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Messages - Saix

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: rl, times, and shortcuts
« on: May 03, 2007, 04:27:25 PM »
you might want to attach that map so people can view the demo...


hi@pinged. j0.saix 4 lief

Discussion / Re: rl, times, and shortcuts
« on: May 03, 2007, 04:19:53 PM »
i don't want to get in a big argument, so i'm going to post my opinions and do what you will with them.

here's a demo of ashtonsjumps3, in one of the lava rooms. this is a very large map with several rooms and its fairly difficult. the demo shows the normal route, then the shortcut (theres another shortcut from the double jump to the ramp in the middle before the glass but i didn't show it). it doesn't make the room any easier or harder, just faster, which gives you the edge over your opponents and last time i checked thats what this mod was about. on this map there are several small shortcuts like this, if you wanted to make the map unnecessarily long, why not block them all? leave the map how it was created to keep players inspired to find new and faster shortcuts, its a part of the mod that makes it so fun to play.

now a few comments on rl's post:

Whats the problem again? I block shortcuts, is that wrong? wtf ppl.
i told you how this can be wrong in my comments above, and i do realize map ruining shortcuts exist, but this is not one of them. its not hard to tell the difference and i would assume an admin of a jump server would be able to.
1st - I ask ppl should i block smth or leave it .
when you blocked this shortcut, you didn't ask anyone
and what about saix...yee after he get 1st place he wont vote for more time but when I get 1st and wont vote for more time he start to whine...nice!
its true sometimes i don't vote extra time after i've got first place, but i also don't VOTE TO CHANGE THE MAP. and you're one to talk about crying after not adding time.
I block sc only when I know this sc is blocked on other servers.
i played this on a different server, and guess wasn't blocked. (ergo gibbus jump server iirc, the only empty one i could find)
But if saix is pro and he want to easy finish map in 5 sec with some gay sc rather then do it in harder way in 50 sec so its his problem.
the average time for this map is about 200 seconds,  this shortcut takes 3-4 seconds, the normal route takes 8-10... that means this shortcut cuts off a total of 5-6 seconds. if 50 second map is completed it in 5 by using a shortcut, that would be regarded as a map ruining shortcut which as you just proved, you cant tell the difference.

edit: one last thing, i unfortunately didn't condump any of this but he has been forcing votes that otherwise wouldn't have passed. im letting you know this so you can watch for it in the future. also to clarify one thing, i didn't say he added blocks after using the shortcut, but other players that have previously timed the map. if you block a shortcut after someone used it and timed the map using it, you're giving everyone else a disadvantage.

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