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Messages - {HHx}b14ze

Pages: [1]
Skins, Models and Maps / Re: Mymap - needs a name
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:50:13 PM »
Hairlip surprise?

Quake / Re: Well, I desided to start mapping
« on: January 31, 2007, 01:42:01 AM »
ven_dm4 is a kitchen map that is on the server already.  Interested to see where yours goes as his/hers is a port of this q3 map:

Or vice versa im not sure..

Bot Drop / Re: Rant on cheating!
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:26:11 PM »
Is hacking a problem with console gaming?  I don't hear too much about it,  but i don't game on  consoles online and never have. 

Lately I have been seriously debating buying a console.  It seems everyone on a console is on a level playing field,  don't deal with hacking or its not as prevelant,  and aren't forced to make video card/operating system upgrades to play the latest games.

At any rate,  I feel that multiplayer pc gaming is not going in a direction that i can see myself sticking with.  I've been doing it for 10+ years.  I feel that due to cheating,  and the big dent in my wallet,  the cons really do outweigh the pros.

Can you hook up a keyboard/mouse to a ps3/xbox360/wii? lol

If anyone does remedy this problem,  they do stand to make quite a bit of money.  They said we would never play games against eachother cross platform,  but I do believe this is becoming a reality now!

Bot Drop / Re: Rant on cheating!
« on: January 30, 2007, 09:04:09 AM »
Every  problem has a solution.  Has the A-team taught us nothing? :ubershock:

Bot Drop / Re: Rant on cheating!
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:55:53 AM »
i keep hearing people say that there are rampant cheaters on the servers, yet no one actually has the balls to name names.....grow some balls and talk about certain people....blacklisting them is a step in the right direction...

Hmm.   I wasn't speaking of an individual or server in particular.  Just ranting. 

I know that the only way to make a game cheat free is to make client side uneditable.  Then how would we bind our keys or make mods?  This poses an interesting dillemma.  If only they made software that was 100% perfect to police!

As a long time gamer,  I know that cheating is a thorn in my side that will never be remedied.  With the geniuses that write code,  and develop software,  you would think that cheating prevention would be a reality. 

There has to be  a glimmer of hope for the people who are legit.  Do companies not care about us who have loyaly bought thier games and upgraded our machines to do so?  If not then perhaps we need to rethink about how much gaming cares about us.  I would assume not as much as we care about it but,  you all know what happens when we assume!  LOL

Bot Drop / Rant on cheating!
« on: January 29, 2007, 09:26:08 PM »
Man, I hate sounding like the "glass-is-half-empty" kind of player!  With all the brains in the world,  if there is someone out there who is writing code to stop/prevent/catch cheaters,  there is more then likely 10 jerks with the same brain (minus any honorable conscience) out there who will circumvent it. 

This game is now 10 years old?  Still we have to deal with cheaters?  Maybe in the long run,  waiting until a game runs it's "profitable half-life" is a good idea!  Instead of having to deal with a mass or surge of cheating internet aggrivators,  we might only just see one on the server we like the best.

At any rate,  I feel as someone who plays Quake 2,  and other newer games like Battlefield 2,  we should have a bigger expectation of what is being done by the companies who make the games and the software we use to stop cheaters.   If they can make cutting edge graphic engines,  polys, pixels,  whatever.... they should at least be able to stop a no good stinkin' cheat.   Cutting edge to me,  would be a game WITHOUT HACKS.

Imagine what would happen if all gamers united and stopped buying, upgrading,  and downloading.  WTF??? NO MONEY!  WOW WE BETTER LISTEN!  Hmm.   I'm not holding my breath.  Most of them are probably too busy at thier jobs to even get to play thier product,  let alone any other games.   It's on to the the next cash-cow even before release.  Can we get real gamers in there please to test the games,  and not some clan who happens to know one of the programmers?

It would be nice if a truly great title was released that was cheat free.  Impossible to hack.  I would play it,  and make all the people that talk thier shit and hack because it is some kind of wierd adrenaline high,  go through quite a bit of keyboards and monitors.  :)

« on: January 25, 2007, 11:32:02 AM »
Biggest way to pwn a chattard?  Don't ever say a word to them.  Those players who are usually busy letting thier fingers fly in chat,  are just worried that thier game isn't talking enough..

Quake / Re: Try out my new rail arena?
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:18:05 PM »

Quake / Re: Well, I desided to start mapping
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:40:23 PM »
Any ETA on this map being released.  I played alot of padman maps for q3 and this is right up that alley!

Quake / Re: Warehouse
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:37:54 PM »
ONLY warehouse server i used to play on is MAGE.  Thanks for the ip.  Just came back around and good to see its still up after all these years!

Quake / Try out my new rail arena?
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:10:23 PM »
Hi guys/gals.  I got bored playing Battlefield 2.  I loaded up Quake 2 for nostalgia's sake,  and have been playing quite a bit on the rail only server...

Quake 2 habits being what they are,  I downloaded GTKRadiant and started rockin' out some basic rail maps.  Thought maybe some of them could be tasty spleen flavors.  Let me know what you think!

Sunday School by: {HHx}b14ze <------DOWLOAD!

My clan's website is located @
Feel free to drop us a line.  A  few of the {HHx} guys play Quake 2 again and we mosly play on your servers.  Good ole' boys from the days!

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