I'm looking for a listing of all of the frame stats on the Quake 2 models. # of frames, poses & frame start/end #'s & total # of frames per pose.Is there one online somewhere?
models/monsters/berserk/tris.md2 -> all(244): 0-243, stand(5): 0-4, standb(20): 5-24, walkc(11): 25-35, run(6): 36-41, att_a(13): 42-54, att_b(21): 55-75, att_c(34): 76-109, r_att(18): 110-127, r_attb(18): 128-145, slam(23): 146-168, duck(10): 169-178, fall(20): 179-198, painc(4): 199-202, painb(20): 203-222, death(13): 223-235, deathc(8): 236-243models/monsters/gladiatr/tris.md2 -> all(90): 0-89, stand(7): 0-6, walk(16): 7-22, run(6): 23-28, melee(17): 29-45, attack(9): 46-54, pain(6): 55-60, death(22): 61-82, painup(7): 83-89models/monsters/gunner/tris.md2 -> all(209): 0-208, stand(70): 0-69, walk(24): 70-93, run(8): 94-101, runs(6): 102-107, attak1(21): 108-128, attak2(30): 129-158, pain1(18): 159-176, pain2(8): 177-184, pain3(5): 185-189, death(11): 190-200, duck(8): 201-208models/monsters/infantry/tris.md2 -> all(207): 0-206, gun(1): 0-0, stand(71): 1-71, walk(20): 72-91, run(8): 92-99, pain1(10): 100-109, pain2(10): 110-119, duck(5): 120-124, death1(20): 125-144, death2(25): 145-169, death3(9): 170-178, block(5): 179-183, attak1(15): 184-198, attak2(8): 199-206models/monsters/soldier/tris.md2 -> all(475): 0-474, attak1(12): 0-11, attak2(18): 12-29, attak3(9): 30-38, attak4(6): 39-44, duck(5): 45-49, pain1(5): 50-54, pain2(7): 55-61, pain3(18): 62-79, pain4(17): 80-96, run(12): 97-108, runs(18): 109-126, runt(19): 127-145, stand1(30): 146-175, stand3(39): 176-214, walk1(33): 215-247, walk2(24): 248-271, death1(36): 272-307, death2(35): 308-342, death3(45): 343-387, death4(53): 388-440, death5(24): 441-464, death6(10): 465-474models/monsters/tank/tris.md2 -> all(294): 0-293, stand(30): 0-29, walk(25): 30-54, attak1(22): 55-76, attak2(38): 77-114, attak3(53): 115-167, attak4(29): 168-196, pain1(4): 197-200, pain2(5): 201-205, pain3(16): 206-221, death1(32): 222-253, recln1(40): 254-293models/monsters/commandr/tris.md2 -> all(25): 0-24, inactive(1): 0-0, active(24): 1-24models/monsters/medic/tris.md2 -> all(237): 0-236, walk(12): 0-11, wait(90): 12-101, run(6): 102-107, paina(8): 108-115, painb(15): 116-130, duck(16): 131-146, death(30): 147-176, attack(60): 177-236models/monsters/flipper/tris.md2 -> all(160): 0-159, flpbit(20): 0-19, flptal(21): 20-40, flphor(24): 41-64, flpver(29): 65-93, flppn1(5): 94-98, flppn2(5): 99-103, flpdth(56): 104-159models/monsters/bitch/tris.md2 -> all(288): 0-287, attak1(32): 0-31, attak2(16): 32-47, death1(12): 48-59, death2(23): 60-82, duck(7): 83-89, pain1(5): 90-94, pain2(5): 95-99, pain3(21): 100-120, stand1(30): 121-150, stand2(30): 151-180, walk(27): 181-207, recln2(40): 208-247, recln1(40): 248-287models/monsters/float/tris.md2 -> all(248): 0-247, actvat(31): 0-30, attak1(14): 31-44, attak2(25): 45-69, attak3(34): 70-103, death(13): 104-116, pain1(7): 117-123, pain2(8): 124-131, pain3(12): 132-143, stand1(52): 144-195, stand2(52): 196-247models/monsters/parasite/tris.md2 -> all(118): 0-117, break(32): 0-31, death1(7): 32-38, drain(18): 39-56, pain1(11): 57-67, run(15): 68-82, stand(35): 83-117models/monsters/flyer/tris.md2 -> all(151): 0-150, start(6): 0-5, stop(7): 6-12, stand(45): 13-57, attak1(21): 58-78, attak2(17): 79-95, bankl(7): 96-102, bankr(7): 103-109, rollf(9): 110-118, rollr(9): 119-127, defens(6): 128-133, pain1(9): 134-142, pain2(4): 143-146, pain3(4): 147-150models/monsters/brain/tris.md2 -> all(222): 0-221, walk1(13): 0-12, walk2(40): 13-52, attak1(18): 53-70, attak2(17): 71-87, pain1(21): 88-108, pain2(8): 109-116, pain3(6): 117-122, death1(18): 123-140, death2(5): 141-145, duck(8): 146-153, defens(8): 154-161, stand(60): 162-221models/monsters/hover/tris.md2 -> all(205): 0-204, stand(30): 0-29, forwrd(35): 30-64, stop1(9): 65-73, stop2(8): 74-81, takeof(30): 82-111, land(1): 112-112, pain1(28): 113-140, pain2(12): 141-152, pain3(9): 153-161, death1(11): 162-172, backwd(24): 173-196, attak1(8): 197-204models/monsters/mutant/tris.md2 -> all(149): 0-148, attack(15): 0-14, death1(9): 15-23, death2(10): 24-33, pain1(5): 34-38, pain2(6): 39-44, pain3(11): 45-55, run(6): 56-61, stand1(64): 62-125, walk(23): 126-148models/monsters/insane/tris.md2 -> all(282): 0-281, stand(99): 0-98, stand1(61): 99-159, walk(39): 160-198, st_pain(11): 199-209, st_death(17): 210-226, crawl(9): 227-235, cr_pain(9): 236-244, cr_death(7): 245-251, cross(30): 252-281models/monsters/boss1/tris.md2 -> all(254): 0-253, attaka(20): 0-19, attakb(27): 20-46, attakc(27): 47-73, attakd(6): 74-79, backwd(18): 80-97, death(30): 98-127, forwrd(18): 128-145, left(18): 146-163, paina(4): 164-167, painb(4): 168-171, painc(4): 172-175, right(18): 176-193, stand(60): 194-253models/monsters/boss2/tris.md2 -> all(181): 0-180, stand(50): 0-49, walk(20): 50-69, attack(40): 70-109, pain(22): 110-131, death(49): 132-180models/monsters/boss3/jorg/tris.md2 -> all(188): 0-187, attak1(18): 0-17, attak2(13): 18-30, death(50): 31-80, pain1(3): 81-83, pain2(3): 84-86, pain3(25): 87-111, stand(51): 112-162, walk(25): 163-187models/monsters/boss3/rider/tris.md2 -> all(491): 0-490, attak1(18): 0-17, attak2(13): 18-30, death(50): 31-80, pain1(3): 81-83, pain2(3): 84-86, pain3(25): 87-111, stand(51): 112-162, walk(25): 163-187, active(13): 188-200, attak3(8): 201-208, attak4(26): 209-234, attak5(16): 235-250, death2(95): 251-345, death3(20): 346-365, jump(13): 366-378, pain4(4): 379-382, pain5(4): 383-386, pain6(27): 387-413, stand2(60): 414-473, walk2(17): 474-490