Author Topic: quake2 on linux  (Read 9033 times)

Offline VaeVictis

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Re: quake2 on linux
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2010, 12:20:39 PM »
Quote from: VaeVictis
well ubuntu is main stream stuff, its aimed to be easy... its got a lot of stuff preconfigured and its got a lot of stuff pre-installed, the package manager gui makes getting stuff a breeze... so it is an easier distro... however when something DOES break in ubuntu, its a total bitch :/

I'm not sure what you mean, if something breaks running on another version of Linux it's not any easier to fix.  If you upgrade the entire Operating System and there is some kind of an issue that's not exactly surprising.  You also have the option to install the programs yourself, so that's not any different, besides that you had the option of something that will make the programs work fo ryou on command.  I would consider it easier to fix something with more support, and Ubuntu has a lot of that.  Also they both can run SELinux and other similar configurations.  I could see an argument about security, that the code is better analyzed or mainted in other operating systems, but there will always be mistakes and a choice has to be made.

Quote from: Vaevictis
arch on the other hand, you do everything yourself, its minimalistic, very fast, the install guide is like 10 pages long lol not very easy for newer users and harder to set up... but once you do get it all set up its golden, if something breaks, you should know what broke because you did it all, and theres not a million things that could break there is only what you put there, its much faster and smaller due to it being self built and not adding a bunch of junk that you dont need like ubuntu does... there are other reasons but i cant think of any right now  slipped my mind i guess

Setting up a program in Arch can be no different than Ubuntu, and there are a million things to go wrong, the kernel is a large program and there's still all the same utilities and programs.  How is it faster?  I click something and instant on Arch or Ubuntu.

well ubuntu does have more support, but its not like arch support is non existant, there is several forums where you could get help just as easily...

and ubuntu does have those updates that always break shit where arch is a rolling release, doesnt have one huge update to break shit and you have to figure out the cause, if something breaks you should know the cause

and since ubuntu is more built to just work, when something doesnt work its harder to figure out because there is much more crap going on... say one of your background programs broke... like the one that automatically mounts flash drives, there has to be a cause for it breaking... with arch, there will be less causes, where with ubuntu there is a lot more to sift through

arch is actually noticably faster than ubuntu, if you have a computer that can do both in an instant cool, doesnt change the fact that arch is faster :)

they are both good os's i guess, its just ubuntu is more main stream aimed at the person who doesnt want to know whats going on and just wants it to work, i just see arch as the better os because its more personal and aimed at professionals while being minimalistic and faster, with that minimalistic nature there is less to exploit making it more secure and then small things like the update processes just help arch edge out over ubuntu :)

i used to run ubuntu, its a fine operating system, but if you know what your doing and want a more customizable and faster os i suggest arch

:) BUT to shoot my own argument to hell, at the end of the day no single distro is better than another, they each have their purposes and if you chop em all up they go back to the same command line... and with enough work you can change anything you want about a distro :P everything from which package manager your using to which gui you use :) thats one great thing about linux
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Re: quake2 on linux
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2010, 02:22:43 AM »
Mathematica works on Linux :yessign:

I got the torrent :-X

Going to buy the actual software though, just in case :peace:
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Re: quake2 on linux
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2010, 06:51:24 PM »
Hm, I haven't tried compiling my AprQ2 fork on 64 bit Ubuntu in a while.  I should see if it still builds..

And X'tyfe, I'm glad you're still clinging to my nutsack despite having zero contact with me in a year or more.    :ilysign:


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