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Messages - ian13[TDS]

Pages: [1]
railz / Small Arena Maps
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:47:16 AM »
Does anyone know of a site that has a screenshot of all the maps on tastyspleen? Or at least railz? Really what I'm looking for specifically is a list of all the maps that are small and like Carena and 2box4. I know there are a lot out there I have not actually played yet, but I simply don't know the names and it's so many to randomly cycle through.

Also, is there a way to force a map change with a vote or something? Sucks being on a map with just a few people and none want to play it, but having to wait till the time runs out or just go ahead and play till hitting the frag limit.

Quake / Re: Q2 Movie
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:03:18 PM »
which codec do i need to view it? got an error.. I've just recently formatted so i have no codecs installed atm.

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:29:23 PM »
that would be nice wouldn't it, but I don't think it's really possible.. not straight .dm2 demos anyway, I suppose if you converted a demo to a .avi and compressed it, uploaded and embedded it'd work like that, but lots of hassle :\

Then again you have to go through the whole hassle of making sure all viewers of a demo have the actual map. Also they have to be on their home system with quake actually installed. I think it'd be cool to watch demo's when elsewhere, maybe school, work( hehe yes the person shoudl just focus on their homework or their job hehe)

Maybe play around with this mod I just found.

DEMO TO AVI/MPG - Convert any .dm2 to a movie clip!
AUTO DEMO RECORD - No more 'I wish I was recording a demo!' moments.

I've gotten the autorecord to work, very cool. Auto splits the maps to. HAven't gotten the converter to work tho. JUST downloaded it like 6min ago

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 04, 2007, 01:11:25 PM »

You can also bind a key (I use SHIFT) to +speed, so that you 'walk' instead of 'run' while the key is held down.

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 04, 2007, 06:35:51 AM »
haha I know right! Maybe 5 things! Everyone has been really helpful, I realy appreciate it! I tried the gl settings and it's working perfect on dark maps. Now I know why seemingly everyone wasn't just getting lucky shots into the dark hehe.

So I guess when people talk about listening for footsteps to hear where their opponent is, they must be standing still and listening, since your own footsteps kinda drowns out everything else.

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 03, 2007, 08:49:53 AM »
is there a way to turn my footsteps off so I can't hear them, only others? Maybe a way to make opponents footsteps sound louder? It's been so long i can't remember

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 03, 2007, 08:42:28 AM »
ah yeah me to. Since I run multiple demo's together I just write on a sheet of paper the name of the map and what time it was, and maybe something about it that stood out, like 2 triple kill shots in a row or something.

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 01, 2007, 10:52:14 PM »
Well, I got Gibstats installed but maybe i'm missing something because it looks really barebone and I don't see ANYWHERE for it to interface with a demo.

The download site on the creates site actually doesn't even work. I had to get the newer version made with quake 2 (v 2.7 not 3 which hasn't really been tested) @ That site also has an update it looks like to make it work for MOA. Maybe i'm just stupid hehe but all the tool is letting me look for is console logs, not demos. Oh well the idda works good. Gibstats just seemed even more advanced and with a nice gui and reporting

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 01, 2007, 10:35:00 PM »
hehe tru tru.

Then again I actually just checked my demos and I didn't start saving them again really until 1/1. So in 30 days exactly, on 1 mode, I have 419 demo's. Oh god I'm dreading how much space i'm going to have left on my computer after 6 months lol. If you were at 1600 since then, I'll be around 2500 ! I started recording every time I play ever since I got ahold of splitdem, which made it so much easier to split demos.

Hey btw everyone, I went to the site for that demostat tool "idda" and found some other tools in the Links section. Gibstats looks pretty good to. I've run across AEstats and Gibstats previously but neither actually extracted stats from the demo's themselves, just the logs. It turns out though, that Gibstats may actually extract data from DEMOS as well. Only in Quake 2 itt says though, none of the other games it supports. I'm installing it now to see how it fairs.

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 01, 2007, 09:16:57 PM »
thats perfect!! wow thank you so much, it's working great! I have over 400 gameplay demo's just over the past 2 months. Can't wait to get together the stats and basically trash the cruddy ones:)

Quake / Re: Two things.
« on: February 01, 2007, 08:41:09 PM »
wow guys thank you so much for all repying. I'm going to use the tips you've all given and tweak them until they are just right for me!

{SX}Reflex : I'm going to try that Demo Analyzer, hopefully this one works! I'll let everyone know!:)

Quake / Two things.
« on: January 31, 2007, 10:17:30 PM »
I record my matches 24/7 and split them up with a demo splitter. What i'd like to be able to do is use a tool that will actually extract STATS from the demo's themselves. Frags, duration, etc. etc.

DM2Tool - Output a report of your demos' most important statistics (-report)
*i've tried the above but the report just generates blank text files with no real stats. Or stats with just 0's. Does anyone know any other tools, or possibly just suggestions on how to get DM2Tool to do what I want?

The other thing, what are sounds? Some sort of audio enhancement to make it easier to determine the location of an opponent? I started playing when I was 13 (hence ian13[TDS]), i'm 21 now and have been inactive in quake for about the last 6. I must've missed the whole sounds thing. Is that cheating or a valid way to enchance matches?

I said just two things but just one more... Are there any settings or modifications beyond the video "brightness" setting that I can modify to brighten my screen? Because my laptop and gfx card suck and I can't just get another computer, even on moderately dark levels, I can't see jack crap.

Thank you to all that reply!

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