Author Topic: Shu Ha Ri  (Read 2159 times)

Offline quadz

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Shu Ha Ri
« on: November 19, 2009, 02:56:19 AM »
The following is quoted from - which seems to be down at the moment.



The budo concept "shu, ha, ri" which translated from Japanese roughly means "hold, break, leave" and illustrates the levels of learning of a person. -- DanielSvennberg.


In the phase of Shu, the person tries to abide by the rules. She tries to learn all the principles and informations by heart. But she can't abide by all the rules while she is doing the practice. Her body(including her brain) starts to remember them bit by bit through repetitious practices. When the time comes she can internalize and abide by all the rules -- when Shu is achieved, Shu phase is finished and she enters into Ha phase.

In the phase of Ha, she tries to break the (old) rules. She tries to self-reflect on herself and her knowledge, and come up with anti-theses such as exceptions of the rules in the real world. But she can't break all the old rules while she is doing the practice. Her rules start to get more complete(or becomes more like "case-by-case") as the rules encompass exceptions bit by bit. When the time comes she can break all the rules and see the both sides of every rule (maybe substituting with a set of her own rules) -- when Ha is achieved, Ha phase is finished and she enters into Ri phase.

In the phase of Ri, she tries to leave the rules. She tries to get free from all the rules, and get into the state of no distinction, or into a new dimension. But she can't leave all the rules while she is doing the practice. Her body starts to forget them bit by bit through following natural laws and flows (or Tao). When the time comes she can leave all the rules -- when Ri is achieved, Ri phase is finished and she enters into a new dimension of Shu.

At the end of Shu, what she sees is nothing but the rules -- everything looks like the rules. At the end of Ha, what she sees is nothing like the rules. At the end of Ri, she doesn't see but work with her mind.

-- JuneKim

I've experienced the above pattern while practicing a musical instrument.  I feel particularly humble on the (Ri->)Shu transitions...

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"He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious."


El Box de Shoutamente

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April 24, 2024, 10:55:53 AM
omlette du fromage?


April 24, 2024, 07:08:22 AM


April 22, 2024, 04:27:07 PM
Now it's over. Because I say it's over.


April 22, 2024, 12:39:29 PM
It's over when I say it's over.



April 22, 2024, 11:34:16 AM
Costigan needs a tampon.


April 22, 2024, 02:53:12 AM
This interaction is over.


April 22, 2024, 02:51:20 AM
Will someone please muzzle and leash that barking dog? it's projections and delusions and now endless babbling are comically pitiable, just treat it like you would Beaver - that's what it deserves.


April 22, 2024, 02:50:50 AM
Quake 2 needs a public square.

This is not a debate.


April 21, 2024, 05:36:24 PM
If you were attached to reality, you'd realize that.

Quake 2 needs a private bathroom.


April 21, 2024, 05:34:35 PM
I've never doxed anyone like he did or sent them 1000's of annoying whiny angry messages in all caps like you.

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