spots on the high score list. He earned it. Once you get that good, then you can challenge b0at and play for the high scores.

I am only voicing my opinion on the topic of deleting unbeatable highscores that a player achieved through their incredible talent at playing the game. Whether I play the game or not is irrelevant.

Short version: Jager is right, but we're not talking about his point.  It's about spam, plain and simple.

long version:
yeah keep saying what I post is boring crap and you don't bother reading it, then you bother to quote it.  I get it...the hipocracy is kinda funny....if you're kinda brain dead - so for your attempt at humor you get 1 clap.   :bravo:

And yes I know you'll NEVER change your mind.  And I see what you're saying, that b0at isn't cheating to get his times.  You're right on that 1 point.  b0at gets the times, no doubt. 

What I'm (that's someone who isn't you) is saying has nothing to do with the getting of the times, but the posting on the scoreboard.  He's purposely EXPLOITING a loop-hole in the code that will allow multiple times to be posted by the same person.  Now you can argue that the programmers should have made it better, but that's another example of blaming the game, not the player, when it's the player who chooses to make use of the exploit.  When the player chooses to make use of an exploit, that's called cheating, or at best spamming, which is in the server charter somewhere as a bad thing to do.

Should he be banned for it?'s not that big a deal.  But don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.  He's exploiting a loop-hole, and the best solution is obviously to just delete the flagrantly abusive scores, which has been (or will be) done. 

So try to wrap your liquor soaked brain-cell around that before restating a point that has no bearing on the discussion, THEN write your response (if you wish to waste your time). 

Discussion / Re: Duplicate Times --- Being Deleted
« on: October 17, 2006, 05:58:27 PM »
blah blah blah...

To some up a response to your long read , which I did not bother to read because again somebody is missing the point.

I couldn't agree more.
Oh...and if you didn't bother to read it, why are you responding to it like you did?

And again means "another time", as in repetitively, and I didn't miss your point at all, this being the first time I've responded to it.  I wrote a big long post about how it's wrong.  Did you happen to catch it?

So, personal sniping out of the way  :evilgrin: Why don't we go over it again?  I'll try to keep it short for the less literate and A.D.D. sufferers out there... (okay that was the last one, I swear)


This is a video game. Ever play a arcade game or a pinball machine? I am stuck on that type of scoring of high scores.

Well I'm glad you like to keep the classics alive, however this is not pinball....I think someone did a pinball mod, but I've never played it.  This is about JumpMod, which is a mod written by someone - and hence the rules that are implied by the code are the ones that we'll be using, matey.  That means that no other rule sets apply, unless someone has the ability to change the code to reflect the new rules....which most people don't.

Short Version: No one gives a flying monkey turd what you're stuck on, you didn't write the mod, so go blow on your thumb. (okay that's totally the last one, I swear)

That's how high scores in most video games work.

So, do you have the high score in MOST video games?  Or is that MOST video games you play?  Or is that MOST video games that you've never heard of?  Sorry, ambiguous qualifiers win you nothing mon amis. I can't even count how many games don't fall into this stereo-type, so no go.

Short Version: Stop making crap up. (Seriously, last one)

The jumpmod apprently doesn't want that to happen so it only allows your name on the high score list one time.

So here you admit that the rules of this particular game (which apparently isn't MOST games) aren't what you're used to, and as such you admit that you disagree with the scoring system of JumpMod - which is your right to do.  Of course you're welcome to write your own version and laugh in the face of the guys who developed this version....but that would be hard, right? 
But the main point here is that you admit that the scoring system in JumpMod isn't like your MOST video game, whatever that is.

Short Version: Wha?  A game that doesn't fit into your idea of what the high score list should look like?  WTF!??! (okay I may have a few more)

b0at found a way around that.

So, what you're saying is that a player found a way to exploit the system in order to take advantage of it in a way unintended by the people who came up with it. 
And to top it off he did it without permission from the people who happen to be running the server, and thus caused them some trouble in the way of having to clean up his mess. 
So what you're really saying is that you condone exploiting (or cheating if you like) so long as it fits into your idea of what the game should conform to? 
Well...sorry, but video games are good because they have rules.  While it's sometimes fun to try to break something to see what you can do, ultimately the challenge of the game is to be the best within the set of rules supplied to you.  If you go outside the rules then you're not competing in the game anymore, and you have no right to be anywhere on the ranking's list. 

What b0at did was expose a hole in the code that would allow the same connection to occupy multiple ranks.  It's a bug.  It should be fixed so that people don't try to take advantage of it.  If b0at was any kind of person, then he would have found the bug, reported it to the admin, and never used it or abused it again.  But that's not what he did, is it?

Short Version: Yeah, it's called cheating.  It lets you do whatever you want without worrying about the rules of the game.(See?  I stopped...)

Like it or not though, his scores are the best and if you could beat them, you would be able to push his names off the list.
His scores are better than mine, but I've seen better elsewhere.  The sad fact is that the better jumpers I've seen don't come here, they don't like the atmosphere.  To be the best of the worst is a dubious distinction, and he gets that prize only in the immaturity ranking, because Ax2Grind is #1 on ts.jumpmod last I checked, and guys like n00k13 show up and get #1 at will, b0at or no b0at on the top of the list.

Short Version: Being the best whiner/cheater means crap to me or anyone else.

Instead you wuss out and delete his scores. /shrug

Well...I didn't delete his scores, so I dunno why you directed that at me.  And "wussing out" has nothing to do with it.  I've never complained once about getting beat.  He gets his scores deleted because he's not willing to play by the rules of the game.  It's just that simple.  If he had put them up in a legitimate way, there wouldn't even be a problem. 

Short Version: All you're doing is arguing that it's okay to cheat, as long as you do it better than everyone else.  Personally, I dun care if everyone else cheats, but I'm not gonna, and I don't think that my scores should be compared to theirs, because we're really playing 2 different games.  jerkwad (okay, that was the last one)


Discussion / Re: Duplicate Times --- Being Deleted
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:32:45 PM »
I find it fair for boat to do so. He's putting up top scores that can't be beat. If you can't beat them then your name doesn't go up there. Simple. I don't think it's fair of you to delete his scores. Pretty childish way out.

This was you first argument, and you haven't changed you stance at all so I'll respond to it.

If the world were to follow your logic there would be no need for a top 10, because all 10 would be the same person.  1 is always better than 2, and therefore 1 should also occupy the 2 spot, etc, ad nauseum.

Another example would be the olympics.  Obviously the Gold medal winner put up a better score than anyone else, so he won.  But since his score is better than #2, he should also get the silver medal, and the bronze, since his score will always be better than anyone else's, until someone beats him, and then that person should get all the medals - ever.

What you're doing is combining Personal records with Global records.  The difference is this: For Personal rankings you get to keep your best time.  You may put up other times that are close, but there is always your personal best, so you are competing against yourself.  For Global rankings you're competing against other people, so your personal best is compared with all others personal best.  The person with the best personal best gets the number 1 slot, the person with the 2nd best personal best gets the #2 slot.

This is reflected in the code of the ranking systems, since they are designed to compare only the best times per player name.  True, they should have used MAC addresses or something like, but that would require quite a bit more technical knowledge, and seemed unecessary in that the spirit of the game is to compete against yourself and others, not change your name to counter the spirit of the competition.

Anyone who would do such a thing is obviously suffering from a malnourished ego, in that to maintain their ego they must feel superior, and they lack superiority in other aspects of their life, and will act in a manner which is over-the-top in 1 aspect of their lives to satiate the level they believe their ego should be maintained at. 

So that being said, how exactly can you argue that if people can't beat the times they shouldn't be on the scoreboard, when the scoreboard is meant to reflect global statistics, not personal statistics.  Who cares what boat's 10 best times were?  1 is sufficient for the purposes of rankings, someone purposely grabbing more slots to "prove" their superiority goes completely against the spirit of the game, and had the original coders thought that people would do something like this, I'm quite sure they would have implemented more stringent policies toward name/ranking associations.

For your second point, that it's not fair to delete his scores: How is it fair that he gets to record his 10 best times, why can't I record mine?  Because the spirit of the design was to record your personal best.  There is no need to record the time of every trial of the map.

Think of it like this:  You get 30 frags on a map, 2nd place got 15, etc....on down to 10.  Why do they even display anyone who didn't get 30?

So that's why he's getting his scores (except for his BEST time) deleted, and yes it is fair in the spirit of both the game, and competition in general.

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: [TC]Granny OWNS Dahang into negative scores 1v1
« on: October 04, 2006, 02:58:20 PM »
total damage given < total damage taken.....
Good school on how to play defense on both sides of dm1 though.

Ridix sat chain all game preventing an effective offense from dahang.
Dahang just sat back and collected armor and ammo until he could get a clear shot at cg.

Dahang was unwilling to try to mount an offense (probably because without chaingun it's too easy to get away)....althought there's always the machinegun.

Was kinda cool how you both kept trying to trick each other into mounting an offensive.....but ultimately watching 2 people play defense is just boring.  Even  cool prediction rockets at the walls (which you both demolished the hell out of) don't make for interesting gaming....kinda like that Doom2 tourney way back when, where the 2 "best" guys in the world just sat defense all game.

It was kinda like in those paper-rock-scissors games where you just keep picking the same thing every time.

I just figured if you guys were screwing around why not try to get a few frags in the process.....

Bot Drop / Re: [TC]Granny posting on this forum, a pathetic joke.
« on: September 20, 2006, 04:05:39 PM »
let it die? :please:

 :LAME: :spam:


L4m3r Demos / Re: Another aimbot
« on: August 24, 2006, 11:09:45 AM »

Does he ever turn it off when he uses the ssg?

Bot Drop / Re: Masta botting Needs to be banned (again)
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:39:29 PM »
ya know it's funny...i've actually got a demo of a "Yoda" getting kicked for using a proxy (not a modified client) and suspicious demo's or Yoda and CostraNostra or whatever his name was....

But as for this demo....anyone who can twitch accurately in a +- 10 degrees from the crosshair and not have it show in a 200 fps system is pretty damn amazing.  I didn't think humans could do that :P

L4m3r Demos / Re: Aimbot, I think anyhow
« on: July 30, 2006, 04:41:45 PM »
Suspicious: When using chain he never over leads his target.  He's either behind or or just around, but never say a few steps in front you'd get from anticipating a lp opponent, but he might just be good.


2. If that was a bot, the lead wouldn't change it would stay locked on at one point.

That's only true of some bots.  Others have been made to look "more human".

The strongest evidence against is that he lost the match....but then phyzik is a tough opponent.  Definitely some strange twitch shots, but those just happen sometimes  on humans too.

Prognosis: Probably something going on. 

Bot Drop / Re: -s2n- stoned
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:07:44 PM »
last version of frkq2 that I saw can mimic nocheat client.....and if I'm not mistaken his aim goes from wildly innaccurate to dead on for 5-6 shots, then wildly innaccurate again.  Could just be me though :)

But there's 1 shot in particular where as he's jumping he perfectly follows with his crosshair a player jumping from GL to the ledge underneath at an angle....just looks a little...inhuman...but I've been wrong before eh reflex?  :badgrin:

Quake / Re: Dm1 retextured
« on: July 12, 2006, 09:21:34 PM »
for some reason my .pak files aren't taking precedent over my un-pak'd files, so I can't get the new textures to read :(

Using r1q2.  Any suggestions?

12 / Re: .pak makers - need a little help
« on: July 11, 2006, 10:23:01 AM »
Cool I'll check that out. 

I think I'm done with PakExplorer.  It doesn't support underscore as a valid filename :(  ....and tended to corrupt files for no reason.  And Pakscape has a much nicer GUI.

13 / Re: .pak makers - need a little help
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:10:57 PM »
egg salad.  Muchos Gracias.  BTW I hope you don't mind but I'm tryin to make a modified version of your pak you released a while ago.  It's a damn fine .pak, but like I said I like the "particle" looking explosions and I wanted to tweak some of the crosshairs and sounds.

14 / .pak makers - need a little help
« on: July 09, 2006, 04:28:57 PM »
I was wondering how I'd implement the particle explosions vs. the graphic you see normally.  In naymlis.pak you see an example of what I'm talking about.  I don't see anything in particular except in the /models/objects sub-directory.  I'm thinking it's the /r_explode, /rocket, and /smoke directories that do it.  Am I way off?


edit: It would also seem I need a .pak editor that supports underscore characters in filenames. ( _ ) As pakexplorer doesnt :(  So if you have a line on one I'm all ears

15 / Re: DM Server: Spawn Farthest?
« on: July 09, 2006, 04:25:43 PM »
Some of them got together and rewrote the code.
They said lo, weapons shall be available to all, and they saw that it was good, and much fragging did commence.

A minor nitpick: weapons stay has been coded into the game by id since Quake 1...   ;)

Yeah yeah I know.  I thought about that after I was 2 lines down, but I think it made the whole post more entertaining....and it gave the OCD's something to do while reading it  :eyecrazy:

If I recall Id also added the spawn protection in Q2, though not sure in which version...maybe around the time they finalized CTF?  Dunno that one...but the point remains valid.  Variety is why people still run Q2 servers and they still get crowded, imo.  And I know a few people disagree intently, which is their perogative.

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