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Messages - hieronymous

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1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 21, 2009, 04:42:36 PM »
I can see where both of you are coming from... but does everyone see where naymlis is coming from in this duel? Naymlis doesn't play conservative tournament-style like your life depends on it defense. He's not going to wait for opportunities, he's going to create opportunities.... Even against opponents that aren't that defensive, he will often make them adapt a defensive strategy for the duel. This is because his outlook on a q2 duel is to pressure your opponent, from as many points possible and as fast as possible, into a position that they're not as comfortable in.... because it's more fun and it's the way you SHOULD duel, imo... but bottom line, yes naym was a little sloppy but he was playing his fast-paced game that works even when he's not on. Sometimes he is on.

Also I doubt either player took this game seriously.

I would say that is a good assessment

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 19, 2009, 09:17:31 PM »

but I still say that it was poor play for naymlis or perhaps it is just not his map

General Ownage / Re: My Public Apology
« on: March 14, 2009, 06:08:06 PM »
There is no need to apologize in quake 2

1.  You should never do anything that would merit the need of an apology.

2. Nade the hell out of anyone you needed to apologize to.

gl with life -- we all could use some understanding and help in that area I am sure.

General Ownage / Re: REAPER?!?!
« on: March 14, 2009, 06:02:25 PM »
Whatever happened to a lot of players?

Mangymutt  for one

most just move on but peolple like reaper and Mangymutt never go away unless they have to.

L4m3r Demos / Re: Possible Auto-aim?
« on: March 10, 2009, 08:02:48 PM »
Player called O_o was on and ignored all weapons except rail, and I was railed by a suspicious quick turnaround shot so I demoed it. This was at 1:45 EST on Tastyspleen. Nothing really obvious on the demo except the odd shot.


The only thing suspicious was that Dunn seemed to be playing with one hand.

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:44:54 PM »
Quote from: hieronymous
Thanks for posting

that said;

you tube sucks even in high def

and that was the spammiest , sloppiest game of q2rdm2 I have ever watched

You do know these are the top NA  players?

edit: nice youtube link!!

doesn't say much for NA   does it

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:43:24 PM »

and that was the spammiest , sloppiest game of q2rdm2 I have ever watched
Just curious hiero, have you seen many skillful rdm2 duels? I beg to differ with your opinion, in terms of context. Naym actually played very conservatively, running a familiar pattern given pb's defensive style. Dealing with each adjective separately:

sloppiest: Naym molded his rdm2 (and much of his q2 dueling) style on Scandie players who traditionally dominate this map. His jumps are crisp, his movement efficient. In fact in this demo, he displays a professional textbook offense[used correctly here since he's previously played Quake for money]on this map. Which leads into the next rebuttal...

spammiest: Chastity comprises two large areas, cornered by YAs. When controlling the map you necessarily spam the YAs from the near-mega position with rox and intermittent slugs -- again, a textbook offensive style when controlling. In fact, I would say Naym fired no more rox than any first-tier regular euro/scandie rdm2 dueler.

I've repeated this truism before in other demo threads(and very much on display in this pov):

"Your primary goal in a duel is to whore and gather armors, health, weaps and ammo in exactly that order of priority. If your opponent gets in the way of that objective AND you're prepared to frag 'em -- then go for the point; the 'win' will take care of itself."

p.s.  :headbang: Orudie for taking the time&effort getting q2 out to the broader entertain'osphere -- reTRO gamAHZ!

I do know of what i speak   -- "spectator 1"

but in all fairness

both make it look easier than it is

with some expert movement  and knowledge around the map ( and some nice hits )  -- but you would have to admit there is far too much spamming at openings and lazy play ( not cat and mouse just plain non aggressive) and for players of this calibur there should be at least something extraordinary . 

maybe I am just spoiled by Damiah's unmatched skill on this map

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:33:05 PM »

Quote from: hieronymous
Thanks for posting

that said;

you tube sucks even in high def

and that was the spammiest , sloppiest game of q2rdm2 I have ever watched

You do know these are the top NA  players?

edit: nice youtube link!!

depends on where you make the cutoff

I would say that ah and naymlis don't play religious enough to be at the top of their game.

/dev/random / Re: My cd collection
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:38:48 PM »
The only thing I play anymore!!!!

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: naymlis vs ah! q2rdm2 Feb 2009
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:33:40 PM »
Thanks for posting

that said;

you tube sucks even in high def

and that was the spammiest , sloppiest game of q2rdm2 I have ever watched

Quake / Re: B100D + orudie Lan Party pictures
« on: March 01, 2009, 07:01:42 PM »
Thanks for the post -- represents a side of quake2 that is all but dead

But lets have those demos!

awesome photos on the other albums too

Rails Demos / Re: You're doing it wrong!
« on: February 04, 2009, 03:56:11 PM »
uh     and you and anyone else in those games are any better?

what is the point here unless this guy made you mad by beating you --- and that couldn't happen because he is obviously much less experienced than you.

I could see if it were a really bad player like    crusty, dawk, BOSTON, range , marijane, etc   but this guy isnt that bad

and real motion sickness comes from chasing SidDmaniac   

I guess I am whining but    why make fun of a new player?   

post funny     post weird    post great play      or only post yourself      The first two are too close to rude and you may not know the whole story

YOU are a good player    lets see you kick some ass -- like you beating all of these guys easy!   ( then again rails demos are boring the only reason people download them is to see if someone did/said something they want to know )

What do I know?   -- I'll let you answer that

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: Some demos
« on: December 13, 2008, 09:27:47 PM »
Nice play      thanks for posting     I wish there was more demos posted     especially when they are as entertaining.   I miss playing and this helped.

Discussion / Re: Nade Tournament
« on: December 12, 2008, 06:06:40 PM »
Yes Panjoo definitely.

Two tournaments

First and foremost,  a 1v1 double elimination with screened applicants by admins only serious tournament .

and  secondly, a tournament of some form of ffa altered maps to make all weapons grenades (with or without grenade launcher) on one or more voted on maps (city1?, q2dm1?, q2dm8?)  with fraglimit of only 100-200 sounds truly like great fun for all.   Only problem is where and how to control the number of players ( and that there isn't really a good map for something like that).

Jokes / Re: Funny Pictures
« on: October 07, 2008, 12:13:56 PM »
There is a joke there about her being rj-11 (always on the telephone) and him having twisted pair pinout rj45 and resorting to networking --- otherwise eventually incompatible     :LAME:

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