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Messages - NONJA

Pages: [1]
weapons / Re: Kamirail needs its collision reworked
« on: September 13, 2012, 02:20:17 PM »
This one just cheeses me because it's a plinky little guaranteed death that's instant-hit, and it's a major pussies' weapon for people who like to run away. It'd catagorize it with the gravity IED on the corny shit scale. Speaking of that one, it should be possible to teleport out of it. You can teleport when frozen, FFS. That's another rant though...

All I'm asking is that it be made so you actually have to connect with the rail shot in order to tag someone. Currently it's pretty corny for a velocity-free, rail-based weapon.

weapons / Re: Whale's Eye Crashing
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:41:48 AM »
That's the new "poser Detector" that senses when lameasses are in the game  :badgrin:

weapons / Kamirail needs its collision reworked
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:37:44 AM »
I'm goddamn sick of this bloody cheap gun. Since the person who gets tagged is doomed, it would make more sense if you actually, you know, had to HIT the person instead of ballparking it like a rocket. I'm sick of playing with wusses who just use nothing but this and rack up cheap kills while they turn tail and sonic off into the sky.

weapons / Re: The invasion begins!
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:24:46 AM »
Awesome feature! Just to to throw something out there, it would be hilarious if monsters would randomly use different varieties of their class of weapons: the big flying tick could occasionally shoot speed/fire/ missles, gunners could randomly fire off an annhilator blast...  :evilgrin:

Also, tack "Fiend from Quake 1" to my wishlist. Imagine the time someone spamming explosives would have when one of these guys lunges at them. The mutant just ain't the same.

Also, it's great to hear that you've got an implimentation method nailed down for working with different models. I don't think there's any way a Mac guy can program entity behavior, but I'd be interested in trying to build some new monster and weapon models. Would you be interested in re-skins for the different weapon variations?

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