Author Topic: Focalor  (Read 3144 times)

Offline |iR|Focalor

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« on: December 31, 2008, 08:31:59 PM »

I've had some of these finished for a while. I went ahead and uploaded them. I plan on making a branch of my TS homepage as my band webpage whenever I have all the songs for this project finished. Anyway, 3 new songs. Check 'em out. Or don't. I'll post the lyrics too in case you can't make out the words. These are free MP3's, feel free to save 'em, pass 'em around, post 'em anywhere. Just don't rename the file and say that YOU made the song... or I'll find out. Then I'll have to find YOU... and do very bad things to you with sharp metal objects.

I have a 4th song posted at the bottom. I think I already posted a link to it in another thread, but I never posted the lyrics, so here it is again.

Click on the song title to download/hear the song.

(A song I wrote about the Manson Family murders, featuring clips of Charles Manson from his parole and court appearances)
Focalor - The Master's Call
Sickness permeates the brain - Crave the sensation of pain
Daily I have walked these streets - Surrounded by bags of meat
Empty eyes stare back at me - Lifeless as they all must be
Unaware of their own life - Learning as I plunge the knife

Liquidate them all - Waiting on the master's call
Written on the wall - Waiting on the master's call

Murder is the only way - Give the order, I obey
Blood erupting from the flesh - Choking hands constricting breath
Violently you struggle still - Against my relentless will
Life flashing before your eyes - Wasted life, you realize

Liquidate them all - Waiting on the master's call
Written on the wall - Waiting on the master's call


Helter Skelter coming soon - Kill the unborn in the womb
Blue-black skin, asphyxiate - This, your execution date
"Mother! Mother!", cries in vain - Death comes now to end your pain
Devil's business, what I do - Carving WAR deep into you

Liquidate them all - Waiting on the master's call
Written on the wall - Waiting on the master's call

(A song I wrote about black magic in honor of a friend)
Focalor - Darkness Shines
Born of Fire, see the light - Darkness shines it's wisdom bright
Man and god converged in one - All I will, it shall be done
Sleeping gods beneath the sea - Wake and come commune with me
Ancestral powers rise - Burn the truth into my eyes

Fire - To purify resolve and judge the weak
Air - Breathing life into the truth I speak
Earth - Without a master, I command
Water - The surging power none shall withstand

Revel in this fleshly life - Sin shall cause no moral strife
Christ denied with every breath - Heretic unto the death
Set as wolves amongst the lambs - Reining power in our hands
Lies eclipsed, weak test their might - Darkness shines infernal light


Sun sets in the Western skies - As the constellations rise
Light the candles, black and white - Bell breaks silence of the night
Culmination we shall find - Released from the open mind
Speak the Names and show the sign - Living proof that darkness shines

Fire - To purify resolve and judge the weak
Air - Breathing life into the truth I speak
Earth - Without a master, I command
Water - The surging power none shall withstand

Calling forth the Ancient Ones - Black-horned goat, one thousand young
Hasten here to answer me - Cursed tongues to speak the key
Parchment burns my will's desire - In the flames of altar pyre
All will come to pass in time - Surely as the darkness shines

(A really uplifting tune I wrote about a lunatic who bestows salvation by brutally torturing his victims and then... as if that weren't enough... he gives them the wonderful gift of eternal life by killing them. See, told ya, uplifting. The intro features a clip of Pinhead from one of the Hellraiser movies, I forget which one.)
Focalor - Purification
Concussion - The impact shatters your spine
Retribution - Together we'll cross the line
Ungoverned - The madness that I will unleash
Suffer - All of this pain you will keep

Impregnating your brain - With divine virtuous pain
Circulation stopped - Extremities start to rot
Witness my insanity - The be-all end-all misery
Another notch into my blade - Another soul which I have saved


Eternity - A concept that your mind can't grasp
Through death - One that you will know at last
Purified - The brutality that your eyes behold
Sacrificed - Your body for the sake of your soul

I'll see your wickedness expelled - Your eyes bear witness to this Hell
With each murder I find the means - To cleanse all that which is unclean
Through torture I will bring to earth - A bloody violent rebirth
Employing holy eugenics - As you hang from your crucifix

(A song I wrote about life's choices, the lessons we learn from them, and the importance of following one's own conscience and path in life.)
Focalor - Inner Voice
In times such as this - You can't help but feel
Something awaits you - A danger so real
Against better judgment - This choice that you've made
Will serve to impale you - While twisting the blade
The signal received - Many times before
The voice that you heard - And chose to ignore

Irrational are the ways of the heart - Difficult to see when you play the part
Passions are rooted in selfish desire - Complacency consumes you like a fire
Your mind disconnected by conscious request - Emotions enslave your intelligence
Time and again you make this mistake - Listen to reason before it's too late

Perceptions may be twisted by your fears - Overriding wisdom gained in your years
Every time you face the difficult choice - Listen close, hear the inner voice


Now that it's over - Fully realize
See through the shroud of - Their every disguise
Find that your actions - Were guided by lust
And not by the mind - In which you should trust
Ponder the outcome - Examine your part
Remember the scar - You wear on your heart

Irrational are the ways of the heart - Difficult to see when you play the part
Passions are rooted in selfish desire - Complacency consumes you like a fire
Your mind disconnected by conscious request - Emotions enslave your intelligence
Time and again you make this mistake - Listen to reason before it's too late

Perceptions may be twisted by your fears - Overriding wisdom gained in your years
Every time you face the difficult choice - Listen close, hear the inner voice

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Re: Focalor
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 06:37:50 AM »
Wish I could claim I made this cool ASCII picture, but I never done it.
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Re: Focalor
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 01:27:33 PM »
New song. This one is dedicated to all the ladies! ;)

Focalor - Nocturnal Emissions
Soulless voids are watching you
From the window, peering through
Called here by your silhouette
Addicted to the female flesh
Move like fog across the ground
Entering without a sound
Still in sleep, you lay before
As I move beyond the door

All at once, I bring you to with one swift slap across the face
Utilizing nylon ties to keep your wrists restrained in place
Terrorized by what your eyes have opened to find staring down
Rending garment, using rusty scissors to remove your gown
Screaming, hoping someone hears, my dear, that was a fatal flaw
Teeth break as I jab the scissors in your mouth to spread the jaws
Wooden handled ice pick used to pierce the tongue from underside
Nailed through roof of mouth, considerable silence it provides

Blood is pooling in the throat
Gurgling, you slowly choke
Lying nude, I watch you breathe
All features exposed to me
Youth and beauty I destroy
With the tools I shall employ
Grinning as I contemplate
Torturing this whore I hate

Fingers run your body length towards thighs that tremble in despair
Wishing that you could awake and see that it was a nightmare
Clitoris is pinched til rupture in the teeth of pliers cold
Scalpel severs pubic tissues, separate labial folds
Blood spilling electrifies my lust and causes me to cum
Salivating as I madly probe vagina with my thumb
Peeling upwards, revealing the swollen uterus to me
Stabbed with scissors, twisted, removed as the blood runs out, flows free

Life is fading from her flesh
Blood soaked matress, what a mess
Weak, she squirms beneath my weight
As her pupils dialate
Exhaling the final breath
Skin turns blue and cold as death
Slit from nape to navel spread
Sternum splintered, chunks of red

Ribs are wrenched aside as spinal column twists and rips apart
Exposing the motionless lung tissue, stomach and the heart
Teeth and fingers tear the arteries and veins within her breast
Masticating vital organs, blood runs down my chin and chest
Heart removed, I lay it on the dresser found beside the bed
Hammer smashes sinuses, creates a fissure through her head
Cock erect, I fuck the bloody hole created in her face
Flee the scene, I leave her mutilated body in it's place

One more. No lyrics. An older recording of mine I chose as the intro track for this latest project.

Focalor - Prologue
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 01:38:21 PM by Focalor »
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Re: Focalor
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 10:59:21 AM »
Listened to it all, Foc. Have you demoed this to any Record Company? If so, what was their feedback?
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Re: Focalor
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 07:38:36 PM »
Nope. I suppose I could, but it would be pretty pointless. I don't have a drummer, much less an entire band. If I lived closer to Atlanta, it would be a lot easier to put together a band. Up here toward the North Georgia mountains where I'm living now, metal isn't exactly the most popular genre. Besides, I have no dreams of fame and fortune in the music business, just a personal desire to create organized noise with a guitar for my own amusement. The main reason why I record this stuff is just to get it worked out to where I can present it to folks online, and hopefully one of these days I'll run across a good band-less drummer or guitarist and be able to point them to my music and spark their interest.
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Re: Focalor
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2009, 08:42:46 PM »
I posted up a page where you get all of my songs for this project in one place a while back. I have two or three more that are still unfished. Those should be added soon. Click below.

I've begun playing and writing a little bit of new stuff with some guys I know, and it should be some interesting stuff. We're already talking about where to go to record any of it. It's kinda bluesy metal with a southern rock twist.

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Re: Focalor
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2010, 09:46:58 PM »
I posted a couple of unfinished tracks from my 1st Focalor project on YouTube. I never got around to recording vocals for them and don't really feel like going back and doing it now. Confederate Casket Co. didn't pan out. The drummer I had decided to join his brothers band instead. Perhaps pretty soon I'll get bored enough to start writing and recording for a 2nd Focalor project. I don't really have an interest in forming an actual band anymore unless someone particularly impressive and inspirational comes along to talk me into it.

Focalor - The Witch

Focalor - Shotgun Suicide

Also uploaded 2 videos of audio from an older shittier project called Causticism.

Causticism - Bacchanal (Clutch cover)

Causticism - Corruption of the Soul
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


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In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
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Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


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hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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