That's a great idea, but who around here spends much time outdoors?
Quote from: [EoM] Pr0c3550r® on June 27, 2008, 01:47:38 AM You don't have to ask to start a "Garden" CategoryJust do it !Umm, I'm talking about a header similar to QUAKE and DEV/RANDOM on this forum - not a thread.
You don't have to ask to start a "Garden" CategoryJust do it !
Quote from: Art on June 25, 2008, 07:05:57 PMThat's a great idea, but who around here spends much time outdoors? I used to... but then I got addicted to the Quakrack. It permeates my entire life now. When I'm outside fishing, I'm daydreaming about jumping into the pond and picking fish off one by one with a railgun. When I'm screwing my woman under the apple tree, I'm shouting "HUWA! HUWA! HUWA!" with every thrust. When I go grocery shopping, I imagine that I can doublejump from the edge of the magazine rack to the cash register and then finally be able to reach to megahealth thats sitting on top of the hanging light fixture.
I was thinking about suggesting we add a Gardening Category under the Culture Corner, but the more I think about it maybe that's too narrow. Maybe something encompassing "outdoor activities", i.e. grilling, hiking, fishin' etc. Of course it would need a cooler title than "Outdoor Activities"