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Messages - EmeraldTiger

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Quake / Re: New Tasty Server: Xatrogue
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:45:08 PM »
Well, I just played a few games on this server in a 1-on-1 game. So far, it's a lot of fun - I always wanted to see how DM would work by combining the mission packs together.

As for the Disruptor: It seems pretty balanced to me; I doubt it will need any changes. It's basically a weaker RL that exchanges splash damage for the ability to slightly home in on it's targets. It's good for fighting in long hallways or corridors such as the alleys in marisc35, as your opponent will not have enough room or time to move out of the path of the round's magnetism. It diminishes in usefulness in open areas, however.

Thank you for providing the server and your initiative - I hope it picks up a good following!

Quake / Re: Quake 2 Chaos scheduled games link section
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:26:28 PM »
Wait, I got it working now. I was testing it offline through a shortcut and it turns out that going online made the settings work properly. Thanks, and sorry for any hassle I may have caused.

Quake / Re: Quake 2 Chaos scheduled games link section
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:03:22 AM »
Okay, I added cl_gun "0" to autoexec as well as fov "120". The weird thing is, cl_gun 0 works fine, so the gun doesn't draw - but the fov doesn't change. I tried adding "set" before fov as well, but it doesn't seem to change that way either. Seems strange that one cmd works properly but the other doesn't.

Quake / Re: Quake 2 Chaos scheduled games link section
« on: May 25, 2012, 11:56:30 PM »
Hmm... I did try setting cl_gun to 0 and setting hand to 2 (both of which makes the gun invisible) to see what would happen, though it still resets after I die. Am I looking at the wrong commands? Also, when I manually edit the fov value in config.cfg, it will reset it back to 90 in that text file, so it's resetting my changes not only in-game but in my config as well. Very strange.

Quake / Re: Quake 2 Chaos scheduled games link section
« on: May 25, 2012, 06:04:07 AM »
I tried a bit of this mod out, seems very interesting and I can understand why it was popular and it's always neat to see some old mods get revivals. One issue I have though is that my fov always switches to 90 even though settings.cfg and config.cfg have it set to 120. When I manually set it to 120 in-game, it will switch back to 90 after death. Is it supposed to be like this? Thanks in advance.

I think so. Some mods with zoom functions that take advantage of changing client FOV will force 90 so that the zoom works when needed.
Thanks for the response. I can adapt either way, I'm just really used to 120 is all. :p

Quake / Re: Quake 2 Chaos scheduled games link section
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:33:05 AM »
I tried a bit of this mod out, seems very interesting and I can understand why it was popular and it's always neat to see some old mods get revivals. One issue I have though is that my fov always switches to 90 even though settings.cfg and config.cfg have it set to 120. When I manually set it to 120 in-game, it will switch back to 90 after death. Is it supposed to be like this? Thanks in advance.

Quake / Re: Typo in patched rogue campaign
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:37:09 AM »
lol, "dent"ention - like with bullets eh? :P

I'm actually playing through MP2 as well, since I managed to get the crashing issues resolved (it's a secret... hehe). It's nice to finally be able to try it, it's quite the challenge and it's nice to see I'm not the only one still playing it. :)

The detention area you shown was one particularly well-designed area out of a bunch of great places in Rogue. What was interesting about the detention block is how it throws different choices at you to eliminate the tank - do you enable the lasers and kill them all instantly, or do you go in with all guns blazing? The lasers popping out and making criss-cross patterns was a great special effect that you don't see often in many other games. (The marine crashing in a pod outdoors was also nice) The layout was fantastic too - you had a room surrounded on three sides by the outdoors areas but you have to go underground to get to it. It all flowed really well.

Quake / Re: Has anyone beat Quake 2?
« on: March 08, 2012, 06:40:01 PM »
The original Quake 2 mission is a cakewalk, the Stroggs are slow and relatively unintelligent, as can be seen when you lead them into lasers, etc.

The Reckoning MP is slightly more challenging (especially once you're at the spaceship and have Phalanx Gladiators that can take 10 RG hits) but still very passable for a seasoned player. It did have, IMO, the best objectives and story of the official missions. Chasing after yellow-blooded aliens that steal airstrike markers, hijacking ships - it was quite fun.

The Ground Zero MP, on the other hand, is actually fairly difficult and in addition sports some of the best SP level design ever IMHO. The layouts were very non-linear and allowed lots of exploration and yet you still knew exactly what you had to do. Rooms were arranged quite well and fun to navigate. The enemies were a lot smarter too and actually were quite adept at dodging. Unfortunately, I was unable to complete the entire mission, because there's quite a few situations that crash my game. For example, I recall having my game crash at the Waste Disposal area where you have to step onto a DNA scanner. You have to noclip through the door to avoid it. It's a real shame because Rogue probably hit the nail right on the head in the challenge department.

Also, even though it's unofficial, there was another SP mission I played called Citadel by Andrea Rosa, which contains both Xatrix AND Rogue support plus Lazarus code, due to the compiled Knightmare .dll. That was also a great challenge and I personally think it is the best non-id full single player mission for Quake 2. You can download it at This is an earlier version though with only five playable maps, there was another one which had seven (including one secret map) but sadly the link to that doesn't work anymore and I lost it to a virus. Plus, I don't know if Andrea can still be contacted. If anyone has the full mission let me know. Nevertheless, I highly recommend you try it, it's a brilliant piece of work.

Quake / Re: What is Quake2World?
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:28:25 PM »
I never really got into Quake2World, but I respect the work the developers put into it and it has a nice style that's kind of a mix between Quake and UT as far as weapons, etc. go. And hey id software officially recognized it too!

Quake / Re: Quake Con dates announced
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:33:08 PM »
Haha they always announce it early. :p

Hope I'll be able to go this summer, as long as I can fit it into the Maverick competition (if it happens)

Quake / Re: Why Q2?
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:57:50 PM »
I enjoy Quake 2 because for both nostalgia reasons and others. It was the first one I played, and I enjoyed playing through SP on the PS1 back in the days. I didn't have it on PC then though, and this was looong before I ever went into mapmaking. (I'm speculating 2002 or somewhere along those lines) I picked back up on it in 2009 when wanting to get into level design. I was still mainly a single player guy for the whole of 2009 though, and it wasn't until 2010 I believe when I picked up on the deathmatch aspect of Quake 2, which ended up being a blast.

Even though Q3 has a more refined arsenal with set purposes, I prefer Q2's weapons for their feel and the fact that some weapons actually have advantages over others. Pick up MG, trying to race for RL, etc. and the slow weapon switch, while annoying, does at least make you choose your weapons more carefully, rather than just blindly switching in between. The pace is just right imo and the physics are smooth enough to allow you to move freely throughout maps with good flow. The SP missions, while a bit easy, did show good sense of layout and design when compared to the long line cutscene festival of today's FPS, and of course many user made levels (and the Rogue mission pack, although I could never finish it because of crashing issues) can offer quite a challenge to quench your thirst.

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: Blood Run [FINAL]
« on: December 28, 2011, 11:38:45 AM »
MuffinMan's screenie of Blood Run Q2 is now a featured picture at PlanetQuake:  :beer:

Ahh, and even a news post on it too for the Q2 section. Nice.

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: Blood Run [FINAL]
« on: December 25, 2011, 07:43:37 PM »
Thumbs up for putting it on Vanilla. Now I won't have to strangle people to get games going here. :p

P.S, Quadz: Is there a VOD for the Jehar walkthrough of this map? I'd be interested in seeing it. If not, that's okay too.

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: Blood Run [FINAL]
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:03:37 AM »
I hope purri sees this... :yessign:

Very nice work Muffin. I hope to play it on some FFA servers soon.

Quake / Re: Slow downloading WODX
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:26:30 PM »
Haven't received any 403 fatal http errors so far.

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