change you isp, or your attitude.attitude is cheaper.
I'm just fuckin with ya. The admins will prolly come upon this shortly and remedy the situation. If I see one on IRC I'll send em this way
Hi, did you move or change ISPs recently?What name do you usually play Q2 as?Regards,
speaking of cheap isp's... my bosses daughter works customer service for charter (my isp) so i hooked up with her and now i get cable + internet for 25% of the cost.Â
you used to play as Mad, but what name do you use now?What name are you using when you try to connect?There are other things that MIGHT keep you from connecting.make sure your name isn't player, and that you are using a common skin/modelThere is a way to allow you get thru a sub-net banQuadz is the one you need, just answer his questions....