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Pages: [1]
railz / Re: wallhacking
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on September 03, 2022, 03:02:22 PM by TriggerHappy{FLP}
I admit... I have been walling lately... and now you want me to install that spyware anticheat bullshit!


bye bye then,


Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / HOWTO: Creating map .override files
Informative Informative
on February 05, 2014, 06:59:00 PM by ppoint432
Just a quick post to get this started (not sure if there's already a post on this subject)

To obtain the entity list from a map, use entdump:

  http://r-1.ch/entdump.exe  (Source: http://r-1.ch/entdump.c )


  entdump somemap.bsp > somemap.ent

Then edit the .ent file in a text editor (such as notepad.exe)

Then paste the text of the modified .ent file into:


...and also enter the name of the 'real' map, like:

Then click the Generate .override file button, and save the .override file to your hard drive, in your quake2/baseq2/maps folder.  (Or quake2/xatrix/maps or wherever you want the override to be.)



Bot Drop / Re: Gunner bot
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on August 26, 2013, 01:41:37 PM by MCS_FaderJok0
Gunner was on *.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl

Forced AC on his current IP for now.

That tpnet.pl ISP looks like a mishmash of dynamic IPs across multiple subnets. Not sure how soon his IP is going to change drastically.

Bot Drop / Re: fake mezzmo botting
Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion
on June 08, 2013, 05:32:58 AM by ppoint432
(watched demo, correlates to events on the dm server)

Strange,  :dohdohdoh:

Why would someone who's played here awhile suddenly connect with an obvious 2002-era spazbot?

Dunno what the deal is. . . .

For now, AC is forced on the subnet, and the name is forced to "Mezzmo".

(Why would someone suddenly pull something so obvious and absurd?)

:exqueezeme: :ugly_08:
General Ownage / Re: SIGNAL WARS II
Rock On Rock On
on February 22, 2013, 05:17:58 PM by dervish
Alright I'll ponder how to improve the layout for teensy screens.

Hacked to use inline tables.

General Ownage / Re: SIGNAL WARS II
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on February 22, 2013, 02:25:25 PM by MCS_FaderJok0
Alright I'll ponder how to improve the layout for teensy screens.

Hacked to use inline tables.

Pages: [1]