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Messages - thehighesttree

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Just wanted to say: still dig the WOD-X!

Also ex's idea about being able to slam people into walls is pretty cool. Maybe it could be an alternate hyperblaster, using ammo steady as it suspends someone at the original distance and lets you swing them around for "fall damage' that would even work on walls. I have no idea if this is feasible but this mod keeps challenging what i think the Q2 engine is capable of...

weapons / Re: Most overpowered WODX weapon
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:03:50 PM »
Sentinels are ok in limited amounts, but the ability to tie them to airstrikes spams an entire map with with them.  I suggest either not being able to tie them to air strikes, or, make staying alive long enough for the airstrike to arrive a requirement again.  now you can just pick up  a maker, call a strike and it will arrive regardless of how many times you die before the strike arrives.  that doesn't take much skill, especially with sentinels.


This was a great way of keeping airstrikes reasonable and I was surprised when it got removed. A player should lose his airstrike if he respawns before it hits.

There's a mappack with all Doom 1 Knee Deep in the Dead levels HERE that could be pretty fun if someone can remix them to have spawnpoints. Sometimes the ceiling height can be too low in doorways but it's pretty uncommon.

Zombie idea sounds cool!

weapons / Re: Most overpowered WODX weapon
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:10:45 PM »
Could make it so that IEDs and tripmines made with fire grenades wouldn't deploy if you shot them, but all the rest would. That would give a bump to the value of the more expensive options.

More types of spawn monsters. I seem to remember the doberman being an unimplimented option but the fiend would be hilarious. Does the Virus spawn give credit to the person who made it when it gets a frag?

I said it before, but the passive Action Quake jumpkick would rock. It seems perfectly suited to this type of crazy action because you can send someone flying across even huge maps with a good boot.

The sticking fire is really well-implimented in WODX, but it would be cool if it had thawing properties on frozen stuff...I feel like a chump when I'm frozen and on fire. You could make different types of damage interact, like making the lightning gun shrapnal-explode frozen players! Lightning gun should also have stun to make it more lightningy and worthy of sharing the BFG slot.

weapons / Re: Are games like Weapons of Destruction too violent?
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:22:28 AM »
 :frustration: HEADSHOT :dohdohdoh:

It's cartoony enough that I wouldn't be worried about it.

weapons / Re: Most overpowered WODX weapon
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:20:41 AM »
I hate the smasher because it doesn't require real aiming and people can whore you into a corner really badly with it. If it only did ~10 damage then at least you could fight back or run away.

Being able to shoot the stinger/cruise missiles would be great.

IEDs can be a real pain too. It bugs me that for a minimal investment (1 grenade + some cells) people can just shart out an IED that can't be harmlessly defused. Maybe find a way to make it so you can't place them within a telepad area too.

The gravity stuff needs to allow you to teleport out of it. I don't think that's unreasonable because it would be the only way to survive and seems like the sort of situation the teleporter was made for.

weapons / Re: Welcome to Weapons of Destruction!
« on: April 30, 2012, 07:21:50 PM »
Hey Ruiner and everyone else! Thanks for the server, mod and this forum.

I play as CYBER BULLY or NONJA. I talk shite some of the time but I'm legit and not always a dick. My favourite weapons are snipey headshot guns and melee. Meteor is the only airstrike worthwhile. Only cocks use the gravitron. I'm not poser (he's a prick). Look forward to keeping up with the development (playing since 1.03) and WODX has really grown into a huge and inspired mod with a steady community.

I've got beef with this --> :forceac: though since I run a mac and certain B1TCH clients don't support it. It's a slap in the face to try to log into a server on a 15?-year-old game only to get booted by that stuff.

I've rambled long enough.

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