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Messages - Gibaholic

Pages: [1] 2
1 / CPMA server is using an old client
« on: April 20, 2020, 10:42:15 AM »
just thought id give you a heads up but CPMA has been updated since then....

AC doesn't flag it when i run r1q2. Nothing is flagged actually except my crakhor model which i never understood why.

no i'm not using ac because the latest q2pro doesn't support it. those "spikes" are really just hit sparks and it's just for seeing where my shots go. it wouldn't win me a game. but are custom sounds allowed? when i do use an ac client it doesn't complain about anything.

Just trying to figure out how to set up my pak. I know people have timer wavs, player hitsounds that tell them health (found it in purris pak) bfg hums, nade times, etc etc. Now I have no qualms about using brightskins and a custom hud, but where does everything else stand? ATM i'm using some q3a sounds and I have a nade timer. powerup/armor timers are fucking bullshit and would get you banned in any other game. same with the modded player hitsounds. Anticheat doesn't complain about any of my modded files so as long as AC doesn't complain then I'm fine?

and for reference, here's a screen of my setup atm:

Quake / Post your quake 2 set up
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:57:26 AM »

Quake / looking for colored vweps
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:15:06 PM »
anyone have a link to some colored vweps? i'd prefer some good looking ones.

Also, i seem to remember there being a pak file used for the quad damage tournament at qcon. i can't remember if this had colored weapons or not.

While i'm at it, anyone have a good hud gfx replacement pak and a sound pak?

Quake / Custom huds?
« on: March 13, 2010, 08:41:24 PM »
Is there anyway i can customize the layout of my hud? I'd like to do something like this

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: pcx brightskins?
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:33:57 AM »
Thanks for the help

Skins, Models and Maps / pcx brightskins?
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:08:58 AM »
Anyone have a link to pcx brightskins that i can use on vanilla quake 2.exe?

Trouble Shooting / Re: r1q2 is laggy
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:21:25 AM »
Yeah i'm not using an nvidia, just some integrated video card. it's a laptop

edit: found the problem, it was this command set gl_doublelight_entities "0" that fixed it

Trouble Shooting / r1q2 is laggy
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:43:18 PM »
I recently reinstalled quake 2 and r1q2. Now the game will run fine if i use default opengl. When i use r1gl though the game will skip and stutter when i shoot or there's explosions. I'm on windows 7 64 bit.

Q2 Training Camp / Re: disabling viewbob?
« on: April 14, 2008, 02:02:55 PM »
So I'm stuck with the bobbing in mp games? That'd suck, one thing I like about the quake series is having the ability to disable any effects that would annoy you.

art, music, etc. / Re: LIST YOUR TOP 10 METAL BANDS
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:25:12 AM »
Deviated instinct

there's my top 5..

Q2 Training Camp / disabling viewbob?
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:13:26 AM »
I'm pretty sure i'm using the right commands, viewbob is disabled in single player but not multiplayer

set bob_pitch "0"
set bob_roll "0"
set bob_up "0"
set run_pitch "0"
set run_roll "0"

The only reason I can think of for it not working correctly would have to be that the server has to set it, and if this is the case, why hasn't it been done?

Quake / Close the dm server and vanilla server for a day...
« on: August 05, 2006, 11:38:02 PM »
.... so that everyone will go the ctf server!!

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