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Messages - ashtar

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 17, 2005, 07:17:20 PM »
I know that there are those amongst us who think that ANY use of IA, QUAD, BFG or anything "Noobish" like that is a DREADFUL SIN against their sacred quake "professionalism".

has anyone try using the name.... "%9f%999f%f%f%f".... or try the name ......"%9f%f%999f%f%f"....while playing at sisters, u must die while using these names!!!!!!!

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 16, 2005, 02:54:21 PM »

The current longer timelimit is an attempt to balance allowing some playfulness with the settings vs. those who prefer the standard vanilla settings.

I played today and tried to use it, but it was painful.

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 12, 2005, 08:01:45 PM »
i sure hope all us quake2 players don't eat each other and out of the thousands that play only 42 will survive.... why is that tragedy of the commons thing so darn funny to me.  I can't stop laughing!

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 12, 2005, 04:55:33 PM »
[quote author={SX}AdAm

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 12, 2005, 08:04:27 AM »
dude, what u just said was the most retarded thing i've ever heard.  I'm sorry but your case about how Lab is up next and someone has mymapped something else....that is soooooo stupid.  Do  you know why??????????  CUZ YOU COULD MYMAP LAB OR ANY OTHER MAP YOU WANTED TO PLAY IN THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF MINUTES YOU HAVE.  THIS IS WHAT MYMAP IS FOR SO YOU CAN JUMP ON AND PLAY THE MAPS YOU WANT AND THEN LEAVE INSTEAD OF WAITING AND WAITING AND WAITING FOR THOSE MAPS TO POP UP.  (sorry for yelling but when i see or hear ignorance for some reason it pisses me off)

did anyone here try using one of the names i posted two messages back and then logging onto sisters???  if so what happened?  btw, if u've been banned from sisters then just change your IP address.

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 11, 2005, 09:15:56 AM »
BTW, which maps do you call crappy?

Quake / Re: mymap returns to vanilla
« on: October 10, 2005, 08:31:49 PM »
I for one would prefer to see the mymap feature retired forever!

Hmmmm.... Like, on all servers, or just vanilla?

Actually what would be cool is if not only you could keep a map from being played more than once every two hours, but keep individual players from "mymapping" more than once every two hours (or so).

Well - it would be easy,technically, to add IP-based limits to mymap usage.

try using the name.... "%9f%999f%f%f%f".... or try the name ......"%9f%f%999f%f%f".... i am not responsible if you try these names, use them at your own risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  but i'm sure your either too chicken or you won't copy them exactly how they are here cuz you all noobz.

Quake / Re: Alternate Clients
« on: September 27, 2005, 12:23:14 PM »
 My personal favorite clients to use for Quake 2 is Ratbot and OpenHell.dll.  Nothing else has given me the edge like those two did.  Happy quaking!

  Have you ever been kicked cuz u'r beating a CAS clan member on Sisters of a Worthless Miracle?  I have and i found out something fun to do is to make your name %999f%f%f%f%f and then log into Sisters server, try it for fun to see what happens.  LOL, i hate CAS clan, they are the worst players i've ever seen for having 20 pings and so they resort to kicking and banning players that are beating them or better than them.  F@gz

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