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Messages - Void-995

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Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:40:24 AM »
Version 2016/10/21:

  • Added support Variable FPS on clients/servers based on Q2Pro (crucial for Plasma Beam and Chaingun)
  • Plasma Beam ported from Ground Zero (Rogue) with the following characteristics (to see the weapon model itself, please, copy pak0.pak from "rogue" folder into the "empire" folder with name pak8.pak):
    • Rate Of Fire: 2400 (per minute)
    • Damage: 4 per shot
    • Ammo Consumption: 0.5 cell per shot
    • Range: 768 units
    • Behavior at Q2 10FPS ordinary server/client: 16 damage per shot, 2 cells per shot consumed
  • Health behavior:
    • Initial HP is 125
    • Health reduced by 1 every 1.0s, provided that current HP value is greater then 100
    • Reduction rate is delayed by 1.5s after Stimpack (item_health_small) was picked up
    • Reduction rate is delayed by 5.0s after Mega Health (item_health_mega) was picked up
    • Absolute HP maximum is 200, none of health items can be picked up at this value
  • Armor behavior:
    • Armor reduced by 1 every 1.5s, provided that armor value is greater then maximum value of current armor type (situation with Armor Shard)
    • Reduction rate is delayed by 1.5s after Armor Shard (item_armor_shard) was picked up
    • Absolute armor maximum is 150% of maximum value of current armor type, Armor Shard can not be picked up after this value
  • CG (Chaingun) changes:
    • Damage value per bullet is 7 now (was 6)
    • Spread is reduced by 10%
  • MG (Machinegun) changes:
    • Damage value per bullet is 6 now (was 7)
    • Spread is reduced by 60%
  • Added auto-jump ability
  • For testing purpose (like DM in Warsow, FFA is totally another thing there), all players are spawned with all weapons (except BFG10K) and ammo

Current build is coming with Q2Pro built with Variable FPS and Anti Cheat (Server-Side) support. Both, x86 and x86_64, builds for Windows are provided. To launch game, please, use ".CMD" launchers instead of ".EXE" directly. To install this version, please, delete your previous "empire" folder.

Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:25:57 AM »
Man... sorry, could you explain all this in more detail for a noob like me? 3 separate shhots from CG? True FPS?  :eyecrazy:

By default, Quake 2 only able to run game logic at 10 frames per second.

Chaingun fire-rate has 3 stages:
* Starting - 600 RPM (rounds per minute);
* Middle - 1200 RPM
* Full Speed - 1800 RPM

Now a little bit of math... :) How to make 600 RPM with 10 FPS (game ticks/frames per second)? Easy, 10FPS (frames per second) * 60S (seconds) * 1RPF (rounds per frame) = 600 RPM (rounds per minute). What about stage "Middle"? We are limited to 10 FPS! That's right: 10FPS (frames per second) * 60S (seconds) * 2RPS (rounds per frame) = 1200 RPM (rounds per minute). And for the "Full Speed" we get what you think here: 10FPS (frames per second) * 60S (seconds) * 3RPS (rounds per frame) = 1800 RPM (rounds per minute). Which means, that Chaingun has the same, technically, fire-rate as MG (Machine Gun) with 600, but for faking higher fire-rate it try to shoot 2 bullets (1 if only 1 left) on stage "Middle" with decreasing your ammo by 2 (1 if only 1 left) immediately, and 3 bullets (1 if only 1 left, 2 if only 2 left) per frame on stage "Full Speed" with  decreasing your ammo by 3 (1 if only 1 left, 2 if only 2 left) immediately... Math and hacks! :D

That means that if you are leading the target on full speed in air, you can miss a lot, because instead of hitting at least 1 bullet on stage "Full Speed" you are totally missing all 3 bullets left or right at the target. Or hitting all 3 (if random is friendly to you), of course, if you was able to hit at all. That leads to inconsistency, and especially frustrating after you have played newer shooters with higher tick rate on server.

Meanwhile, Q2Pro (when building it with special compilation flags) have support for "Variable FPS" where you can set your server to run at tick-rate (game logic frames per second) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60. But mod should be able to recognize it to take advantage, if it is recognizing it, weapon frames run at 10 FPS (frames per second) anyway. But! Game logic is able to run then even at 60 FPS! So what's the deal? For example, to queue 2nd and 3rd shoot from stage "Full Speed" a bit forward in time, somewhere in between weapon frames (interval 0.1s, right?) and check if it's right time to shoot them at the end of server frame (which is may be bound to 60, instead of 10 like weapon frames, because weapon frames should be bound to old good 10 FPS for a reasons of compatibility and sanity). With queuing shoots like that, clients, which supports "Variable FPS" as well (currently only Q2Pro server and client doing that right), may shoot 3 separate shoots in time-frame of 0.1s! While other clients would still have old behavior and get all 3 shoots by the end of the server frame (at least Q2Pro client player would be able to place them correctly). That means more smooth and fair game-play without braking compatibility with other Quake 2 clients.

Even if that's important for Chaingun, it even more important for Plasma Beam! Because 10 FPS for it even sounds absurdly from my viewpoint (especially if you have played Q3/QL for a while), you may try to hit your opponent and even you see that you are pointing beam at him, you may miss because of 10 server ticks! So I'm gonna fix Plasma Beam and Chaingun to take advantage of "Variable FPS" feature of Q2Pro based servers, while still being compatible with other clients (or even servers, but there you would get 10 FPS no matter what client you are using). I think that more Quake 2 clients (and servers for sake) should take advantage of integrating that feature (and mods, of course!). If you would ask me, then dedicated server build of Q2Pro with anti-cheat and variable FPS enabled is the best way to host the game. :)

P. S. I was trying to be as simple and easy to read as possible. Ask you if you need to know more! :P

Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 17, 2016, 12:48:41 PM »
Man, its great!!  :headbang:

But allow me to make some reviews ...

To spawn with more than 100hp is to kill the core of q2, as it ends with the spawnfrags, which has always been its main feature! That should be something optional for server-side configuration. Fast weapons switch should also be optional in server settings too.

But I liked the hitsounds, it was great!! Another thing that would be nice to be implemented, is the timer clock to be configurable to run up or down, like in q3! This would help a lot to make TIMING of the items in mind!

Other guesses:
- Support to recognize skins and models with separate names(e.g.: male/super male.pcx. This skin won't work in modern clients, cuz the name must to be together), as is possible just in the original game client(but I think it has nothing to do with the mod, but with the client. If so, forgive me.).
- Support to mission packs(client needs to copy and paste the MP's paks into Empire folder).
- Includes in mod folder a small editor of ".menu" files for editing menus in q2pro client. Its should be cool!
- Anti lag code, like in KTX's QW mod!
- Support to soundtracks in ".ogg" format or something !

What u think about?

Yes, making most of the "game-breaking" features to be vote-able/configurable on server. And yes, I've ported Plasma Beam gun from Ground Zero (ROGUE) into the game just today, might think about porting other weapons from there and The Reckoning (XATRIX) ;)

About the ".menu" file - yes, I'm using Q2Pro Client as well, might think to do one in near future.

Anti-lag code, not sure here, but I'm planning to add true support for variable FPS into the mod, you might need special build of Q2 Pro (or to build it yourself, because for some reason it's disabled in default build) to see it in action. True variable FPS will allow to have 3 separate shoots from Chaingun in 0.1s, while it's spinning at maximum speed, if FPS is 30 or higher, while having old 3 shoots per one 0.1s frame (default Quake 2 10 FPS server behavior) on other servers/clients, at least I hope so :P.

OGG and skins are questions more to the client itself :) Maybe I will try to bring R1Q2 anti-cheat and support for CD-tracks (OGG as well) back into Q2Pro (at least as fork of it). About copying .PAK files from MPs - I might try to make installer for it which will look for ROGUE and XATRIX, unpack needed files, re-pack them back with only needed files into EMPIRE folder with name pak9.pak or something like that, as there is no need to have an more then 300 Mb of the same files for 5 more weapons.

Also, have you tried latest build from 2016/10/11 with different hit sounds and text messages? :) I may do a new build closer to the end of the week, even with bots... Even if they would be true definition of SABots (Stupid Angry Bots) even more then original SABot from DooM 3 and Quake 4. ;)

Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 14, 2016, 03:26:55 PM »
Nice to see some new Quake2 development!

Is the source code online somewhere (e.g. github?)

If you are still interested in code:
I've made some small balancing fixes for health pickups and started to work on bots, all code is on GitHub :)

Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 13, 2016, 12:58:37 AM »
New beta version released on ModDB:

Version 2016/10/11:
* New hit sounds based on damage amount or kill
* Announcer messages

Version 2016/10/07:
* 125 points of initial health
* Lowering the level of health points to 100 if the current level is greater than the maximum, not only when a player has a Mega Health
* Quick weapon switching
* Hit sounds for better feedback to an attacker

Quake / Re: New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 09, 2016, 01:50:31 PM »
Yeah, the Quake1 DarkPlaces engine does that kinda stuff with real-time lighting, light bloom, etc. Sure, it looks pretty, but it tends to run slow with the real-time lights enabled unless you have a really decent newer video card. I'm running a new-ish AMD Radeon HD 6450 (512MB-1GB DDR3/GDDR5) and attempting to play it with RT lights enabled makes it very slow.

If you haven't already seen it, you might be interested in what Jay Dolan has done with his rewrite of the Q2 renderer in his Quetoo project:

I do think that there is a demand for enhanced graphics for this game. If you could deliver on that then I think could get some attention for your mod.

The main thing is that all attempts to make Quake 2 more HD ends with problems that DarkPlaces have - it fully ruins the atmosphere. Even if Stencil Shadows/Shadow Volumes, PCF Shadows, Depth Of Field, Motion Blur, Bloom, SSAO and such may look cool at first, to be honest - it's just a gimmick. It looked cool where it was appropriate, where it was planned from the beginning, when the art style was chosen to look like that from start of development. Quake 2 was all about lightmaps and even more important - radiosity. Currently I'm working on lightmapping tool for another game, but Quake 2 is an nice platform to test it. One of the reason lighting in Quake 2 looks weird sometimes is the color range, Quake 3 is using range 0.0 - 2.0 for each channel, where if lightmap color is RGB (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - the texture is just shown as you would open it in some graphics editor, while if color channel is greater then 1.0 - texture looks over-brighten which mimics HDR effect. Quake 2 just clamps all color channels to 0.0 - 1.0 range which ends with result of flat single colored, just like it is vertex lit, corridors, while they need to have some over-bright effect with some range in over-bright zone, without it you may notice famous colored spots effect of Quake 2. My custom lighting tool is computing colors in range from 0.0 - 4.0 (stored just like in Quake 3 in LDR image, but with some trickery that will look correct only after fragment/pixel shader over ligthmap), which means that you won't have those bland colored spots and have over-brighten zone like in Quake 3, but even with better and greater range after value of 1.0, which means more colors and less bland lighting. Having in it's arsenal GPU based radiosity and raytracer with support for point lights, spot lights, directional lights, area lights (radiosity), correct ambient occlusion, Gaussian filter for multi-sampling, HDR, support for deluxe mapping (normal mapping and specular attenuation over ligthmaps), correct light bleeding in global illumination - it may give Quake 2 another fresh look with much better quality, with mostly important - maintaining atmosphere and performance for various machines.

Also, in attachments there is some very early pre-alpha screenshots of lightmapper over famous ztn2dm3 (don't mind wrong colors or over-brighten rocket launcher, that was selected for testing purposes only).

Quake / New Q2 MOD - Strogg Empire
« on: October 08, 2016, 02:20:22 AM »
Strogg Empire is an mod in development for Quake 2. Currently, aims to make Quake 2 MP more attractive to modern audience (mostly grown on the Quake 3), adding a "hit-sound" for feedback, 125 HP on respawn, a quick weapons switch and other enhancements. In addition, there is a plan to add bots and small SP campaign in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Quake 2. In the end, it's planned to make it's own client for the mod and base game to make possible "Project Relight" (HD lightmaps with normal mapping and specular attenuation for the whole game) which could be included with this mod. Stay tuned!


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