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Messages - Din0

Pages: [1]
Quake / AQ2 Revival begins @
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:29:38 PM »
Hey all,

I've taken some time out of my busy schedule to bring back AQ2World, as the international hub for all things AQ2.

Hopefully some of you all remember AQ2, or had played it before.  As an aside, I'm also trying to get a bit of a North American following to, as it's mostly dominated by Fins for the moment.

If you want to try out AQ2 again without all of the painful installs or searching for pak files or servers, just go to and download the client from there. It's specially modified for AQ2 -- for instance, instead of the single player mode menu, it's been revamped to connect you to one of my servers based on the type of game you want (Teamplay, 3Team, there's even Practice Squad matches against bots (DM and Teamplay). Also, the controls menu has changed so you can easily set basic controls that pertain to AQ2, such as opendoor or bandage.

Want to be a part of the site? Join up on the AQ2World forums, or if you have an old account from there (the site originated in 2004, went under a few years ago, and now I've control over it) I can help restore your old account.

Got questions? Find me on as din0 @ globalgamers #tastycast #tastyspleen

We will be sure to let everyone know the details of the next one  :yessign:

Just want to say congrats to mJw for being the last minute darkhorse entry and taking home the championship, and thanks to all who participated.  We had a great turnout and lots of viewers on, so hopefully we can organize another AQ2 tournament soon and as always, everyone is available to enter!

My brother, Flic, is throwing his hat in as a random.

I think Bambi is on GandalfehtGre3n's team

Another signup from my forum:

Teamname:  OVALEE
#clan.nitro @Quakenet
Members:  OVALEE, Skanda, Grimmy

From my forum on AQO:

another European team wants in

Leader:, use e-mail.


Saturday the 19th? or Sun 20th?

Er.. yeah good question.  I'm thinking it's actually the 19th...

Polls / Re: AQ2 6/12 Match - Vote on Maps
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:20:15 PM »
I put my votes on Urban, Teamjungle, Time and Wfall. I think they all suite 3vs3 very well and they are all very easy to learn. Urban got a vote only because it's so classic and fun to play. I should probably have voted Actcity2 instead. Hihi!  :nana:

Maps like kumanru, monastery and wargroun are good maps with close combat fighting, but they could create long rounds when there are 1on1 situations due to their maze-like layout. But they sure offer some nerve-wracking moments.  :uhoh:

Rok is a map that I think should be in the poll. It's without a doubt my favorite AQ2 map. Maybe next time.

If you think rok is worthy, we'll consider it as a write-in :)  I like rok too

Polls / AQ2 6/12 Match - Vote on Maps
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:41:30 PM »
With the AQ2 3v3 TP Event coming up ( ) on Saturday, we need to figure out which maps should be thrown out of potential mapvoting rotations, so everyone who is participating will know what to practice for.  Vote up to 4 choices, and if you choose the last choice (Make my own suggestion), POST in this thread which map you want and we'll include those in our tally.

If you need to check these maps out in case you forgot what they are, just join an AQ2 server and votemap them on, otherwise you can msg me @tastycast (din0) for any questions/comments

What is the mod of actcity2 in which the upper portion has more exits and the bank leads back into the billboard area?

I guess that regardless, any version of actcity2 is unfair for new players because there is a spawn that has no way down except for death/dismemberment unless you exit quick enough during the spawn protection. Any new team that spawns up there will automatically lose that round.

I'll have more input about it tonight. I'm still a little foggy on some of the filenames to maps. Such as, is actcity3 the one with the giant void in the middle? That map is great for Aq2 CTF, but not sure about regular teamplay, I'd like to test it out before officially suggesting it.

As for server set up, a few things that are generally variable:
Do all players start with grenades?
Does the Bandoleer provide a grenade if selected?
Is there an option for kevlar helmet?
Are we using the literal score at the end of the match timeout, or will winning players who then die off before the timer runs out still be considered a win?
Any weapons banned? (I've seen people freak out over "shitgun" use)

I think it's called act2r or something

Yeah actcity3 is the one with the giant void and 3 ways to cross it

1 grenade are given to bandoleer users, otherwise no grenades
Kevlar helmet option is available
I assume we're going to go with highest teamscore wins at the end of the timelimit, ties will go into OT
No weapon bans

We're in the process of deciding the vote-worthy maplist, here's what I've come up with thus far, additions/removal suggestions are welcome.  We're looking at anywhere from 5-8 maps total to be chosen.

Vote here:

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