Author Topic: The most biased semifinals predictions ever  (Read 2553 times)

Offline daelmun

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The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« on: July 14, 2005, 11:49:40 AM »
Ok, I'm biased and I know it.

|D|daelmun - n/abus1ve

Two reasonably skilled players, one (me) known for the running skills, while the other is known for beating on everyone he meets (which is a bad habit).

Ok, I'll admit it, this isn't my best map. Allthough it really suits my style, with open areas for easy chases and fast paced gameplay which I enjoy. If I start out in control and get the timing of the items working as it should (meaning I get the first frag and second spawn of mega as well as keeping RA+rl/cg controlled) I think I stand a fair chance here, by whoring spawns. If however the game gets close with lots of even railbattles where neither of the players have complete control it will be a lot harder. One error and the map is lost in those situations. I know abus1ve enjoys this map too, seen him play and he is not an easy enemy. Good aim, and not as slow as I would have hoped (damn, where is the myth of the slow ffa players coming from), and seems to be playing at a steady pace just slowly beating down his opponent. Also the kind of players I find it hard to play. However, if I get my defensive rails working as they used to do a while back, or if I get the control I want right away I should be able to win this one. Please :) I predict a 10-5 game with abus1ve making a comeback in the last 5 minutes forcing me to run a lot.

Ouch, this map is really not my favourite map. Granted, I can play it fairly ok in control as I can with most maps (everything is so easy when you get control, wonder why people don't try to play in control more.. doh, it's 1v1, everyone work their asses off to get control of the map). So, once again I must say the initial spawn my have an impact on the mapscore. Personally I have won hard opponents here, but also lost to opponents I should have beaten. It's just that taking control back here is not as easy as on for instance ztn3 where you can just sneak up to RA from behind. And just as ztn3 the rail is the key to comeback, and with 160 ping that can be a pain in the ass. I predict the guy coming in control first, and getting the first frag will win this one. Seeing I predicted myself as being the lucky one last games, I just don't have the luck these days to get a good spawn twice in a row. Abus1ve wins this 15-3.

Now this is a great decider map. And unlike the ztn3 and grom_dm3, the initial spawn here isn't as dominant. Getting rail and mega at first spawn isn't as bad compared with rl and yellow armor. But at times you get the nadespawn under rl, or gl spawn or ssg spawn when opponent gets the rl spawn, and he will most likely get the first frag of the game as he cuts you off on the way to mega. But unlike grom and ztn3, dm3 is harder to lock down and camp. And unlike grom and ztn3, the railing on this map is mostly prediction based on distance, and not the lining up of shots or flickshots, so as a hpb you still have a fair chance to win those long range duels. And it's one tense map where everything can happen, and mapcontroll can completely turn around with one unlucky step in a stressed situation. I hope I get my game going here, playing secure with constantly keeping opponent on the run and therefor knowing his position. If he gets on the agressive side it can be harder to tell where he is heading, as he will try to outwit you. Anyway, abus1ve is no stranger here either, and should be a really close and good game. I hope I get it all done right and win it 8-3 with minimal amount of suicides.

If everything goes according to plan, I win the game 2-1 in maps! Now that would be great.

naymlis - |AW|slacker

naymlis is the last really serious player left in the q2 tdm scene, well, along with dahang and sinurgy. A wolf in disguise. Slacker is another gxer living in exile under the protective cover of the tastyspleen network. Should be an intresting matchup.

Ouch, gonna be one really though map for slacker here. I can say this much, and that is that ztn3 is one of naymlis strongest maps. He runs items and controls the weaponspawns pretty damn good here, good good and fast movement and is cunning. Heavy usage of chain chain and chain, combined with lots of flickrailing and following spawnraping will make it really hard for slacker to win. However, if slacker manage to let the railgun do the talking, constantly hitting ridiculous rails on distance making naymlis lose his temper and focus, and the game can turn around. My advice is to just keep the score as low as possible when taking a beating, and constantly use rail or ssg to annoy naymlis and maybe near the end he completely loses it and you'll get a lucky win. However, hard to see that happeneing. But damn, I want a 3rd map and hope my help will make slacker win this 9-7, I foresee a game with loads of rail vs rail battles, and chain vs rail that will get your teeth shaking out of pure excitement.

Hmm, yet again this map is very campy and really would be better with itemplacement somewhat different. However, I see that rail and chain is the guns the guy not in control is most likely to take advantage of, and knowing slacker has quite a scary rail at times, that may be his saviour. I really wish I knew slackers play on this map better, but seeing in the interview that he doesn't know it too well, and also reading that naymlis loves and adores this map. Predicting anything but a blowout win for naymlis would be unbiased of me, so i predict a 30-4 score. If anyone can totally spawnrape on this map, it is naymlis. And I think slacker soon will realize he might as well prepare for the last and final map.

Well, with some biased prediction I managed to get a 3rd map played. How convenient. Anyway, the final and deciding map of the game is the well known map q2dm3. And both players should know the ins and outs of this map, and I think they do. Slacker should utilize his good movement and steady rl on this map, if he gets control. Keep naymlis away from the yellow armor and rl, while constantly keeping him on the run and hitting annoying prediction rockets would be a great way for slacker to play this map. However, naymlis got a nasty rail on this map, he knows the prediction rails like no other, and can pretty much take over
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<spiderpwnt> sax changed isp's
<spiderpwnt> and they deleted hsi old webspace
<|D|daelmun> :D!
<|D|daelmun> it's ok <|D|daelmun> i still got the one part of the site that is worth having <spid

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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 12:02:21 PM »
Naymlis should win this 2-1 in maps, and make it through to the final where he will, sadly, be taking a beating. But that's in the next version of my biased predictions.

 :D ;D
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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 03:36:26 PM »
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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 06:22:16 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline daelmun

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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 12:39:05 AM »
EDITED PREDICTIONS: (never to late to change biased predictions)

naymlis - |AW|slacker

naymlis is blah blah blah, and Slacker is another blah blah blah, good matchup etc.

Predict naymlis having tons of luck and slacker to have almost no luck at all. But predict slacker to do quite well given the obvious luck-disadvantage. Hard to predict the final score, but I'll take a wild guess and say it will end around 19-3 in favour of naymlis. But I could be wrong!

Omg, what a camping map! Yawn, predict heavy camping and some spawnraping and more camping. And yeah, naymlis should do most of the camping. Having some luck too, and less luck for slacker. A blowout, and not as good as the previous game. But I predict solid camping skills by naymlis. Final scores should be hard to guess, but let's say 28-1 or something like that. Again these numbers are taken out of the blue, I could be way off.

Naymlis wins blah blah, and will play final and lose blah blah, etc etc.
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<spiderpwnt> sax changed isp's
<spiderpwnt> and they deleted hsi old webspace
<|D|daelmun> :D!
<|D|daelmun> it's ok <|D|daelmun> i still got the one part of the site that is worth having <spid

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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 05:07:29 PM »
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Re: The most biased semifinals predictions ever
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2005, 05:02:01 AM »

thank you  :)
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