Author Topic: Sound Pak  (Read 3481 times)

Offline NIN-HighVoltage

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Sound Pak
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:28:12 PM »
I am needing a sound pak for quake 2 but without any TV character sounds and all that. Just some good ole sounds or anything cool but no more cartman and such.
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Offline The Dreaming Dragon

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Re: Sound Pak
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 05:31:00 AM »
Conversely why not build your own?

Soundpacks are wav files named specifically to be played when certain events take place,a dmage threshhold reached,you fall,you drown,you die. And one of the main reasons I still play Quake 2 lies it the customability of these models and sounds. Try any of this in Quake 3 and Punkbuster accuses you of cheating and boots you from the server.

Here's a couple of links to threads where I put some up at my website...   (4.75mb)

A collection of alternate sounds for your fragging pleasure.Use 'em to distinguish between different models and comedy relief!

For those old time Howard Stern fans,I recently rediscovered my soundpack and skin for Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf.I included the model Astro that the skin was made for and the extra skins for astro if you don't have it already as well.I'd change the name of the folder to astro too,if you want the rest of the world to see it properly.Enjoy!

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Offline NIN-HighVoltage

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Re: Sound Pak
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 07:29:04 AM »
Ok so how do you link the sounds to the action taking place? Falling, death, etc. Not sure what to do with the wav files.
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Re: Sound Pak
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 09:03:32 AM »
That all depend on WHAT sounds you're wanting to change. All the sounds for everything are not just in one single folder within a pak file. Within a pak file, you'll have one folder named "sound", and within that folder, you'll have several other folders with different categories of sounds. I'll try to detail most of what is there that a person would want change.
In "sound/doors", you'll have sounds for the doors opening and closing. Files like: dr1_end.wav, dr1_mid.wav, and dr1_strt.wav. You'll probably want these 3 files to be sounds that are intended to go together, otherwise your doors opening and closing will sound strange, like maybe they'll start opening louder or with a different tone of sound than when they come to a stop once they've opened.
In "sound/items", you'll have sounds for item pickups like n_health.wav for the +10 health box, l_health.wav for the +25 health box, m_health.wav for the megahealth, s_health.wav for the +1 health stimpacks, damage/damage2/damage3.wav for the quad damage sound, protect/protect2/protect3/protect4.wav for the invulnerability sound, pkup.wav for the special item pickup sounds (adrenaline, backpack, etc), respawn1.wav for the item respawn sounds.
In "sound/misc" you'll have sounds for weapon, armor and ammo pickups, instagib death splatter sounds, power shield on and off sounds, as well as game interface sounds like talk.wav for the chat beep sound and menu1.wav/menu2.wav/menu3.wav for the menu sounds. There's a few other sounds located here too that you might wanna change, like windfly.wav for the sound it makes when you get bounced off a bounce pad and tele1.wav for the player teleport and spawn sounds.
In "sound/plats", there are sounds for the moving platforms. They work just like the door sounds with a start sound, a middle sound for when its in motion, and an end sound for when it stops.
In "sound/player" you'll have sounds relating to players obviously. Things like burn1.wav and burn2.wav for when you land in lava, drown1.wav for when you drown in water, u_breath1.wav and u_breath2.wav for when you're underwater with the rebreather powerup, and also a few other water sounds related to players entering or exiting or submerging completely in water.
In "sound/weapons", you'll have sounds for all the weapons obviously. There's quite a few in there, so I'll try to detail the names and what they do...

bfg_f1y.wav is the BFG firing sound.
bfg_l1a.wav is the the sound used for the energy ball fired from the BFG as it travels through the air.
bfg_x1b.wav is the sound used for when the BFG energy ball strikes an object and explodes.
bfg_hum.wav is the electronic humming sound used for when you have the BFG in your hand.

blastf1a.wav is the blaster firing sound.

chngnd1a.wav is the sound used for when the chaingun barrels are spinning down after you release the trigger.
chngnl1a.wav is the sound used for when the chaingun is spinning at full speed under sustained fire.
chngnu1a.wav is the sound used for the chaingun when you first squeeze the trigger and the barrels begin to spin up.

grenlb1b.wav is the sound used for bouncing grenades fired from the grenade launcher.
grenlf1a.wav is the sound for firing the grenade launcher.
grenlr1b.wav is the sound used for when the grenade launcher reloads the next grenade.
grenlx1a.wav is the sound used for when a grenade explodes.

hgrena1b.wav is the sound used for when you activate a hand grenade. Often people use sounds that have a spoken countdown so they will know how much time they have before it explodes in their hand.

hyprbd1a.wav is the sound for when the hyperblaster muzzle spins down.
hyprbf1a.wav is the sound of the blasts firing from the hyperblaster.
hyprbl1a.wav is the sound for when the hyperblaster muzzle is spinning at full speed under sustained fire.
(*** note: I think there's also one more sound for the hyperblaster spinning up, but I don't use it personally)

lashit.wav is the sound played when a blaster or hyperblaster laser hits any object.

There are 5 sound files for the machinegun, each of them are pretty similar firing sounds. There's 5 of them with slightly different tones to make the gun sound a little more realistic when firing. These sounds are also used for the bullet sounds firing from the chaingun. If you make your own bullet sounds and they sound suitable for a slower firing machinegun, keep in mind that they chaingun fires them MUCH faster and they might sound like total shit played together at faster speeds.

noammo.wav is... just what it says. It's that horrible click sound you hate to hear when you're bearing down on someone about to kill your ass and you sadly run out of ammo.

railgf1a.wav is the sound played when you fire the railgun.
(***note: I think there is also a railgun reloading sound as well as a railgun hum sound)

rockfly.wav is the sound that rockets make as they travel through the air.
rocklf1a.wav is the sound of the rocket launcher firing.
rocklr1b.wav is the sound of the rocket launcher loading the next rocket (I think thats what it is anyways, I don't use it, I have a blank silence sound for that one in my custom pak)
rocklx1a.wav is the sound of a rocket striking an object or player and exploding.

shotgf1b.wav is the sound of the single barrel shotgun firing.
shotgr1b.wav is the sound of the single barrel shotgun being pumped to reload the next shell.

sshotf1b.wav is the sound of the double barrel supershotgun firing and reloading.

xpld_wat.wav is the sound of a grenade or rocket exploding while underwater.
In "sound/world" you'll have ambient sounds relating the world environment. Things like ric1.wav/ric2.wav/ric3.wav for the bullets ricocheting off walls, lava1.wav for the sound lava makes as is churns, etc. You'll also have the 10_0.wav sound which is the 10 to 0 countdown used for TDM games. You'll also have the xian1.wav sound which is a little beatbox music sound used in the easter egg hidden room on the last level of the game.
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Offline The Dreaming Dragon

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Re: Sound Pak
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 12:27:31 PM »
I usually stick to the files in the individual player model folders. All one need do is rename your own wavs to the corresponding ones in the folder and replace them.
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Offline NIN-HighVoltage

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Re: Sound Pak
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2013, 01:15:22 PM »
Ok got it all figured out now thanks for all the help!
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February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
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Fixed the image for you =)
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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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