Rates Given - LedZep

Pages: [1]
/dev/random / Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
Rock On Rock On
on June 26, 2017, 11:03:25 AM to Focalor
Nah. It's not my hatred of women or some paranoid insecurity that leads me to despise bitches like this who can apparently only afford a wardrobe comprised of nothing but tank tops. It's more like... I find it personally insulting as a man that she obviously thinks my gender is too stupid to understand her topics, therefore she resorts to using sex as a means to capture the attention of the stupid male gender. When women are feminist, it's "empowering". When blacks protest against racism and injustice, it's "progress". But if a white man stands up to say anything about anything, it's a hate crime and he should shut the fuck up.

Like I said, if I made 50 different scholarly videos about this and that while shirtless with my greased 6 pack abs glistening in every one of them, would you really NOT question my motives for doing that?
Quake / Re: MAX_PATCHES, MAX_LIGHTS, Gotta be f***n kidding me...
Funny Funny
on November 09, 2014, 08:47:23 PM to Focalor

/dev/random / Re: Time to clear the air?
Insightful Insightful
on August 29, 2013, 01:28:54 AM to Focalor
My grandma sez fuck u.

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
Funny Funny
on May 20, 2013, 12:58:41 AM to Focalor
Awwww. I think it's wonderful that they let the kids at the Midvale School for the Mentally Retarded get some time online once in a while.
General Ownage / Re: Quick Cup - Any interest?
on May 18, 2013, 03:46:15 PM to adz1La
naymlis, haunted, barton, masta, vae, pb (don't think he plays still?), euros?, slugs, flarez (saw him around once..gl with that one), maybe betty, fader, random, armor, chiefin, elysium ( i would love to shit on this fucking terrible faggot), claire, krapolsky, erica, ex, myself...

about all I can think of.

if you can get this going, I would love to get the chance to play tim in a game that "means" something once again after many failed attempts in the past..
tastyspleen.net / Re: Magic re ban?
Obvious Troll Is Obvious Obvious Troll Is Obvious
on May 04, 2013, 10:56:55 PM to Armor
Maybe I'll search for a forum loop hole today and exploit the shit out of it for the sole purpose of trolling.  Hell, I've never hacked, name spoofed or evaded a ban myself so no change in MY status is a 100% certainty...right?

tastyspleen.net / Re: Can't Connect to ETG
Funny Funny
on May 04, 2013, 11:42:12 AM to MCS_FaderJok0
Sent them an e-mail.
Quake / Re: New Tasty Server: Xatrogue
Insightful Insightful
on April 30, 2013, 02:30:12 AM to EmeraldTiger
Well, I just played a few games on this server in a 1-on-1 game. So far, it's a lot of fun - I always wanted to see how DM would work by combining the mission packs together.

As for the Disruptor: It seems pretty balanced to me; I doubt it will need any changes. It's basically a weaker RL that exchanges splash damage for the ability to slightly home in on it's targets. It's good for fighting in long hallways or corridors such as the alleys in marisc35, as your opponent will not have enough room or time to move out of the path of the round's magnetism. It diminishes in usefulness in open areas, however.

Thank you for providing the server and your initiative - I hope it picks up a good following!
Quake / Re: New Tasty Server: Xatrogue
Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
on April 23, 2013, 07:53:43 PM to MCS_FaderJok0
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