Author Topic: Quake 2 needs a public square  (Read 499 times)

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Quake 2 needs a public square
« on: April 21, 2024, 01:51:14 PM »
It has come to my attention that Quake2 needs a public square. A place where anyone is allowed to come and post whatever message they like, even ones that might be critical of the administration, because freedom of speech is important. However, some of us recognize that not ALL speech should be free. Maybe the admins have committed the sin of banning someone because they were doxing people, giving out their home address, possibly being a physical threat to that person, their family, and their property. Is that so bad? Well, some of us appear to object to it. On the other hand, it should be noted that the admins have also intervened on behalf of certain aggrieved parties to limit the speech of others, which has been to their benefit. They didn't find that so objectionable.

Of course... I'm only talking about costigan.

We're all rational sensible people. We can see that this place is an open forum, as are any associated Discord channels. But there are definitely RULES. You can't post links to cheats. You can't encourage people to cheat. You can't dox people. You can't post uncensored porn directly to the messageboard. You can't tell someone they should kill themselves (a Discord authored platform rule), and You can't say egregiously racist shit. Other than that, no one gives a damn what you do.

So? What's the problem then? Is the problem that the admins have clear rules, or is the problem that the admins do no consult costigan for his approval each and every time they apply these rules?

I don't understand this "problem". This messageboard is pretty damn public. There are FAR more "random nobodies" and general public lurking in the tastyspleen discord than known community members. As far as I can tell, the problem is not that a public square does not exist - because it obviously does. I'm in it right now voicing my opinion. The problem is that costigan thinks beaver should be unbanned. And that's the great thing about this public square. You can come here and voice your opinion about wanting beaver unbanned. Tastyspleen values freedom of speech, and you are free to express that idea.

However... rules are fuckin' rules, he broke them a zillion times, and made it his mission in life to become a community problem rather than a community member. And the admins, just like everyone else on planet earth (well maybe not ALL of us), have lives and families and SHIT TO DO. They don't have time to have the same arguments with the same people for hours at a time every single day. It's the metaphor of the "noise to signal ratio" that Quadz used to talk about. Eventually, when it's just hours and hours of static and no signal... you have to turn the dial and move on.
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Re: Quake 2 needs a public square
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 09:00:09 PM »
Quote from: costigan
It's a shame that Focalor is never treated with the same measure that Beaver deserves especially given how detached from reality and evil they both are.

So first he gets mad that the admins won't let him post links to his buddy beavers discord channels... now he's of the opinion that I deserve to be banned just like beaver.


I'm the one "detached from reality"?

Beaver was doxing people.

The worst thing I've done is... poke fun at costigan while presenting perfectly logical truthful arguments against his silly bullshittery and nonsense. I'm sure that may be an absolutely unforgivable sin as far as he is concerned but it's not against the rules.

Seriously, give me one good reason why "I don't like the way the rules are applied" is not what you really mean by "Quake 2 needs a public square"? How much sense does it make to have a public square where you allow people to come and spread information about how to disrupt and destroy the self-same public square and threaten the people in it in real life. At that point, what stops anyone from doing the same TO YOU? Something to consider maybe?

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