botsctf2BotS CTF 2lbdbots2Little Big Death 24guns14 guns for funvalley2BotS Valley 2arenasBotS Arenaalone2Alone in the Dark 2campbotsCamp BotSdambots2Dam BotS 2slimeb2Slimey Sewers 2lowgbotsLow G BotScanalzoneCanal ZonecapfestCapture Fest
ok, server running. goto happyfriar or connect to q2server.fuzzylogicinc.comBUT. Wallfly shows up, q2admin works, but there must be some kind of mute built in & you can't use goto. Wallfly doesn't receive the command, so I'm assuming players/spectators can't talk to eachother? In the log wallfly keeps sending "status" via rcon. I'll replace leper with this one since it's new!
i can tell why the votes didn't work: the maps in the vote listing aren't the maps included with the download. not sure why the time isn't running out, maybe the time limit doesn't work, just frags?
set allow_download 1set fraglimit 150set capturelimit 8set public 1map valley2set game "bots"set deathmatch "1"set timelimit "60"set scorelimit 50set team1_desc Women // name of the team on the selection menuset team2_desc Men // name of the team on the selection menuset maxclients 16 // maxplayers on the serverset dmflags 1040 //force respawn and instant powerups (activated when picked up) and no quad drop)set botsflags 19 // Quad rally, use class/team skins(default), classic voting. (+4 if you want Auto select a team for a player)