First of all, I'm a girl, which is a rarity in the Quake 2 community. I am also the typical nerd who is always quiet and always does her work. I am the type that would rather do schoolwork, sit at an isolated table and read (during study hall), or space out - it depends on the day... OVER chatting amongst my classmates. I do TRY to be social but it's just not what I do. like, sometimes I say something when I pick up a conversation off to my side or something that isn't directed to me. I would rather just have my little group of friends, you know? ONLY us, seriously, would eat lunch and then after we're all done eating, take out a romance book (all three of us) and just sit there and read for the rest of the period. We're just cool like that. Anyway, I started playing Quake 2 the summer before Freshmen year of high school. Currectly, I'm 17 and a Junior in high school. Therefore, I've devoted nearly 3 years to Quake 2. Mostly I've played FFA, CTF regular & rails with hook and last fall I've really gotten into playing team death match on the tourney servers.In all honesty, since I have had Quake 2 in my life ever since the start of high school, I cannot say that Quake 2 has affected my GPA or schoolwork in any way. My grades are not at all horrible. Actually, I'm doing pretty well in school. I'm currently ranked first in my class. (mind you, my school is rather small) I'm not involved with sports or clubs at all, but I am part of Student Council and Student Assistance Team. I also applied for next year's position on Student Council Executive Board and got the position! Recently I applied and got into National Honor Society (and even included some leadership qualities under my activities sheet for online gaming, score!) I was also able to keep my grades high for Chinese school (9th and 10th grade was my last two years of it) as well as participating in band activities and going to piano lessons. (I don't do either of them now. I cut them all off last year I think.)Since I have the best friends I could ever ask for, I can say that my friends are used to me talking about Quake 2 all the time and have gotten used to it by now. They don't see me as weird, just someone that needs to get out a little bit more. Actually, one time I told them I hadn't played Quake 2 in nearly a week and they were all worried about me! haha. Family-wise, my parents get upset with me when they see me playing Quake 2 on the weekend and then slaving away at my homework on Sunday nights. However, there were times when I have become so frustrated with a homework problem that even my dad suggests I 'play my game (read: Quake 2)' to relax a bit and not think about that particular problem for awhile. I don't have siblings so my cousins get the job of being a pain on my side. My cousins continuously tease me for playing such an old game, not that I care though. They're all gaming nerds too and I wouldn't have gotten into Quake 2 if it wasn't for my cousin's help in installing it for me. I have made lifelong friends on Quake 2 and other online sites. However, I've also met backstabbers and I guess it just goes to show that the online world is just as brutal as the offline world (read: real life). You never know whom to trust. It's not like I play Quake 2 everyday for the last 3 years, that's not the case at all. In fact, I remember I used to go weeks without playing it and just doing other things online (I've always been an internet geek) or do my schoolwork & watch movies. Recently it feels more like a daily routine though because I've had more time to procrastinate my homework assignments play and since school is winding down I become less motivated to do my work. I still eventually do it, just not with a lot of well... energy or patience. Plus I always manage to pull of an 'A' even if I do the assignment 1 or 2 days before it's due, I'd say I've got that kind of talent. So yea, as long as Quake 2 doesn't take complete control over my life, I will continue playing it. It is good for relaxation, stress relief, and just pure humor. Heck, it's just plain out fun and I'll never be able to let anyone take that away from me.
No matter what games I buy or download I ALWAYS come back to Quake 2.I'm 23, been playing Quake 2 since 2001.