Author Topic: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt  (Read 7591 times)

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Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:49:12 AM »
Was on DM this morning when this dumbass proceeded to tell his life story, including the part where he was currently using a wallhack. I didn't have to say much to get all the info out of him. He seemed quite willing to blabber on and incriminate himself. Only time I spoke up was several minutes after he started to talk about how a subnet ban wouldn't work on him and then he got sidetracked and left the subject. Figured I'd ask him to elaborate on it in case it would help the admins.

This is most of what was said. I tried to cut out all the frag messages to make it simpler to read.

vandal: testing something out
vandal: cant get it to work
+one: what
vandal: ehhhh
vandal: well
vandal: im in a wireframe mode right now
vandal: but dont worry
vandal: it sucks, and i coded it
vandal: hah
Hank Williams: uh
Hank Williams: okay
+one: thats cool
vandal: shutup hank
vandal: noone cares
+one: sort of rommel 3d style/
vandal: its kinda cool but
vandal: i cant get over the depth problem
vandal: you get a few feet really
vandal: its not much notice
vandal: and you fall in lava a lot
+one: whats the point
vandal: lol
vandal: well
vandal: if i could correc the depth problem
vandal: i could see models straight through
vandal: to the end of the map
vandal: the way it stands its very sketchy
vandal: i have good intentions the idea is to finish it and say ok heres why you need to force anticheat clients
vandal: but i cant perfect it
+one: lol
vandal: theres a decent one out for linux binaries
MojoJojo: ?
vandal: but id rather code my own for vanilla q2 windows
vandal: and i know i can get it but i think i need to still recompile a certain dll
+one: meh
vandal: bleh
+one: evrybody hates cheaters
vandal: meh
vandal: i program for a living
MojoJojo: weh
+one: and if u havin fun fuckin us with wireframe mode well good 4 you
vandal: dude its hella fun but thats not the point
vandal: its only really good for elevators
+one: and whoever cheats make normal players better
vandal: some round the orner shots
+one: bleh u end up emptying the server
vandal: not at all imho
vandal: its not that good to even do that
vandal: so
vandal: meh
+one: but i get you thouhg
+one: its kinda cool to toy around
vandal: i never try to win games to be honest
+one: i do but only with selected players :)
MojoJojo: it doesnt matter if u want to win
MojoJojo: if u cheat u fuck up the game
vandal: well we all cheat at life
vandal: you should go live in the woods
vandal: if you dont like cheaters
MojoJojo: thats the attitude
MojoJojo: no u get banned
vandal: not in this game hah
+one: vandal pls...
+one: cheaters have no honor
+one: where's the pride?
MojoJojo: dont argue with him
MojoJojo: has no principles
+one: well pride is vanity
vandal: none.
+one: he gotta have that
vandal: trust me
+one: well then you really suck
vandal: cheaters do more to hurt themselves
vandal: than anything else
(*what I'm thinking: yeah, with their big fat mouths)
MojoJojo: hes just a delinquent
+one: but no one knows that how it is?
Hank Williams: lol
vandal: they dont hurt your game as much as theirs
MojoJojo: its cause of ppl like him that we need laws
+one: nah to me in the end thier life is a lie
vandal: well
vandal: it also helps you learn things
vandal: for example
vandal: i know optica cheats
vandal: hardcore
vandal: but
vandal: he wont EVER admit it to me
vandal: pisses me off man
+one: alot of players i dont trust
vandal: lol
vandal does a back flip into the lava.
+one: but its not for a trophy or anything
+one: how bout deious eh?
+one: hehe
+one: fuck her dude
vandal: optica has a great wall hack
vandal was blasted by 4102
vandal: he uses a no cheat client
vandal: which means
vandal: i HAS to be a recompiled q2 binary
vandal: thats one of the old school ones i wish i could get
vandal: cant find em tho
+one: just rename a replace your current textures with window textures duh
+one: dont lose sleep over that...
vandal: i know but
vandal: id rather code it in opengl
vandal: i can turn this off ondemand
+one: nah u shove it a pak
+one: less complicated
vandal: lol
4102: :D
vandal: plus this way yu can do cool stuff
vandal: have particle effects on and off ondemand
vandal: lots of stuff
vandal: and the wireframe is kinda cool
vandal: its great with jump mod
+one: thats not very hard
vandal: you can really learn jumps faster with wireframe
vandal: imho
+one: i bet
vandal: im sure ill get banned sooner or later but
+one: ide like to try wireframe
vandal: they can take out my subnet and it still wont matter
+one: whats fps with that?
vandal: its just a normal game
vandal: and when you hit the key you see in a wireframe
vandal: but its not all see through
+one: type timerefresh
vandal: im getting 61.24 on my 4200 mobile radeon
vandal: same without it
+one: eew no boost there
+one: try disable vsync n try again
vandal: its kinda cheating in darker levels
vandal: but it helped me ignore the distraction from lots of t
vandal: you move through maps man like superman
vandal: its crazy
vandal: its the best in tokays
+one: yea as if a normal player wont notice
vandal: they do and they all spec me
+one: you get no credit for playing like that
vandal: but i dont try to win matches so i guess that gets me
vandal: lol
vandal: the q3 wallhack is great
vandal: perfect across the map full view of models
vandal: and i LOVE the q3 engine
+one: you right though it doesnt matter
vandal: my skill level is about the same even without it
vandal: take optica
vandal: he would own still without it
vandal: but he wouldnt have those round the corner cross the m
+one: im not to sure bout that
+one: there was a time i made that guy rage quit
+one: then i left q2 for about 2 years
vandal: i left for literally 10 atleast
+one: came back and he was invincibl
vandal: the last time i played this much q2
vandal: i was in high school
vandal: yeah he's got a wallhack
vandal: and an aimbot
vandal: it's very obvious to me
+one: i just dont play him nymore
vandal: im not going for aimbot
53: who?
vandal: i just want a really good wh for q2
vandal: ahh noone we just bullshittin
53: i've not seen aimbot here in a long time
vandal: they're very closely guarded
vandal: few people have em anymore
53: but I think there a several with wallhacks
vandal: i mean most of us are 30-40 years old now with familie
vandal: there are
53: i would like to be 30-40 again, lol
vandal: im trying to figure a command to help me get a larger
+one: dam
53: <--53
vandal: even trying r1gl libraries to see about that
+one: whats wrong with 53 now
vandal: nice man old dudes playin q2
vandal: im 29
vandal: i will play this game when im 70
vandal: hahah
+one: im 42
vandal: i feel old
+one: bored to hell
vandal: got me few years ago i actually had some old moments
vandal: and i was like christ i dont wanna be in my 30s
+one: i wonder what it will be when im 53...
+one: yikes
vandal: lol
+one: i dont feel old
+one: i feel great
+one: but im bored
+one: always the same fkn story
+one: its a good story
+one: but even goos stories get boring
+one: video games
+one: movies
+one: food
+one: endless loop
vandal: im really interesting in programming game engines right now
vandal: so part of coming back to q2 is that
+one: yea i like making maps n stuff
+one: i made my floors red
vandal was popped by 53's grenade
+one: changed sounds
vandal: im trying to learn asm to finish this hack off
+one: i replaced some sounds with arcade game sounds
vandal: im going to have to recompile my opengl dll
vandal: i may scrap it for now tho
+one: nah i like your idea
vandal: i wanna see how the linux binaries work too
MojoJojo: is there any of ur maps in vanilla?
+one: it crossed my mind to have q2 in wireframe
vandal: its on google
+one: i dont really caare bout the textures
vandal: but all youre doing is modifying addressed memory
+one: but hey i wonder
+one: i got porn textures
vandal: and anti cheat picks that up
+one: i wonder if theyde work
vandal: as a general injection exploit
vandal: lol
vandal: i have the crakwhor model that has a porn skin
vandal: shes hot
+one: i got some cool textures
vandal: but see with those pak files
vandal: regular server cheat protection can detect those
vandal: i think?
+one: donno
vandal: pretty sure
+one: then why am i using a pak?
vandal: i dunno maybe if it was the exact same size or odne
vandal: i could see it bypassing
+one: nope
+one: totally different pak
vandal: never even thought to try searching for window textures
+one: lol
+one: you might wanna save some time
+one: cuz that wont work buddy
vandal: i wouldnt know where to go
+one: u got them already
vandal: so you can set it to see through the whole map how?
+one: but it wouldnt work
vandal: just replacing textures i guess
vandal: hmm
+one: nope
+one: see the map is compiled and those textures need transparent flag
+one: when the map gets compiled u understand?
vandal: i guess so
vandal: youre modifying the maps you have stored locally
+one: so you can put the window texture but you wont see through :)
vandal: interesting
+one: u have to decompile the map
vandal: and it goes undetected?
+one: and im not sure it would pass anticheat barrier
vandal: yeah
vandal: this will unless im forced to use a no cheat client
vandal: one cool thing about wireframe is you can see up through water
+one: yea cuz actually you like just using a hidden option
+one: with the right commands you could put it in wireframe
MojoJojo: theres a portion on the floor over there tahts transparent
MojoJojo: u can use that
+one: yea but like i said
+one: it has to be flagged while making the map
vandal: thats cool
+one: truth is i never tried
Hank Williams: why did you say a subnet ban wouldn't work?
+one: but im sure thats what i'll get
vandal: because i can mask my subnet
vandal: i can mask my mac address
vandal: if it came to that
vandal: besides youd hafta really be a wanker
vandal: to report me im cool
vandal: lol
(*then color me wanker, Mr. Cool Guy)
+one: another trick was to make pikes on the skins
+one: that would stick out of the walls
+one: show where u aim etc...
vandal: im gonna figure this out
vandal: just havent yet
vandal: i had it pretty neat earlier it was working without wireframe sorta
vandal: and no particle effects
vandal: really cool but it isnt much of an advantage at all
MojoJojo: the rocket and rail trails
vandal: yep
vandal does a back flip into the lava.
vandal: what i have doesnt give you much of an advantage at all
vandal: trust me
vandal: like here
vandal: cant see ya
vandal: but here i can
vandal: this part of the wall works
vandal: but not here
vandal: messed up
MojoJojo: its kinda useless anyways
vandal: cant figure it out grr
vandal: it really is
vandal: im just proud i figured it out i havent cracked many games
vandal: i cant see you anywhere out here
MojoJojo: u just need a good sound pak
vandal: yeah but im just doing this to do it
vandal: im really not trying to win games
MojoJojo: well..
MojoJojo: its like ppl practicing martial arts
MojoJojo: they always end up hittin someone
vandal: i used to practice martial arts
vandal: never hit a woman in 29 years never a guy
vandal: i threw a couple dudes already Lol
MojoJojo: which belt did u get
vandal: gotta think
vandal: it was kenpo
vandal: i was two or three before black
vandal: think green with two black stripes or purple with one
vandal: then i discovered duke nukem 3d
vandal: hahah
vandal: that was the end of the martial arts
MojoJojo: I got a black one
vandal: nice
MojoJojo: my mom bought it for me when I was little
vandal: lol
vandal: im a very unique individual
vandal: more honorable than you might think
vandal: need more coffee brb
Hank Williams: this dude likes to talk
Hank Williams: its cool, wallfly loves to listen
MojoJojo: O:
vandal: what id really like to do
vandal: is setup my own dedicated q2 server
vandal: i manage five servers some for clients some for me
vandal: i could have a server with enough resources to run a dedi for less than ten bucks a month easy
vandal: probably more like 3-7 bucks a mo
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 08:31:34 AM »
want to take bets on which client version he was reporting?
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 08:53:53 AM »
vandal: im a very unique individual
vandal: more honorable than you might think

here's a hint, if you say you're a unique individual, chances are you are most definitely not a unique individual

also, this guy must be a reeeeaaalllyy fucking shitty coder if he can't even make a simple wallhack for q2.

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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 09:15:36 AM »
also, this guy must be a reeeeaaalllyy fucking shitty coder if he can't even make a simple wallhack for q2.

I'm guessing either THAT, or he's full of shit and is using an already known wallhack and just can't figure out how to work it properly. It occurred to me that all the open talk about it could've just been his way of fishing for a like-minded party, either to give him pointers on how to make the one he's developing work properly, pointers on how to make the known wallhack he's possessing work completely, or maybe even talk someone else into giving him a different fully functional one. He mentioned that Optica wouldn't admit to him that he cheats and it made him mad, so apparently this isn't the first discussion he's ever had with anyone about hacks. Had Optica told him "Sure, I wallhack.", no doubt his next question would've been, "Can I have a copy?"

I don't buy the whole "I have good intentions with this" routine. If that were true, then why later did the conversation shift to modifying textures and whether or not that would be detected by anticheat? At that point, his line of thinking is clearly not, "How can I complete this unfinished hack to show to the admins", but more like, "What ELSE could I do to make a wallhack?" His ultimate objective appears to be to find a way, any way, to see through walls, not to share his knowledge of some vulnerability or bug with the admins.

I dunno if he ever reads the boards here... maybe not... but it might be a good idea to hold off on any kind of administrative action until someone has a chance to pump a little more info out of him. Apparently, it isn't hard at all to get him talking. I believe he mentioned something about a wallhack being recompiled for linux or something. Might be a good idea to have an aliased admin grease more info about that out of him. ;)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 09:26:10 AM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 09:54:35 AM »
there's absolutely no "good intentions" about coding your own wallhack, unless you wanna make some money by selling it to people, rofl. if he's trying to prove something by getting cheats past anticheat, then that ain't nothing new because we already know that coding your own wallhack so that it's unique will most likely get it past anticheat. there are some clients out there that have a built in wallhack in them; however, they aren't activated unless you're in spec, and they immediately stop working when you join up in game. i don't know how people feel about something like that, though.

if you're trying to make your own wallhack though, then that's a pretty fucking stupid venture seeing as how you could just modify any existing wallhack enough to make it unique and it'd be the same damn thing.

At that point, his line of thinking is clearly not, "How can I complete this unfinished hack to show to the admins", but more like, "What ELSE could I do to make a wallhack?"

"completing an unfinished hack to show to the admins" is BEYOND stupid. what kind of good intentions are even possible at that point? if YOU modify a wallhack by completing it and making it work, then there's no fucking point in showing it to the admins unless you decide to give it to people. should def force ac on this clown.
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2014, 11:44:26 AM »
Hank Williams: why did you say a subnet ban wouldn't work?
+one: but im sure thats what i'll get
vandal: because i can mask my subnet
vandal: i can mask my mac address
vandal: if it came to that
vandal: besides youd hafta really be a wanker
vandal: to report me im cool
vandal: lol
(*then color me wanker, Mr. Cool Guy)

One can't "mask" a subnet (unless he means using a proxy); however his subnet does change periodically, as is common these days.

But his hostname so far is always *

AC has been forced on his current IP. (That won't hold very long but it's a start.)

It may be worthwhile forcing his name to "vandal" so he can't hide behind aliases. OK, that's done now, and will hold until his subnet changes.


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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2014, 04:13:58 PM »
also, this guy must be a reeeeaaalllyy fucking shitty coder if he can't even make a simple wallhack for q2.

Sounds familiar.
If Im not mistaken, this story happened before. Some guy who happens to be an admin of one of the servers in the TS network, who also claims to be a developer of a spammy mod, who also claims to be a programmer asked his buddy who is a notorious cheater to make some anticheat hack + cheat.
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2014, 05:26:24 PM »
sigh. Any ways it's good to be on the forums after more than a decade playing on your servers!
...and I don't think I'm a bad coder at all, I think there are limitations to the amount you can get away with modifying addressed memory space without modifying game files at some point. I frown on it- Some one got upset, lesson learned.
May be this dancing banana will cheer you up  :bananaw00t:

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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 05:27:20 PM »
go die in a hole somewhere.
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 06:25:27 PM »
i know dick about coding and even i could probably modify a wh to make it work on a server. (not that i would)

i could also probably do a lot more stuff that this little csi miami ass stereotypical ethnic ghetto-style individual cant
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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2014, 01:59:11 AM »
I frown on it- Some one got upset, lesson learned.

If you frown on it, then why the hell did you do it? I'm not all that upset either. I'm just glad you were boneheaded enough to talk openly about it. And furthermore...

vandal: besides youd hafta really be a wanker
vandal: to report me im cool

I really didn't HAVE to report you either. By talking openly about it on a tastyspleen server, you reported YOURSELF. There's this thing called WallFly, and it's connected to every one of the servers. In addition to making it possible to jump from server to server within this community, it also listens to all the chat and broadcasts it to the TS-Live IRC channel. Certain words like bot and wallhack will be highlighted in bold red letters. Everyone idling in that channel sees it, including the admins. Like I alluded...

Hank Williams: this dude likes to talk
Hank Williams: its cool, wallfly loves to listen
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Offline Whirlingdervish

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Re: Please do not vandalize your client. Thx, -mgmt
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2014, 08:35:37 AM »
I await his scathing retort.

PS: Trying to use TSEARCH to make a WH in 2014 and failing = Priceless.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 05:51:04 PM by Whirlingdervish »
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El Box de Shoutamente

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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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