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Messages - Ace

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Its not that simple and I wont use Quark ewww...  I am a worldcraft builder only

Never mind, this is the error I get, I think it has to do with the program I am using "Worldcraft" apparently, I have to add a new game somehow to Worldcraft, or write my own editor...

SetQdirFromPath: no 'quake' in F:\band\band\maps\bandtest

I need a new compiler for q2 bsp's, but need the source to do this, becuase I want my maps to go directly to the band folder, not quake2's.....  the compilers complain about no Quake2..... so to get past this I would need a source to a compiler and re-compile it pointing it to the band folder instead... anyone have a clue as of what I am talking about or know a work arround or a source to this?

If you want to call it that, guys I need some advice, and good advice this time..... how would you treat the targeted location or pos as a movement or attack point in Q2's Engine?  In EGL I am coding this, but the case wont work properly, becuase I have not identified them or included them into the code just yet.   So what I am asking is how would I improve the code to allow mouse click to move and attack and pick up stuff rather than arrow key movements?

Here is the code tidbit:

void CG_MoveMouse2 (float cx, float cy)
cursorX += cx * ui_sensitivity->floatVal;
cursorY += cy * ui_sensitivity->floatVal;
cursorX = clamp (cursorX, 2, cg.refConfig.vidWidth - 2);
cursorY = clamp (cursorY, 2, cg.refConfig.vidHeight - 2);

Now thats for the mouse movements, I tried to add a case and stuff, but I do not know what I am doing....    I understand this about coding, you must declare or identifiy, the variable, intager, or what ever first, then if using a case, you would have to have everything identified first, I can not compile the dll becuase when I tried to do exactly that, it still insists I did not identified it...

One clue to me is this tidbit code here for flashlight:

//Flashlight code may prove usefull for mouse movement Ace, Look here for awnsers to mouse problem
      cgi.MSG_ReadPos (pos);
      ent = cgi.MSG_ReadShort ();
      CG_Flashlight (ent, pos);

However above it I did not know the declarations that was being used untill I checked....  at the following identifiers

void CG_ParseTempEnt (void)
   int      type, cnt, color, r, ent, magnitude;
   vec3_t   pos, pos2, dir;

   type = cgi.MSG_ReadByte ();

   switch (type) {

now those tell it stuff about the pos, and axises, and what not I know, I am not that dumb, but I want to do the same for the mouse, I tried to impliment the same thing, and it still gave errors in compile becuase I was trying to use it in a fashion different than what it was supposed to, I even tried to include cl_input.c at the begging of the code with no luck!

the dll wont compile, I scrapped my code, and willing to start over with your guys help and advice....

Basically I was trying to use K_MOUSE1 in a case, to identify if the mouse had been clicked or not....

So please help me guys! <3

A I am not a newb, and


Oh, BTW, if you do make a game from this code, you must publish the source and give idSoftware credit for the code that you use.

I do not have to becuase I am buying it from them....  but of course they will get credit since it is the Q2 engine...

BTW are you related to Discoloda?  Becuase I hate him with a passion for what he did, quit on me, to goto the EGL team... if it was not for him, BAND would of already been made and not 7 years over due!

Ironicly I am using the EGL port of the Q2 Engine though... :/

yes it was added, its a new element that adds functions such as new menu. mouse, and other functions, and graphics elements that makes the game better.... but I am disappointed with its shadows and not sure how to do the shaders like Serious Sam detail textures...  I could of sworn egl supported this feature....

Oh I just Rare pack the code and give them versions....  I duno about that stuff...  sounds like a good idea, but I am too lazy to worry with it.  I have like 3 ro 4 backup's 1 is the original, another is the one discoloda gave me... but enough about him :/ and then the others..... the most recent I have is the cleanest yet, just incompleate, and needs more content, but thats the leveling system and mouse control over-rides that has to be implimented....  my friend and fellow coder, has stepped down, and now I am in lead since I am doing this alot faster, but he is still going to help out when he can, he rather do teh modeling.    Anyways, like I said I rather not bother with it even if benificial, thanks Quadz thought for your insight...  and suggestions.  But its hard to re-write- or alter the control systems, I have to remove the pitch, yall, roll, bob, elements since this is not going to be 1st person view but third person view, and top view like Diablo...  so this may be harder to do than I anticipated, but with cgame, its proving helpfull with re-writing the menu and mouse movements.

I was looking at win_main.c and was wondering if I could combine cgame and game without errors?

static libList_t sys_libList[LIB_MAX] = {
   { "LIB_CGAME",   NULL,   "bandcgame" LIBARCH ".dll",   "GetCGameAPI"   },
   { "LIB_GAME",   NULL,   "game" LIBARCH ".dll",      "GetGameAPI"   },

would be less compiling I think, and less complex?

I was just meaning he should of made it simpler, by removing the elements people might not want from the source in the "SOLUTION" is all while still keeping the original h's and c's there for people to impliment if needed, sure I am greatfull he released it, but it gives me alot of headaches, and revisisions.... not sure what you mean by that?  I am sure you are refering to the code in the engine, I seen svn, but the others???

I am backing up the the "CLEANED" code as I go.... so far its been a success!

I'm glad for your success.

Are you familiar with revision control systems?  (E.g. svn, git, bzr, hg...?)

Newblet, id Software is one of the only game companies to release the source to their AAA titles, for the community to learn from and customize.

A: I am not a Newbie
B: I know that.... this is why I said what I said earlier "samples"  but what ever
and C:  No disrespect, its just seems like no one reads what I say or understands me well.... or maybe I ask or approach my speaking ina manner no one understands, either way....  you of all people should know what I ment by all that said about the Code

A: I'm only judging your skill level by the statements you're making here.  There's nothing wrong with being a newbie.

C: You wrote: "If he was going to release the GPL, at least eh should of cleaned it first, and got rid of all other junk that devs would care less for in the program... [...] but nooooo.... he wanted to keep the code there, and said here, you deal with it, I am too lazy to clean if first!"

I don't think I've 'misunderstood' you.  You seem to be either completely clueless about the generous nature of Carmack's gift: that he released the source to us at all; or you're suffering from a misplaced sense of entitlement.


But, if you did not read AFTER that, you would see I had said

I am more upset about the solution than the code to be honest, the code is fine in alot of aspects, when I say "CLEAN CODE" I mean a "CLEAN SOLUTION" for us programmers to work with, and not have to remove them ourself, I rather be adding on, than removing when building up the solution!

and even before that I said he should of included "samples" for learning..... scroll up and re-read....  or do I have to delete the line compleatly just to satisify you, and make sure you clearly understood whart I ment, becuase apparently when I type my messages I don;t state fully what I mean...  :frustration:

maybe you can take a look at some existing mod source code and try to reproduce what you need one step at a time?
  LOL I am doing that but in reverse... ;) with the EGL code, but deleting irrelavant stuff to my game.... 1 step at a time... btw I like you, your freaking cool, and take no shit, and give good advice.... :)

Im actually successfully doing it my way, 50% of the old monster code is gone and removed permanently, and I removed BFG and Railgun successfully without errors.... so far so good!  What I am doing is removing 1 thing at a time, to be sure I don;t eff things up.... nad I am backing up the the "CLEANED" code as I go.... so far its been a success!

Quote from Quadz
Newblet, id Software is one of the only game companies to release the source to their AAA titles, for the community to learn from and customize.

A: I am not a Newbie
B: I know that.... this is why I said what I said earlier "samples"  but what ever

and C:  No disrespect, its just seems like no one reads what I say or understands me well.... or maybe I ask or approach my speaking ina manner no one understands, either way....  you of all people should know what I ment by all that said about the Code


 :rockon: I LOVE Q2's Engine, and the map editor I use, used for 10+ years, and I just hate to see a plan I came up with go up in smoke and go poof.... and if this is what it takes to get it done by all means I will do it, unless someone else has already done it, and I can learn from it... but I did manage to ONE TIME get Quake2 to work without all that monster crap, and still have some monster code left over for future monster creation.... however now I am not so lucky becuase I am fininding the EXE compiles fine without error, oblivious to the change to the DLL so when I compiled the new EXE and tried runing it, the maps crashed which it did not do this before, so I am trying to figure out why that is....  or what I did to kill it... so I reverted back to old code I had, tried again, but now the dll wont compile at all....

If done right it might not break the game, thats why I said "samples" to prevent breaking in the integraty of the code, to prevent errors, and allow room for expansion or new improvements to the code.... but he didn't so what ever....  :rocketright: :rocketleft:

but to be honest we could argue all day about his failures.... what I want is results, so who is willing to help me?  so far Quadz has without any arguments of why.... Quadz don't have to ask why, becuase he knows what I want, but does everyone else know what I want in this game?  not sure.... only time will tell... so basially I am asking for help too in the same sense as to breaking the code, to fix the code.....

I am more upset about the solution than the code to be honest, the code is fine in alot of aspects, when I say "CLEAN CODE" I mean a "CLEAN SOLUTION" for us programmers to work with, and not have to remove them ourself, I rather be adding on, than removing when building up the solution!  :frustration:

Or maybe I am asking the wrong people for help on this, but seriously, the solution is cluttered with utter crap thats not needed for developers to make a new game.  Even if its GPL!

So in other words, someone needs to make a clean solution with cleaned up code, for devs who want to make a new game using the Q2 engine.... ...Which I am attemptig to do now....

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