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Messages - SANTA

Pages: [1] 2 3
Consolel/Wallfly/Your Lordship - any chance of removing the imposed 1 minute mute chaps?

Afterall I was only complaining about the use of non dm maps on a dm server DM1

Like to have a natter with me muckers

Been a good santa ..  honest


Quake / Re: Christmas donation
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:39:23 PM »
Now quadz will let you hack on the servers.  :bigshades:

Only to an extent.

That level of donation enables access to Dodge Bots.  But not the bendy rail hax!


haha ;D

Better than 'nothing' though init, oh ok it was nothing


Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:06:35 PM »
Zeppelin, I'm (as you say in the USA) '"now chilled bro"

I suppose I'm an old dog that can't learn new tricks so next time I'll 'sit it out'

As Dave Allen once said .. "may your God go with you"

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:46:51 PM »
Well I don't agree, and as such I would appreciate TastySpleens comment

I (for one) have been using Q2 servers for many a year, and I oppose the 'radical' change made to appease a few

I'll ask again .... Why cant I [we] classic Q2 lovers have our own Death Match Server

I will with honour pay for that privilege

[PayPal button ready to press]

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:20:23 PM »
Sir.. Yes

If ones goes to your 'beloved' McDonalds and asks for ....  'Fish and Chips' or 'Cottage Pie' would one tell one to 'feck off' and go elsewhere?

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:57:33 PM »
Zeppelin, Sir/Madam... from your previous posts, one assumes you're smarter than that our lad

As previously stated, there are several TS servers, why cant I {we} have a dedicated DM1-8 server? I love my Quake 2 and I'm ashamed to resort to this action

What on Gods earth is the issue here?

Why should I {we} sit on the sidelines whilst a minority play useless map(s)

If I play chess with my kids, I don't expect the fecking Knight to take the fecking Queen sideways ..  because its ... 'a change'

Please, get a grip chaps, please I implore you

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:00:54 AM »


Sir, thats my point, it wasnt broken for some 10 years why fix it a year or so ago and you did say if folk were not happy with change you'd reconsider

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 01:06:18 PM »
If it 'aint' broken.. dont fix it

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:29:49 PM »
Indeed kind sir

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:20:00 PM »
Its a DM server, if I want another game then I simply type GOTO and choose alternative map(s). There are several servers to choose from, why cant TS leave the CLASSIC DMs alone, simply DM 1-8, why should I (we classic Q2'rs - Yeah Ok old bastards) sit a game out, I've been playing Q2 since Christmas day 12 years ago, and remember adding the regular updates and folk were complaining they were beta testing Q2, I was happy to be part of that scene

I've just been on the one single DM server and guess what, areo[whatevers] playing with 8 players NOT playing, why should We sit it out on the sidelines?

I (for one) am very happy to pay a yearly subscription if that's what it takes

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 11:59:47 AM »
"But, it's an experiment.  If the regulars think this sucks, I'll remove them"

Its awful chaps, remove them

DM's are for life not just Christmas

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:01:11 AM »

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 06:43:40 AM »
I thought DM1-8 were for the DM server, always were in the past, issue is when certain 'players' enter DM server they immediately request alternative knowing it winds folk up, like over the past week or so, there is one nameless 'player' constantly doing this, who gives a sh@t .. ok,  I've made my apology so I'll grab a sarnie in future, ty for advise

Quake / Re: IGNORE Command in Q2
« on: February 07, 2012, 06:10:46 AM »
Apologies for spam on q2 last night, had a bad day and 'cracked' after provocation from player after using the mymap/nextmap command constantly on DM server

Quake / Re: Christmas donation
« on: December 26, 2011, 12:12:44 PM »
12 Years of Q2, cheers chaps

[You just made a payment of$20.00 USD]

Sorry its not more, oh and come you rucksacks here, lets keep TS alive


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