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Messages - |D|cartman

Pages: [1] 2 3
Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 38 - cartman vs Slacker (L2)
« on: September 28, 2005, 10:14:06 PM »
I did honestly try the 1st game, wasnt very into it, but I was gonna throw the game either way- the 2nd game I just tried to give ya some target practice. After all thats happened I just dont feel the need to invest more time into this. merry christmas :) :welcome:

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 38 - cartman vs Slacker (L2)
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:20:45 PM »
Im currently on... 11:20pm est... just thought I would let you know if you happen to be on and are checking the forums... you can find me on irc #tastyspleen. msg me if you happen to see this and want to play.

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 28, 2005, 03:17:06 PM »
WHATEVER! why is everyone arguing... simple fact is scream got lucky. let him have it.  I would take it if I were him too. Admins aren't always right, but thanks for gettin my back anyway haunted. no reason in taking this further. Its a simple tourney with SIMPLE people. Like I said, I wont be trying hard anymore... its fruitless, well unless you consider all the fruits lmao

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 27, 2005, 12:21:25 PM »
Im not sure exactly how you 'slapped' me, but if it was with the stupid ass irc fish than yeah of course I didnt respond... should have tried a pm, and I didnt change my name to cartsleep untill midnight that night MY time... like I would go to sleep at 6 in the evening... I think you've got ur times messed up or something, and I COULDNT pm you because I could never FIND you on irc... didnt list what channels you idle, didnt see you in #tastyspleen OR #q2players etc. Im not gonna hunt you the fuck down, I used the gamethread to post, obviously posting more than you did... exactly what laurelin told me to do in the 1st place. and yeah I was home all day sunday, once again- if you 'slapped' me with the fish no, I dont respond to that... I dont SIT at my computer all day, you could have easily pm'd me and I would have noticed it because I check my computer every hour or so. O well, just take your lucky breaks as they come. dont debate. just like I said, take advantage of it... if I care to play anymore in the tourney then I will do my best to get back to you just to prove who SHOULD have moved on. gg lmao

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 38 - cartman vs Slacker (L2)
« on: September 27, 2005, 12:15:27 PM »
eh, this tourney got knocked to the bottom of the list of my priorities when I was knocked to the losers bracket w/o playing a single game. I'll play when I have the time.

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 26, 2005, 03:46:47 AM »
whatever... I'll just stick to not entering any more because its obvious I either will not have the time or get a bias agaisnt me because somehow my opponent is able to show his face to laurelin more than I am able to. however that may be. I dont think the bye was indeed fair, but w/e ur tourney u call how it goes. as far as scream making more of an effort, that is purely a crock of shit. I made just as much effort as he did, the  bottom line is neither of us was online at the same time. I seriously dont think I would have tried so hard to get my 1st match goin just to fuck around my second match. True I was working quite a bit more, but on the same not I was goin out a lot less- my evenings = his midnight to two in the morning... when I NEVER saw him on. Anyway, Scream, you got lucky,  Laurelins on ur side this time. I was plannin on takin you down hpb or not. HF next round. u just got ur lucky round, take advantage of it. and I seriously doubt Im gonna put much if ANY effort at all into playing my next match. so Im guessing you might as well give the next person a bye as well. Im done trying to no avail. O well hf people, back to simply playing for fun ON MY TIME.

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 25, 2005, 05:06:07 PM »
you have contacted me ONCE via irc, and I didnt know today was the deadline... btw deadline for what, us to play or us to schedule?.... you seem just as unavailable as I have been lately, I guess because ur in the UK... I dont know. I should be home the rest of the evening if you happen to get on/see this... otherwise, back to work tomorrow but I might have the afternoon off. other than that, I dont know.

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 20, 2005, 03:51:29 PM »
I didnt realize at 1st aero was even in sports map list... but Im happy with these maps, and scream will be tough to beat himself... probably wouldnt have a chance if he was even pinged. but o well. we gonna have to get these games goin soon... I think I just scheduled another months worth of work, working round 8 to 8 at night 7 days a week...

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:40:25 PM »
heh, the only thing is scream is one hell of an opponent... I could only wish that it goes the way you predict blitz.

Matches - Round 2 / Re: SPO - 19 - vs cartman (w2)
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:43:52 AM »
wow isnt it convenient that you start a new job and IVe got like 8 jobs lined up for the next week and a half... well we seem to see each other online pretty often so Im sure we can get something impromptu going when we do... Im NEVER home 2-3 and saturday nights Im usually not either(weekends goin out time for me) but Im sure we'll get it done sooner or later- u know where I idle in irc so gimme a holla

Matches - Round 1 / Re: SPO - 06 - cartman vs Jinn237
« on: September 18, 2005, 10:37:01 AM »
sunday.... o well.

Matches - Round 1 / Re: SPO - 06 - cartman vs Jinn237
« on: September 17, 2005, 04:13:06 PM »
its now saturday night and I am going out. guess we'll find something out tomorrow?

Matches - Round 1 / Re: SPO - 06 - cartman vs Jinn237
« on: September 17, 2005, 08:40:31 AM »
o well... Ive waited and waited, its now saturday and Ive gotten no response...

Matches - Round 1 / Re: SPO - 06 - cartman vs Jinn237
« on: September 16, 2005, 02:25:43 PM »
if I get a bye, you get a bye.

Matches - Round 1 / Re: SPO - 06 - cartman vs Jinn237
« on: September 14, 2005, 03:12:28 PM »
k... wednesday night... no response....

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