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Messages - M^tsterSir

Pages: [1]
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:04:02 AM »
I took the time to read everybodys posts and have come to a conclusion. Quadz pays for this little world we post in and I would trust no one else to be fair and  impartial to the crap we sometimes post.
If you have the balls to say " I can't believe we are gonna be censored!" I say to you try and say fuck you to a judge in court and see how much that freedom of speech will cost you. You get to do that here for free appreciate it.  :busted: 
Sorry I replied to this so late was busy the last year! :rockon:

2 / Re: Quake 2 on blackberry!
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:00:25 AM »
I figure if I can run videos and other online games on here there ought to be a way to run Q2. It would just have to be a .jar file. Man I wish I had my comp up and working.

Quake / Re: Teleport between servers?
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:46:29 PM »
Gotta come back to the spleen with a bang right?
 Anyways as soon as I get a place I'm gonna start working on four maps that are totally different but have tele's that are interconnected. Like I said with a little help from console hopefully we can start all the maps at once on four different servers. We will have to have a kinda limit on how soon after you arrive on one server how soon you can goto another or I see a nightmare in traffic and wait times. Any suggestions on the four maps and or servers to do this on will be great. And of course from console we would need a logistic go. 

Quake / Re: Teleport between servers?
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:49:37 PM »
That sounds even better than my idea glad its possible. Now I just need to make a map with a lot of those teleporters in it. Actually probly like 3 or 4 maps to put on different servers to run simotaniously.

Quake / Teleport between servers?
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:07:23 AM »
As I'm looking forward to playing once again I'm thinking of new maps and things to put in maps. Just a thought but wouldn't it be possible to put a teleport pad in a map that could tele you to a different server? I know the map would have to load and all that but putting it behind a wall clearly marking it "railz" or whatever server its destination was would be fun. I know what your gonna say why not just type in goto vanilla or whatever. I just wanna do it to do it. Get tired of losing shoot the wall enter the tele and bam your in xatrix. Like I said just a thought.  :righteous:

6 / Re: Quake 2 on blackberry!
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:37:27 AM »
 :ilysign: mooooooo!  Iwill as soon as I find a place to move to closer to my job. Saving up now and looking currently. Ill be mooing and rubbing udder before you know it. And fraging lots of fraging!

Religion, and the Changing Moral Zeitgeist / Re: Why can't I own Canadians?
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:28:34 AM »
The import tax on a canadian is way too much and by the time they get through customs they are usually dead anyway. Just go for a mexican the cost in pesos is ways less and they can survive in a 4x4 crate for 10 days with very little food or water.

8 / Quake 2 on blackberry!
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:16:28 AM »
Just wanted to say hi to you guys and ltns! Just wish I could play on my blackberry which is the only internet I have right now.  :lol:  So if you remember me say hi and tell me where I can get a Q2 app!

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