Heres a condump, of ax and Lom fighting on the server a few days ago. they just kept bitching w/ eachother. I tryed to stop lom cause it was getting annoying, but there was nothing i could say to ax...Ax2Grind: no one answers my qeustions Lohmatiy: Towlie, I wasn'tLohmatiy: I just asked what does he want.]lom, you wereTowl!e>ES<: lom, you wereLohmatiy: he can't explainAx2Grind: i merely get berated by people who think im making a big deal about a gameLohmatiy: So it isn't worth my time, peace]but you asked him enought times to piss him offTowl!e>ES<: but you asked him enought times to piss him offAx2Grind: when, if REALITY, im making a fucking HUGE ass deal about someone putting words in my mouth... like this muther fucker hereLohmatiy: He was bitching enough times to piss me and quadz offh4l0_k!ng finished in 7.3 seconds (11 completions)x3o.Janner finished in 8.5 seconds (10 completions)]hmmTowl!e>ES<: hmm h4l0_k!ng: on list
------------------------ Loading ref_gl.dll -------ref_gl version: GL 0.01Initializing OpenGL display...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS...attempting fullscreen...using desktop display depth of 32...calling CDS: okGL PFD: color(32-bits) Z(16-bit)GL_VENDOR: IntelGL_RENDERER: Intel Brookdale-GGL_VERSION: 1.3.0 - Build GL_ARB_multitextureGL_ARB_texture_border_clampGL_ARB_texture_compressionGL_ARB_texture_cube_mapGL_ARB_texture_env_addGL_ARB_texture_env_combineGL_ARB_texture_env_dot3GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbarGL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_abgrGL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_colorGL_EXT_blend_func_separateGL_EXT_blend_minmaxGL_EXT_blend_subtractGL_EXT_clip_volume_hintGL_EXT_compiled_vertex_arrayGL_EXT_cull_vertex GL_EXT_fog_coordGL_EXT_packed_pixelsGL_EXT_packed_pixels_12GL_EXT_rescale_normalGL_EXT_secondary_colorGL_EXT_separate_specular_colorGL_EXT_stencil_wrapGL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tcGL_EXT_texture_env_addGL_EXT_texture_env_combineGL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropicGL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeatGL_NV_texgen_reflectionGL_WIN_swap_hint...allowing CDS...enablingGL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array...WGL_EXT_swap_control not found...GL_EXT_point_parameters not found...GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette notfound...GL_SGIS_multitexture not found------------------------------------------- sound initialization -------Initializing DirectSound
This server should be renamed to dramamod.
What a surprise! All the usual knobhead non-jumpers hijacking a thread which has nothing to do with them.
What a surprise!