2. Admins should NOT force votes through for extra time, map changes, etc. just because they feel like it. HOWEVER, it is OK to force a vote if this is in harmony with what the players on the server want. (Facilitate, don't dictate.)Bad rule. There is too much maps in jumpmod, where you must get more time to finish, and if player are near the gun, and time going out, admin _MUST_ add some minutes in favor of player. The admin _should_ be working for players.
I don't see a problem with an admin adding time in the scenario you've described. (I'm not sure an admin should be adding time for himself, though...)
Greetings and Salutations,Currently, the rules and guidelines are: 1. Admins are NOT allowed to use admin commands to give themselves an unfair advantage on completing a map. 2. Admins should NOT force votes through for extra time, map changes, etc. just because they feel like it. HOWEVER, it is OK to force a vote if this is in harmony with what the players on the server want. (Facilitate, don't dictate.) 3. Admins should generally not react to personal insults. For example: If someone says, "quadz is a dickhead" or whatever, I don't care. 4. We generally encourage and foster freedom of speech on our servers. However we do have a history of disallowing racist speech or hate speech. Unfortunately this is very hard to define in writing what's OK and what's not. If someone is showing genuine humor, or is being light and ironic, it might be fine. If someone is acting like an asshole, probably not. Still, admins should give at least once warning before taking action. 5. It is OK for admins to silence someone who is clearly disrupting the server. It is generally NOT OK to silence someone just for insulting an admin. Admins should warn someone at least once before taking action. OK... Can everybody live with that? Did I miss anything? Any disagreements or other ideas?Regards,
Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim