Rates Given - Shloo

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Flawless Logic Flawless Logic
on June 16, 2023, 08:30:33 PM to RailWolf
Ahhhh... users of this web site and the TS quake2 servers had no idea.   No sign of it on the entry link other than due to recent activity.  You have to dig around to find this. I guess I took ten+ years of digging to find it, lol.


You only speak for yourself. It's a bit foolish to think that you speak for "users of this web site and the TS quake2 servers."

This thread has been around for a long time now and it has 85,060 Views. Somehow you were never one of them :???:

It's more of a forum guideline, as the title of this thread indicates. It was written for the forum, posted on the forum, for the forum users to see. These principals can be applied in other areas, but this thread was meant for the forum.

Adding a list of rules to the landing page isn't really how we want to operate. We want to be welcoming to players, not throw rules in their face the first time they visit our site.
Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
on June 16, 2023, 05:49:53 AM to Focalor
That amounts to "Fuck around and find out... but know that we are forgiving."

Works for me.
Quake / Re: M. the big liar
Flawless Logic Flawless Logic
on May 07, 2023, 12:02:19 PM to claire
Again, just because the 5 files failed, doesn't mean they're cheats, it just means their hashes are not known to that particular server. There is no BFG beep. The 5 files are the footsteps (4) and the rail hum. You know this because it said it in the console when the checks failed. Apparently he gave you the pak already, so then you should also know they're not cheats.

Multiple admins have looked at this pak, there is nothing wrong with it. It's not our pak, so we're not going to be uploading it anywhere. Is it copyrighted? Does it contain M's own personal work? I don't know, I don't really care. We've all wasted enough time and energy on this pointless garbage.

Maybe you should focus on improving your own game instead of constantly accusing anyone who gets a frag on you as a cheat.
Quake / Hackusations on dm server
Flawless Logic Flawless Logic
on April 05, 2023, 04:18:07 AM to RailWolf

I have temporarily added a new timed console message that reiterates a stance we have: Accusations of cheating should be officially reported (privately or publicly) and not just chatted about in the server. Accusing someone of cheating has always been taken seriously at tastyspleen. Admins at tastyspleen have analyzed hours and hours of cheat accusation demos since the beginning of tastyspleen. Heck I have US Mail correspondence with Bill (quadz) from when I was on vacation and he was updating me on current cheater suspects and what he saw in the videos that were uploaded.
As r1ch developed r1q2 and anticheat, we had some nice options with anticheat that allowed us to investigate things more, but that's pretty much out of the picture now. Still, how we operate with reporting suspected cheaters hasn't changed.

Repeatedly accusing so many people of cheating in the game chat doesn't help catch anything. It's just unnecessary noise that makes our job diluted.
There's other ways to respond when someone frags you and you feel something was off. First off, before you accuse someone go back and watch your demo (set your client to auto-record).
If you still feel the same way after watching the demo, upload it so that you can get more eyes on it. If you want to catch cheaters, help us help you.

I've seen on more than one occasion where someone is being accused of cheats that aren't even technically possible. Like giving yourself ammo or shooting through walls (not the old glitch hehe).
Staff here at tastyspleen know this game really really well. We also have experience with pro play and know how good someone can be at any of the games in the quake series.

If you suspect something report it to us in a way that we can work with it.  :beer:
dm / Re: Racism on dm server
Flawless Logic Flawless Logic
on February 21, 2023, 12:03:14 PM to RailWolf
We received your multiple messages from the weekend and today "Pasta Ssempa: the 20 ping racist is again on DM server"
(dm) Pasta Ssempa: ping 20 racist is again here, admin does nothing

I have muted both of you for excessive hate speech, and you can stop trolling now.
dm / Re: Racism on dm server
Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
on February 15, 2023, 06:18:38 AM to Pasta Ssempa
What about this homophobic remark?

[2023-02-05 Sun 15:44:06] 3=Pasta Ssempa: Your excretory system is not designed to receive! It is only for exit!
Poo poo is in excretory system. If you put something in there, it will be covered all over with poo poo.
1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: Random Friendly Duels by ADZ!LARAWWR
Frag of the Week Frag of the Week
on December 18, 2022, 08:21:09 PM to adz1La
 :raincloud: :rocketleft:
Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: Tastyspleen admin theives users abusers manipulators
Best Solution Best Solution
on November 21, 2022, 09:24:57 AM to mcbass
Don't ever give in to the bullying trolls Shloo. You two really are a piece of work. The worst the community has to offer.
dm / Re: Racism on dm server
Best Solution Best Solution
on November 02, 2022, 04:59:04 AM to Focalor
With all due respect, Quadz>Steve Jobs... and pretty much everyone else. I've known no man wiser, better principled, more well read, more reasonable, more gracious, more respectable, and more likable than Quadz.

Do better.

Something EVERYONE could try doing, myself not excluded at all.

How? Well a great place to start from is by trying to live up to the example that Quadz set every damn day that ends in Y.

Quake / Re: Q2PRO lighting broken
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on October 02, 2021, 10:07:07 AM to Unh0ly-rwz-
post ur q2config.cfg in here and ill tell you whats wrong with it
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