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Messages - FirebirdTN

Pages: [1] 2 3
Quake / Re: Console Text size
« on: December 13, 2020, 04:59:38 AM »
gl_scale did the trick in AprQ2.  Just beautiful!



Quake / Re: Console Text size
« on: December 12, 2020, 04:47:54 PM »
I'll check the suggestions in a bit.  Just got home.

But FWIW, I use AprQ2.


Quake / Console Text size
« on: December 12, 2020, 07:38:46 AM »
Probably a stupid question, but I'm old, grumpy, and its been a while.

Aside from running at a lower resolution, is there any other way to increase the console text size?

I just got my first new PC in almost 10 years, and I'm 'tweaking' everything to my liking.  I opted for a FULL HD screen instead of 4K, but even at lowly 1080 resolutions, these old eyes can't read the damn console without putting my face into the monitor.



Quake / Re: Updated AprQ2 for Mac and Linux users
« on: March 25, 2014, 06:01:39 PM »
... Tho, I have to say that at this point, my fork is hardly the best option going. When you're ready to tackle Q2 on Linux, I would absolutely look at Q2Pro and Yamagi first. Still, if I can be of any help in getting those going, you can find me in #tastyspleen.

  Just curious, any reason why?  I have been using the AprQ2 version on my XP machines for a long time, and I have been very happy with it.

It looks like Yamagi will fit the bill for my needs too, though.  The main reason I used AprQ2 under windows was:

1)  Widesceen support
2)  Single player support.  IIRC, I tried R1Q2 since that seems to be the standard, but IIRC single player was broke.


Quake / Re: Updated AprQ2 for Mac and Linux users
« on: March 25, 2014, 05:13:59 AM »

  Just a bump of appreciation.  I am finally getting ready to move away from XP, and for various reasons I am so done with Windows.  I'm making the move to Linux, and looking forward to it.  Right after my work related needed packages are installed, Q2 is priority #1.  Going to be a steep learning curve, but I will get there.  Have stuck my big toe in the linux pool a number of times, but now I'm ready to jump in.

Anyway, thanks again for all your hard work!


Quake / Re: What was the first pc you played q2 on?
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:27:36 AM »
Probably the first PC I ever owned, that a guy at work helped me build (I grew up on Commodore, but got out of computers in my mid teenage years and didn't touch my first PC until 1998):

PII 300Mhz
Abit LX6 mobo
Ati All-In-Wonder Pro 4meg

Got to play Q2 in all its openGL glory on that old ATI card.


Quake / Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:25:42 AM »
Guess I'm starting to get old.  I guess Q5 would be neat, but for me...I think something has been lost with these newer games compared to the old school ones.

I have Q4, but never finished it.  Just didn't have that magic "feel" to it.  I have Doom3, never finished it either.  I have finished Q1 and 2 single player many times.


Quake / Re: If Quake was made TODAY...
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:59:08 AM »
Old(ish?) video, but I don't exactly see your point. Most people I know who think like that just trash "new" games because they haven't played them. I don't know about you, but I've had a blast playing Halo 3 with a bunch of my friends. It's just a different kind of game than Quake.

What the hell....I'll bite...

First off, sorry if its been reposted.  I lurk ALOT, rarely post, but I have not seen it here b4.

Anyway, I'm not saying there aren't any GOOD newish games...One of my favorite Xbox games was indeed Halo.  I have also enjoyed Farcry, and some of the newer UT series.  Truth be told, to stay on the bleeding edge of PC gaming is an expensive hobby-so I haven't tried the *latest* and greatest, because I quit trying to "keep up with the Jones'" in the PC department long ago.  I'm showing my age here, but I have watched my oldest step son play the latest games on Xbox360.  I've even tried a game or two.  He's even bought me a few, but I just can't get into it.  In the console department, I just can't deal with a controller.  If I could have hooked up a mouse and keyboard, I *might* have at least been somewhat competitive, instead of just an extra easy target Heh.

In the PC realm of things, yeah some of the new games look cool, but I can't really pin it down, but they just don't "feel" right.  I don't know what it is....poor gameplay?  rehashed storylines, or uninteresting ones.  I dunno.  They just don't have that "something special" about them.  Quake2 to ME anyway, is something special.  Maybe its all just because Q2 was just released after I completed my very first PC (grew up on commodore).

In any case, that utube video has a LOT of truth to it...All the damn splash screens, limited tweaking ability, the stupid interruptions for hints...true story!


Quake / If Quake was made TODAY...
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:06:24 AM »
Okay, so I know its Quake 1 and not Quake 2, but I still found it funny as hell...

Am I the only one who thinks old games (Especially Quake 2)>ANY new game out there???


Trouble Shooting / Re: Problem forcing odd resolution
« on: August 03, 2012, 07:06:52 PM »

There ya go, any size black bars you want...

OMG!  Old thread, but I was just lurking around the forums since its been awhile, then I came to this post.  Thanks ALOT.  If I had of been drinking milk, it would have come out my nose.


Trouble Shooting / Re: Railgun Trail?
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:29:12 AM »
Here is another thread about missing particles, although it doesn't look like they got the issue resolved.

Hmmm...interesting.  It definately seems to be related to ATI cards, but I can't help but wonder if it truly is a driver "bug" or a bug in the latest AprQ2?  Only reason that makes me suspicious, is in the last few days I have been doing a lot of tweaking and tring things out to find the best client for me so that I can get back into it.  The ONLY client that doesn't have the rail trails is AprQ2, and the only version that exhibits this behavior is 1.211.  All these other clients work fine:  3.20 both SW and GL, ProQuake, R1Q2 and R1GL, Apr 1.211 SW, Apr 1.20 SW and GL....

Anyway, I have settled on AprQ2 v1.20.  Seems to work pretty good for me and my needs, with no real issues.


Trouble Shooting / Re: Railgun Trail?
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:16:48 PM »
I'm starting to think its a driver bug for the sole reason that only me and the OP seem to be having this issue.  It is odd that AprQ2 v1.20 is fine, as is vanilla 3.20; its only the newest AprQ2 (1.211) that has this problem.  Also, Apr software rendering its fine there too.

Dammit......if not for this ONE irritaing bug, this is the client I would be using and call it a day.  I'll figure it out somehow.  One thing I though of, but didn't work so well, is at some point in the not-to-distant past, ATI driver broke openGL.  Since this laptop is my only computer and its a prebuild unit, driver options are very slim.  I read on the net of some people dropping the atioglxx.dll from various driver versions in the game folder as a workaround for ATI's -at the time- broken opengl.  Problem is I tried one or two and Apr wouldn't even run.  No error, it just disappeared?!?!?

As far as driver settings, don't see much....AA and AF and a few other small settings.  Nothing seems to help.  If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears...


Trouble Shooting / Re: Railgun Trail?
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:25:23 AM »
I'm interested to hear if/how you ever got this resolved?  I am having the exact same issue.  I am using an hp laptop with ATI graphics.

Client is Aprq2 v1.211.  Oddly enough, 3.20 client it works fine, and aprq2 v1.20 it works fine.

One thing I noticed, in v1.211 if I stare at the floor and fire, I can kind of see a blue flash, so I don't think its "turned off", there is just no trail.


Quake / Re: Is FOV / widescreen considered cheating?
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:18:48 AM »
Well, as it turns out, I am selling that laptop, and bought yet another LOL.  Reason is, the one with the onboard graphics isn't *bad*, but does have some quirky behavior.  So now, I am back to ATI graphics.

I'm about to lose valuable hair though (not that I can stand to lose much more).  Trying to find *just* the right client for my needs sucks...They all seem to have some of their own quirks.

Every once in a while I will go back thru single player, just to reminisce, so that is important to me; I also have the two mission packs as well.
I enjoy playing railz and lithium as far as multiplayer go.

Clients I have tried, and issues noted:

3.20-No real issues, but no widescreen support.
Q2Pro-its been a while, but believe it crashed when I went to select a player model (I have "all players" installed from the download section here at tasty).
R1Q2-Single player broken; I found a workaround, but cut scenes still do not work.  Seems like the one to use for multiplayer only though.
AprQ2-So far, *almost* perfect.  On my really old laptop, this is what I used.  When I got the new one, it didn't run so well, but since I bought yet another new laptop, it runs like butter again.  BUT...v1.20 crashes when selecting a player model.  v1.211 fixes that issue, but the railgun trail is broken in this version...

Arrrrgggg.  I'll figure it out somehow...


Quake / Re: AprQ2 v1.21 is released
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:30:57 PM »
Is the railgun trails broken for anyone else besides me in 1.211?


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