Rates Received - Lejionator

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1v1 and TDM Demos / Leji vs panca, and then barton - dm1
Informative Informative
on October 25, 2014, 02:31:54 AM by yahoo
This is just a demo of me playing something like the style of Thresh, and I'm being defeated just like myself!  :LAME:

First, I'm playing with a returned brazilian old school q2 player(panca) and then after this match, I play with barton too. Not is a good skills demo, but I just wanted upload it! Playing here with a crap notebook(msi x340); windowned mode(800x600); vid_ref "soft".
Quake / Re: Crosshair alignment
Redundant Redundant
on July 20, 2014, 05:45:32 AM by X7
Do like me ...

Quake / Help with "High-Res" skins to the Ground Zero (rogue)!
Insightful Insightful
on April 01, 2013, 10:34:50 PM by Electfried

I wonder if there is someone or has of enemies, weapons and itens(tag-token too!) skins in HIGH RESOLUTION to the Ground Zero (rogue)! Pics files and "disguise" skins could be good too.

If anyone don't have or don't knows where to have it, I wonder if it's easy to create one! Perhaps the only way, this would be great!

Thanks in advance!
rogue / How to play "Tag-Token" in gorund zero(rogue)!
Informative Informative
on March 25, 2013, 04:13:11 PM by yahoo

The Tag-Token is a spherical object which floats slightly above ground and which is sparking. Whoever get the tag-token, and will gain an Body Armor and will instantly restored his life, if you was damaged before in some battle (you will hear the "pickup armor" sound when you or someone get the Tag-Token)!
Whoever has the ball, will gain the following benefits:
- 3 "frags" bonus for every enemy you kill.
- "Quad Damage" bonus for every 5 enemy you kill.

The disadvantage of having Tag-Token that your body will is sparking(you will be recognized) and you will be hunted by everyone. Your "hud face tag" when you hits your score will be differenty too, will stays brown (tag3.pcx).
Who kill the guy with the Tag-Token, earn 5 frags as a bonus. If someone with Tag-Token to die by suicide, the Tag-Token will be lying on the ground for 30 seconds before being teleported to some spawnpad.

- How setup your server to run TAG TOKEN gametype: The command that enables tag token is "gamerules 2". It needs be "2" because 0 is DM normal, and 1 is probaly a forgotten gametype called "DeathBall" or something. This is in rogue's source code (is like Disruptor weapon. Some "programmer dude"needs enables this mode in DLL file if a day some wants play it).

Ok, ReCycled?  ;)

See later, dudes!

links about game ROGUE:
"Wiki" about Ground Zero: http://quake.wikia.com/wiki/Quake_II_Mission_Pack:_Ground_Zero
Ground Zero's Secrets: http://dlh.net/cheats_22566g.html
Game review: http://www.game-over.net/review/sept/groundzero/index.html
Buy in Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/2320/
Quake / Re: q2ctf1 windown: how i return to it?
Preposterously Irrational Arguments Preposterously Irrational Arguments
on March 06, 2013, 06:25:48 AM by Optica
Just to not have to create another thread on the same subject ...

Look this ctf match with the legendary ctf player called Fettson:


I know how to get out of the window on my team side, I need low my fps to 25. But until today I have not I learned the trick of slipping inside the side enemy window of q2ctf1! HOW I DO IT???

 :help:  :bigcry:

Fettson makes it look so easy.

Oh, about Frames per Second (fps), what is the effecte and why you should change your values ​​to go up crates's 64 units and slide under tight spaces? Why this happen? Why I can't cimb a 64unit crate with low fps in negative area, but i CAN do it with more fps? Just why higher fps helps with it?

thanks! ;)
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