Because it makes you cry on the inside and come on here flailing to defend your q2 "rep" with claims about that one time you went 53 and 0 by repeatedly shooting the guy who was standing still on railz in the middle of the night.It's fucking 100% effective. Every time, your hugely oversized ego will not allow you to take a comment like that in passing and shrug it off. You are entiely predictable and almost everyone here can read you like a fucking book.Get a life kid and you won't have to worry about what people said about you on a forum.PS: nothing I said here requires me to "get better" to back it up. In addition, you talking about "uneducated statements" is hilariously ironic.
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you
translation: I have never 40:0'd anyone in this game ever, and I am a tryhard so I will never go nades only vs anyone decent just in case they get a frag on me when I'm fucking around. That would crush my spirit because my entire concept of self-worth is based on this ancient video game and my ability to get kills on some of the last couple hundred people in the world who still play it.
if i was able to play here on even ping i would probably be in the top 5 insta players easily.
Quote from: Whirlingdervish on September 01, 2011, 08:45:21 AMtranslation: I have never 40:0'd anyone in this game ever, and I am a tryhard so I will never go nades only vs anyone decent just in case they get a frag on me when I'm fucking around. That would crush my spirit because my entire concept of self-worth is based on this ancient video game and my ability to get kills on some of the last couple hundred people in the world who still play it.haha. While reading this bit of hillarious reality I was in the middle of a sip of coffee and had to laugh. Air came out my nose and blew some drips of coffee all over my keyboard. I didn't stop laughing. haha. thanks for making my morning reading fun.I think it was all the more funny because you had linked that locked thread that Focalor edited where Vae gave a detailed breakdown on how to beat Erica at frdm3. That was pure gold. Pure gold. bravo.
defend my q2 rep