Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
;; Enable q2admin vote features (q2adminvote.txt).;vote_enable "Yes"
;;Vote commands list.;;This lists all the spawning entities that will be disabled.;;The file q2adminvote.txt is read from the quake2 directory and the mod ;directory. This allows server admin's to setup lrcon's as global and ;mod specific as well.;;The format for q2adminvote.txt is as follows:;;Lines beginning with a ';' are comments.;;vote command format:;<matchtype><vote command>;; <matchtype> can be one of three values:; 'EX:' Exact match.; 'SW:' Starts with match.; 'RE:' Regular Expression match. ;;e.g.;EX:map q2dm1;SW:fraglimit;RE:^map q2dm[123456]$;;There is a limit of 1024 disbaled entity types can be setup.;; ------- Map votes -------RE:map ra2map[123456789]$RE:map ra2map1[0123456789]$RE:map ra2map2[012345678]$RE:map ra2map4[0123456789]$RE:map ra2map5[01234567]$RE:map ra2av[1234]$RE:map ra2cd[123]$EX:map madcowEX:map fatalarenaEX:map catodm1EX:map joltarenaEX:map dustEX:map ra2gz1; ------- General votes -------SW:timelimitSW:fraglimitSW:kick
; ------- Map votes -------RE:^map ra2map[123456789]$RE:^map ra2map1[0123456789]$RE:^map ra2map2[012345678]$RE:^map ra2map4[0123456789]$RE:^map ra2map5[01234567]$RE:^map ra2av[1234]$RE:^map ra2cd[123]$EX:map madcowEX:map fatalarenaEX:map catodm1EX:map joltarenaEX:map dustEX:map ra2gz1
Also, since you're running R1Q2, check you have set sv_allow_map "1" in your server config.
set sv_allow_map "2"