[2006-03-01 18:40] BeOS Mr X <BQ2> entered the game (clients = 1)[2006-03-01 18:42] MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd: funky msec (253)![2006-03-01 18:42] EXPLOIT: Client BeOS Mr X <BQ2>[]tried to use illegal msec value: 253[2006-03-01 18:42] Added to blackholes for illegal msecvalue (253).[2006-03-01 18:42] BeOS Mr X <BQ2> was dropped: illegal pmove msecdetected[2006-03-01 18:42] Dropping BeOS Mr X <BQ2>, illegal pmove msec detected.
BTW, I'm on the black hole list on Vanilla for a false-positive botting attempt, you need to re-set and make an exception for me.
There have been over 8 million frags on vanilla??!!
Anyway, this is just a test... but thought it might be fun to look at anyway.