Author Topic: Racism With Player on DM  (Read 5292 times)

Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2021, 03:00:58 AM »
I know that "-----------" is filtered on at least DM and Vanilla servers, not sure about others (I know irtdm doesn't use any filters).

(Just hit preview as I was typing this up to make sure that version of the word wouldn't get censored/filtered. First time I've ever seen that filter response. LOL, quadz was awesome. :D)

But if anyone's got access to whatever word filter file the servers are using, might be prudent to add the numeric workaround of the word as well, "------/-------/etc". Honestly, I'm pretty sure I've used that workaround myself once or twice. It probably should've been accounted for before now.

Are you people scared of getting canceled or something?  :lolsign:

You voluntarily censored it from your reply. :WTF:

Obviously I'M not scared of the word. Not at all. It's just a word. I appreciate racist jokes... as long as they ARE funny. Problem is that most of the comedy comes from the shock value of the word, and these days, there's not much to shocked by with it anymore, so many times racist jokes are just unwitty and fairly immature.

In the early 90's when NWA came out, saying "stereotypical ethnic ghetto-style individual" on a record was kinda shocking and probably pretty liberating and empowering for black artists. But these days... they say it WAY too damn much, and has no fucking meaning anymore. Which is why I can't understand why so many black people still act so offended by that word if a white person says it. Seems to me like certain people just WANT to ACT offended and lord some kind of power over whites by thoroughly possessing the word and denying them the privilege of using the word under any circumstance.

Just my cracka-ass white bread opinion.

Someone saying the word on the servers doesn't bother me at all. And like I think I said, I've done it myself before. HOWEVER... not everyone feels the same as me. And since the activity on the servers is obviously diminished from what it was in years passed, it's probably prudent to take into account the feelings of others. If somebody new shows up and sees one or more people on the most used server (DM) displaying racism (which is very unfashionable these days) it might make the newbie "cancel" their desire to continue playing here. Anything that discourages people from playing is bad.
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Offline Sharxigan

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2021, 04:11:57 AM »
Huh, i was being humourously ironic, i guess you didn't get that.

Occasional 'ism' talk is a feature of gaming life, it doesn't drive anyone away it shows people that a place and the people running it are still normal and that you can relax there, the fact that the servers are currently swarming with psycho lefties freely babbling delusonal shit at us and that the 'console' admin people are now ever present to warn and accuse on anything that even might be wrong is truly shocking to me, this whole scene now has a horrible sense of repression over it but the people running it are either indifferently lazy or obliviously cheerful.

I've been reading through all of the posts on this forum from May 2021 onwards and from that it seems like this forum has gone the same way as the ts server chat, this ain't the happy fiery place i left a decade ago, RIP quadz.

I came back to maybe rebuild a small jailbreak scene, i dunno know.

Are you a crypto-leftist? you kinda read like one, look i don't know you, i vaguely remember your clan though so i'll just politely assume that years of general leftist repression has managed to poison even this place and that without quadz you are all just sliding into the usual dickless-conservative "It wasn't me, i'm respectable!" faux-sophisticated self censorship that people who don't aggressively protect their freedoms usually fall into through fear and lack of decisive leadership, who even is the new head guy now?

« Last Edit: September 21, 2021, 04:27:59 AM by Sharkie »
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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2021, 09:46:50 AM »
quadz was a big supporter of free speech and against censorship. Blocking people from aliasing as certain offensive terms isn't straying from this really. No one is going to kick you or mute you for saying something offensive without a plethora of verbal warnings. There's also a distinction between simply stating an offensive word and personally targeting someone. We'll do our best to exercise the same patience and discretion quadz did regarding stuff like this.

And since the activity on the servers is obviously diminished from what it was in years passed, it's probably prudent to take into account the feelings of others.

Indeed. Admins don't need to be too overbearing in a diminishing community either. There's a medium between censoring everything and allowing repetitive personally targeted hate speech. quadz favored free speech big time with very few exceptions, but sometimes enough was enough--and even then he'd give 2nd and sometimes 3rd chances.

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2021, 10:02:59 AM »
this ain't the happy fiery place i left a decade ago

I was here a decade ago. Been here since 2007, almost daily. Don't remember you.

Why the fuck does this suddenly have to become some kind of accusatory leftist-vs-conservative pissing contest? What the fuck does politics have to do with ANY of this?

What the fuck is it you are POORLY attempting to argue with me about? Because you make no fucking sense.

First it's...

Are you a crypto-leftist? you kinda read like one

...then it's...


What, because everyone isn't running around screaming racial epithets like brainless assholes, something feels "off"? Sorry, but that was NEVER okay around here. As I informed you, I don't care about words, but OTHERS OFTEN DO. Think of it in terms of Capitalism. Players are the capital. What I care about is RETAINING THE PLAYER BASE here. Anything that loses players is bad for business. If one asshole using racial epithets is gonna be bad for business, I'm gonna suggest an asshole-ectomy as the proper way to address the issue.


Did somebody give Costigan another account?
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Offline Sharxigan

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2021, 06:57:11 AM »

Alright fella i think you need to just calm down and stop being so rude and aggressive, there's no need for that kind of attitude between grown ups so just stop it.

You're clearly not the kind of person who can intellectually deal with civil debate so i won't trouble your poor mind with any further explanations after this post.

I've dealt with your kind of paranoia and cluelessness before and i've been reading the forum so i've seen the trouble you've been causing here over the past summer so i think it's best that you don't talk to me anymore and if you harrass me in any way in the future i'll just ignore you, hey i'm putting you on ignore right now!  :nana:

Should i care if you don't know me? why would you remember me anyway? did i tell you my name was Sharkie a decade ago? i would have thought the king shark "nom nom" reference in my signature would have been a clue about the newness of my name.

I also, as i have done so in the past, care about retaining the player base here and that's why it's better to drive off a few mentally-ill lefties rather than make lots of normies hate the repression of language policing, sure ban the occasional obvious troll/bot but admin should keep their noses out of personal arguments/inquiries unless they plan on joining in on them for civilised debate.

I want old-fashioned common sense and social trust not nannying and threats, you read like a dickless conservative trying to please lefties, it's baffling and repulsive, stop it and man up!

"Anything that discourages people from playing is bad."   "Anything"

See? i was right to infer that you're a 'dickless-conservative'!

Look don't worry friend, it's all just banter anyway right?  :lolsign:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 07:56:10 AM by Sharkie »
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Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2021, 07:08:29 AM »
When you start a paragraph with...

...there's no need for that kind of attitude between grown ups...

...and end it with...


You lose all credibility, stupid.

Didn't read past that. When someone tells me they're ignoring me and then they spend another 10 minutes yapping at me, I cease to give a fuck what they have to say. Especially when they were previously shit talking people for partaking in "cancel culture".

Fuck you. ::)
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Offline Sharxigan

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2021, 07:39:51 AM »
You can't take it being done back to you can you? you're infuriated right now aren't you?  :nana:

Yeah you weak sad little man, you're definitely one to permanently ignore.

Don't let the banter get you down! bye!  :lolsign:
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Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2021, 06:22:28 AM »
Around 9am to 9:10 eastern today, DM server.


Chinese Jew entered the game
anticheat Chinese Jew is not using anticheat.
Dead Biden:  i thought you said you were rich
lord_morto  ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
ty ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
|iR|Focalor ate midi{KEA}'s rocket
Chinese Jew: ive got balls of balls
midi{KEA} was blown away by Zup Zapper's super shotgun
hindmost was gunned down by Chinese Jew
Dead Biden:  repubs support u?
lord_morto  was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: i am
midi{KEA} ate Zup Zapper's rocket
Dead Biden ate Zup Zapper's rocket
ty ate hindmost's rocket
|iR|Focalor almost dodged hindmost's rocket
Jah: are you seriously talking to ME advice on who to vote for?
Trump = LOSER: but i'm not republican
ty was blown away by lord_morto 's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: cuase i'm not a dick
lord_morto  ate Dead Biden's rocket
Jah: too much fun
ty ate hindmost's rocket
Dead Biden was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Trump = LOSER: republicans are dickish
Dead Biden melted.
ty was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Zup Zapper almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
midi{KEA} was blown away by Chinese Jew's super shotgun
ty ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: only care about themselves
Dead Biden was melted by hindmost's hyperblaster
Dead Biden:  yeah, so are demos
lord_morto  ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: not as dickish
midi{KEA} disconnected
ty was blown away by Dead Biden's super shotgun
Dead Biden was machinegunned by |iR|Focalor
Fraglimit hit.
      |iR|Focalor   377      4.78      30
         hindmost   303      2.18      11
       Zup Zapper   291      2.47      12
               ty   201      4.77      16
      Chinese Jew   187      0.64       2
Dead Biden: gg
Chinese Jew: cucks

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...


WARNING: A cl_maxfps value of over 100 is strongly discouraged
R1Q2 separates network and rendering so a cl_maxfps value > 30
is rarely needed. Use r_maxfps to control maximum rendered FPS

|iR|Focalor entered the game
anticheat |iR|Focalor is not using anticheat.
Jah entered the game
anticheat Jah is not using anticheat.
Zup Zapper entered the game
hindmost entered the game
anticheat hindmost is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
lord_morto  entered the game
anticheat lord_morto  is not using anticheat.
Chinese Jew entered the game
anticheat Chinese Jew is not using anticheat.
usage: connect <server>
Dead Biden was railed by ty
lord_morto  was gunned down by |iR|Focalor
couldn't exec cfg/q2dm8.cfg
Trump = LOSER: cucks?
Chinese Jew was railed by ty
Zup Zapper blew himself up.
Dead Biden:  can a china man actually be a Jew?
Trump = LOSER: you dont' even know what that term meanbs
ty ate hindmost's rocket
Chinese Jew: cucksuckers
Chinese Jew was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Dead Biden was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
lord_morto  almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: define cuck china
Jah ate hindmost's rocket
Dead Biden was railed by ty
lord_morto  was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER ate hindmost's rocket
Zup Zapper was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
|iR|Focalor was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: true
Dead Biden:  cuk means he fux your girl in front of you
Dead Biden disconnected
Chinese Jew: weak faggot (bundle of sticks) who votes democrat and deep throats black cock
Trump = LOSER: i know that
Trump = LOSER: i don't think china does
|iR|Focalor was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: he spouts words
Trump = LOSER: he reads elsewhere
Chinese Jew was shredded by |iR|Focalor's shrapnel
Jah was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: see he thinks machoism is based on party
Jah: n1
Trump = LOSER: like only republicans are macho, cause they say funny things
and fuck over other people
|iR|Focalor was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: he thinks that
Chinese Jew: cuck=someone who votes democrat and lets blacks fuck his wife
Jah ate Zup Zapper's rocket
Jah: shut up. play
Trump = LOSER: gets his macho from political branding
ty was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: lol
Trump = LOSER: so manly
Zup Zapper was gunned down by Jah
Putin entered the game
anticheat Putin is not using anticheat.
Zup Zapper almost dodged ty's rocket
lord_morto  cratered.
|iR|Focalor almost dodged Putin's rocket
Jah almost dodged ty's rocket
Chinese Jew: those haitians coming to fuck you up
Putin ate ty's rocket
Chinese Jew: faggots (bundles of sticks)
lord_morto  was melted by |iR|Focalor's hyperblaster
Trump = LOSER: chinese thinks voting democrat is weak
ty almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Chinese Jew: it is
Trump = LOSER: wow: he's such an alpha male
hindmost ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
|iR|Focalor blew himself up.
Chinese Jew: kkk=democrat
Trump = LOSER: yeah, weak to not be a dick
lord_morto  was cut in half by |iR|Focalor's chaingun
Jah: I think Chinese Jew is a homosexual and is ashamed of himself.
Chinese Jew: confederate army=democrat
Putin ate ty's rocket
Jah ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: lol
Chinese Jew: weak faggots (bundles of sticks)
Chinese Jew: exactly
ty was cut in half by |iR|Focalor's chaingun
Trump = LOSER: he listens to right wing radio all day: and gets all puffed oup

Trump = LOSER: so macho
Jah was cut in half by |iR|Focalor's chaingun
Trump = LOSER: oh china: if we could only be as macho as you
Trump = LOSER: and vote republican
hindmost was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: i feel so manly voting republican
hindmost disconnected
Chinese Jew: are you telling me democratic south werent trying to split from
the union in the civil war?
lord_morto  almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: it makes me hard
|iR|Focalor was cut in half by lord_morto 's chaingun
Trump = LOSER: leave redneck
Icy_Dead_p-ple entered the game
anticheat Icy_Dead_p-ple is not using anticheat.
lord_morto  couldn't hide from Zup Zapper's BFG
|iR|Focalor couldn't hide from Zup Zapper's BFG
Chinese Jew: lincoln was republican
Chinese Jew: let niggger slaves go
Putin couldn't hide from Zup Zapper's BFG
Putin ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
|iR|Focalor couldn't hide from Zup Zapper's BFG
Trump = LOSER: even reagan isn't right enuf for republicans now
Chinese Jew: demcrats were against slaves freedom
Chinese Jew was gunned down by |iR|Focalor
Putin was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Trump = LOSER: what linconln was is not relevan
Chinese Jew: yet they claim they're about black
Icy_Dead_p-ple almost dodged Putin's rocket
Chinese Jew: s
Putin was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Zup Zapper was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Chinese Jew: lincoln was republican
Trump = LOSER: dems are NOT only about blacks
Chinese Jew: 100% fact
Icy_Dead_p-ple almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: that's your problem
Zup Zapper ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Chinese Jew was railed by ty
|iR|Focalor was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: you think any party that says anythign about blacks is bad
|iR|Focalor was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: wrong
Chinese Jew: dems dont care about blacks only feeding em bullshit for votes
Chinese Jew: suckers
Icy_Dead_p-ple was melted by |iR|Focalor's hyperblaster
Jah was melted by |iR|Focalor's hyperblaster
|iR|Focalor ate lord_morto 's rocket
Trump = LOSER: rebpuclicans only care about corporations and the rich
Trump = LOSER: are you either chinese?
Trump = LOSER: are you rich?
Chinese Jew ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Chinese Jew: democrats have never done anything for blacks
Putin was machinegunned by Icy_Dead_p-ple
Trump = LOSER: are you a corporation?
lord_morto  was railed by ty
Trump = LOSER: so shut up
lord_morto  almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Jah was railed by ty
Chinese Jew: democrats=kkk and confederate army
Chinese Jew: fact
lord_morto  was railed by Jah
ty almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: ok, chinese, you don't want to debate
Chinese Jew: you racist piece of shit
Chinese Jew was railed by Jah
Trump = LOSER: you just want to spout
Jah couldn't hide from Zup Zapper's BFG
Icy_Dead_p-ple was railed by Putin
lord_morto  almost dodged ty's rocket
ty saw the pretty lights from Zup Zapper's BFG
Chinese Jew: you go around calling everyone racist
Trump = LOSER: i do?
Icy_Dead_p-ple ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
Trump = LOSER: there is no such thing as race
Chinese Jew was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Zup Zapper tripped on his own grenade.
lord_morto  almost dodged |iR|Focalor's rocket
Chinese Jew: yet your party is the kkk and confederate army
Trump = LOSER: its a made up term
Chinese Jew: lol
Trump = LOSER: it is
Chinese Jew: hypocrisy at its greatest
Trump = LOSER: there is no genetic basis for race
Chinese Jew: democrats race baiting civil war
Putin was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
|iR|Focalor was blown away by Jah's super shotgun
lord_morto  was railed by ty
Chinese Jew: race baiting 2021
Trump = LOSER was railed by ty
|iR|Focalor was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Trump = LOSER: relax with your anti black shit
Chinese Jew: all need to be shot
ty was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Zup Zapper was machinegunned by |iR|Focalor
Trump = LOSER: do you know any jews personally?
Jah: SHUT UP!!!!
Trump = LOSER was blasted by Zup Zapper
Chinese Jew: all u mother fuckers need your heads chopped off
lord_morto  was blown away by Jah's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: do you?
Jah was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Icy_Dead_p-ple ate Zup Zapper's rocket
Trump = LOSER: do you know one jew personally?
|iR|Focalor ate lord_morto 's rocket
Chinese Jew almost dodged ty's rocket
Trump = LOSER: well?
Chinese Jew: look @ democratic california wants to break away from union
lord_morto  was melted by Jah's hyperblaster
Chinese Jew: just like civil war
Trump = LOSER: answer the question
|iR|Focalor was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Icy_Dead_p-ple was popped by Zup Zapper's grenade
Lurch entered the game
anticheat Lurch is not using anticheat.
Lurch was blown away by ty's super shotgun
Trump = LOSER: i guess you are a bot
Trump = LOSER: later chinese
Icy_Dead_p-ple was melted by Jah's hyperblaster
Chinese Jew: democratic south wanted to break away from union
Chinese Jew: civil war
Jah was cut in half by |iR|Focalor's chaingun
Trump = LOSER disconnected
Zup Zapper was squished.
Chinese Jew was railed by Putin
Chinese Jew: scumbag fuck
Jah was blown away by |iR|Focalor's super shotgun
Fraglimit hit.
      |iR|Focalor   253      7.10      30
               ty   186      7.10      22
   Icy_Dead_p-ple    97      3.71       6
       Zup Zapper    85      7.09      10
              Jah    59      7.09       7
Jah: stupid

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

knuckle DM1

WARNING: A cl_maxfps value of over 100 is strongly discouraged
R1Q2 separates network and rendering so a cl_maxfps value > 30
is rarely needed. Use r_maxfps to control maximum rendered FPS

|iR|Focalor entered the game
anticheat |iR|Focalor is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
Zup Zapper entered the game
Chinese Jew entered the game
anticheat Chinese Jew is not using anticheat.
Icy_Dead_p-ple entered the game
anticheat Icy_Dead_p-ple is not using anticheat.
Jah entered the game
anticheat Jah is not using anticheat.
ty disconnected
Lurch entered the game
anticheat Lurch is not using anticheat.
usage: connect <server>
Putin entered the game
anticheat Putin is not using anticheat.
couldn't exec cfg/knuckledm1.cfg

|iR|Focalor has moved to the sidelines
Jah didn't see Lurch's handgrenade
Putin was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Zup Zapper was cut in half by Icy_Dead_p-ple's chaingun
Chinese Jew ate Lurch's rocket
Sux2BU entered the game
anticheat Sux2BU is not using anticheat.
Zup Zapper was blown away by Icy_Dead_p-ple's super shotgun
Chinese Jew: democratic california wants to do civil war all over again break
away from union
Sux2BU ate Lurch's rocket
Chinese Jew: like democratic south during civil war
Putin almost dodged Lurch's rocket
Chinese Jew: alone proves democrats are dirtbags
Jah: you're a FN idot
Jah couldn't hide from Sux2BU's BFG
Chinese Jew: formed kkk
Icy_Dead_p-ple couldn't hide from Sux2BU's BFG
Chinese Jew: and were against the release of slaves
Jah ate Lurch's rocket
Lurch couldn't hide from Sux2BU's BFG
Chinese Jew: thats all your democratic party
Putin was disintegrated by Sux2BU's BFG blast
Jah: someone doesn't a much education obviously.
Zup Zapper tripped on his own grenade.
]condump complete_moron

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Offline rikwad

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Re: Racism With Player on DM
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2021, 08:59:03 AM »
I bet Putin was having a good chuckle.   :fight:
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


August 08, 2024, 07:28:01 PM
It's tiem to QuakeCon!!!  ;)


July 26, 2024, 09:34:53 PM
In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
Hey, shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 05, 2024, 05:20:36 AM

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