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Messages - supra

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railz / Re: AntiCheat
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:19:24 AM »
Thanks for the tips Acer.  I'll play around with these settings and see if they help.


railz / Re: AntiCheat
« on: November 07, 2010, 08:01:26 AM »
I've never said that I was so good was the reason for the forced ac. 

 As quadz mentioned,  the reason for the ac is because I'm in a forced comcast subnet, and it wasn't targeted at me.

If your as old as I am, grew up during the muscle car era 60's, you've learned if something ain't broken why fix it. 

I've inquired about this ac, as I didn't want to change my original Q2 configuration.  It's been working well for me the last decade, why fix it.

railz / Re: AntiCheat
« on: November 06, 2010, 05:57:44 PM »
If you were forced to use anticheat, obviously its because you were caught cheating or trying to cheat... thus the "ANTI"cheat. raincloud

Focalor, I've been a long time player of Q2, 10 years?  I've never cheated nor do I even know how to cheat.

I've have always used the original Q2 program to play online with my 10 year computer.  It has worked well for me all this time.  It wasn't until I started this thread did I get the message to switch to an anticheat program.

Guess somewhere along the line, I must have beat one of you hot shot low ping spawn killers, prompting someone to belly ache to an administrator. 

railz / Re: AntiCheat
« on: November 06, 2010, 04:00:24 PM »
Well I have R1q2 installed with the anticheat.  I'm having a definite lag issue when I aim and shoot, now i have to guess which way a player is going and aim either slightly to the left or right.  After playing the last couple of weeks, I'm now used to playing this way.  One question I have is why do I see other players enter the game and the server says they are not using an anticheat, and yet they are allowed to play?

railz / Re: AntiCheat
« on: October 06, 2010, 05:52:34 PM »
The only one I've ever heard of is R1Q2.   Do any of these work with my current configuration files?  It's been so long since I've even looked at these, I don't remember how to set any parameters.

railz / AntiCheat
« on: October 06, 2010, 05:34:35 PM »
Just tried to connect to the railz server and get the message that I need an anticheat to play.  I went to the website and see that the anticheat is used with R1Q2.  What can I do since I don't use R1Q2?  I just play through the original Q2 game.  My computer is old 10-12 yrs. and I don't even want to try changing any configurations.  I remember about 5 years ago I tried R1Q2, and it didn't work well on my computer.  Took me several months to figure out how to get my original setup back.  Is there some anticheat that I can use with just Q2?


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