I'd like to see a top Q2 1v1 player vs a good Lithium player on lithium server.Might be a good attention getter. PM me if interested in helping getting it going.
Interesting thought! It's come up a few times that Lithium players and DM players [may] have a hell of a time adjusting vice-versa since different physics are involved (not to mention the hook).One of the things I'd love to see is some Lith Railz play maybe every week at a scheduled time. There's certainly a bunch of railers out there, and when you add on the "hook" which leads to the possibility of being railed from any direction, it gets interesting. If anyone wants to check it out, goto lithrailz, and bind (somekey) +hook
if i was able to play here on even ping i would probably be in the top 5 insta players easily.